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Thread: what's the best TEST???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    what's the best TEST???

    What's the best TEST to use to cut down on bf and build muscle. I'm going to try to stack after I start my first cycle. I figure TEST for 4 weeks and then intro in anavar or dbol stacking with the test for the next 6 weeks... any ideas? 39 yrs 239 5'11 decent diet and cardio in the morning and strength training in afternoon 4x a week. 17% bf.. Thanks

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by outterlimitz
    What's the best TEST to use to cut down on bf and build muscle. I'm going to try to stack after I start my first cycle. I figure TEST for 4 weeks and then intro in anavar or dbol stacking with the test for the next 6 weeks... any ideas? 39 yrs 239 5'11 decent diet and cardio in the morning and strength training in afternoon 4x a week. 17% bf.. Thanks
    Being at 239lbs. You should know that it's all depended on your diet. There is no specific test for cutting or bulking. It's all in your calorie, carb and protein intake. I personally think you should try getting down to about 15% body fat before cycling. But hey, I'm no expert. I can only guide you as far as I know. The pro's here would tell you best. Hear from them.

    For your first cycle I'd recommend a basic test only cycle. You won't be disappointed. Have an AI and good PCT on hand.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i agree, test is test. diet is going to dictate what you do. And run an ai also
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by motorsportsz View Post
    Being at 239lbs. You should know that it's all depended on your diet. There is no specific test for cutting or bulking. It's all in your calorie, carb and protein intake. I personally think you should try getting down to about 15% body fat before cycling. But hey, I'm no expert. I can only guide you as far as I know. The pro's here would tell you best. Hear from them.

    For your first cycle I'd recommend a basic test only cycle. You won't be disappointed. Have an AI and good PCT on hand.
    ^^^ You maybe no expert but everything you said is not only completely true but also what a vet would have exactly said.

    Glad to see new members who have already outdone themselves with this level of knowledge and correct line of thought.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Well Im doing a good diet but could probally be better? And suggestions. And The first cycle I will do will be test.. how long? And what type? I am researching so what ever you tell me I will be searching for everything about it.. thank you

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by motorsportsz View Post
    Being at 239lbs. You should know that it's all depended on your diet. There is no specific test for cutting or bulking. It's all in your calorie, carb and protein intake. I personally think you should try getting down to about 15% body fat before cycling. But hey, I'm no expert. I can only guide you as far as I know. The pro's here would tell you best. Hear from them.

    For your first cycle I'd recommend a basic test only cycle. You won't be disappointed. Have an AI and good PCT on hand.
    Ok stupid QUESTION......???????What is AI??

  7. #7
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    even tho people hate on sust i love it, every time i eat like a carnivore elephant and still lose 1-2% bf along with my 30 plus pound gains. test is a godsend to mankind. just avoid super fatty places for ur calories and ul b happy. trust me

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by outterlimitz View Post
    Ok stupid QUESTION......???????What is AI??
    Shouldnt be cycling if you dont know, can i suggest you read the stickies and regards to your diet there is a nutrition section, post up your diet and im sure the helpful members of the site will point you in the right direction in terms of your goals.

  9. #9
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    Ai stands for aromatise inhibitor..
    Its blocks the aromatise enzyme which produces estrogen.. in other word help keep ur estrogen levels normal when on cycle cause the test you'll be taking will convert into estrogen as well leading you to have high eztrogen levels without a ai.... check the steriod breakdown tab it explains in more debt there.. hope I helped some.. good luck

  10. #10
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    And I wouls recommend a single ester test like test c or test e so you csn see how your body react to it instead of a mix like sust with multiple tests (esters) and with test c or test e it only has to be pinned twice a week rather then say a test p that has to b pinned eod or ed

  11. #11
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    If you're main objective is to cut here I would get a diet that is as clean as you can get it. Your diet will determine how the outcome of your cutting cycle will look like. I would get that BF down maybe around 15% before jumping on the Test. A lot of newer members claim there diet is flawless and when they post up there diets they seem to be far from it.

    Check out the nutrition section and develop a solid diet before starting a cycle.

  12. #12
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    my Diet

    I'm sure my diet is not the best it can be. Can some post there complete diet so I could compare theres to mine to see if I make some changes it would help. It would be greatly appreciated .. and I also agree about the Test e. Pinned 2xw instead of eod. That seems more my way.. thanks for all the help. What kind of AI does anyone recommend?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by outterlimitz View Post
    I'm sure my diet is not the best it can be. Can some post there complete diet so I could compare theres to mine to see if I make some changes it would help. It would be greatly appreciated .. and I also agree about the Test e. Pinned 2xw instead of eod. That seems more my way.. thanks for all the help. What kind of AI does anyone recommend?
    Probably not. But you can post your diet in the nutrition section and get help with it. Ai liquidex from Ar-r above.

  14. #14
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    I would recommend test p and here's my reason from my recent and limited experience with test c. I'm 5.5 weeks in and have seen little gains worth noting. I woul be at end of cycle with test p and starting pct much sooner which just makes so much sense now. If you don't like pinning just ask around on here. It gets EASY and you will see gains much sooner and also if there are sides it is out of your system so much quicker if quitting is a must. I'm telling you it makes sense. Wish I would have thought a little more but experience taught me a lesson. Test p ftw

  15. #15
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    props the best by far especially for cutting it keeps you learner than others has there no water retention or very little so for me there is a best test i havent tryed C and hate E so test -p by far is the best m8!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser
    props the best by far especially for cutting it keeps you learner than others has there no water retention or very little so for me there is a best test i havent tryed C and hate E so test -p by far is the best m8!

  17. #17
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    What is this? Why are people actually answering this with a choice between the 2 tests? It doesn't matter. You could do a better job cutting with DBOL and a perfect diet than with Test and a crap diet.

  18. #18
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    its about the tests and there are 3 not 2 bud i could do a better job doing 2000mg of tren ???? its not about that his question is


    Id say test-p and so would many others period its not an argument just a prefrence m8!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    its about the tests and there are 3 not 2 bud i could do a better job doing 2000mg of tren ???? its not about that his question is


    Id say test-p and so would many others period its not an argument just a prefrence m8!
    I was referring to what was mentioned in this thread. And there are more than 3. He didn't ask for best in general, he asked best for a cut.

  20. #20
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    Test-p is best known to be used for cutting as its a short ester and acts and works quicker than the others mean you get more out of it so it is the best test for cutting by far i know as ive tryed 2 of em so far with a mint diet and prop tops e by far!
    Last edited by binsser; 06-10-2012 at 12:46 PM.

  21. #21
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    I know there are more than 3 the main tests used are e/p/c

    But you could be right and a few hundred thousand be wrong you never know m8

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I was referring to what was mentioned in this thread. And there are more than 3. He didn't ask for best in general, he asked best for a cut.
    I'm a little confused by the debate as well....

    we are talking about testosterone. the only differences would be which esther and which oil it is based on.

    nebido is one of the slowest acting with a need to pin every two months, and base (no esther) the quickest which is a water suspended product with a half life measured in hours. In between is prop which is a daily pin and c and e wich is a weekly pin (greater frequency is optional). And these are just the most common types of test. Plenty of others.

    Every one of these "flavors" of test take you to exactly the same place. The only diffference is how quickly you get there.

    Why is this so confusing?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I'm a little confused by the debate as well....

    we are talking about testosterone. the only differences would be which esther and which oil it is based on.

    nebido is one of the slowest acting with a need to pin every two months, and base (no esther) the quickest which is a water suspended product with a half life measured in hours. In between is prop which is a daily pin and c and e wich is a weekly pin (greater frequency is optional). And these are just the most common types of test. Plenty of others.

    Every one of these "flavors" of test take you to exactly the same place. The only diffference is how quickly you get there.

    Why is this so confusing?

  24. #24
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    I'm on my first cycle of test c 500mg week and it seems as the results are taking forever as well (on week 5) next time around I'll try test p from what I'm hearing on this thread and many others... it sounds like the way to go

  25. #25
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    What do you mean AGREED you just said something stupid and now your sayING agreed all tests arent the bloody same prop is best for cutting becuase you dont have to wait six weeks to see results more like six days giving you ample time or alot more time even to work your body while keeping off water retention if they were all the same they would make differant tests AGREED ???? REALLY???

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    What do you mean AGREED you just said something stupid and now your sayING agreed all tests arent the bloody same prop is best for cutting becuase you dont have to wait six weeks to see results more like six days giving you ample time or alot more time even to work your body while keeping off water retention if they were all the same they would make differant tests AGREED ???? REALLY???
    I'm ending my argument. Not going to get sucked into your never ending battle. move along. Eat like crap and it doesnt matter... that's what you're essentially saying.

  27. #27
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    Youll see results in a week odd m8 and be fairly happy BUT not as happy as if you were taking prop lolol AGREED!! ha ha ha

    im not getting shty m8 im actually laughing bud your a top bloke so dont want to get your back up buts its just the worst thing ive heard so far m8 thats all!

  28. #28
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    I'm sorry guys. I realize what the question was. An it was answered immediately. Test is test. I gave an opinion on what I would do based on my experience with them alone. I wish when I asked the question someone would have advised me as I'm advising him. Lesson learned. Phuck cyp

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i agree, test is test. diet is going to dictate what you do. And run an ai also
    This was my entire point. This and what motorsportsz said in the second post.

  30. #30
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    lolol lmao i know why you got anoyed by the question now ha ha ha youve never tryed prop you favour test-e so you wouldnt actually know becuase you havent ever done it or have you austinte???

    like i said diet is always mint youve no place taking ass unless you diet was mint before you started so pointless sentance really !

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    What do you mean AGREED you just said something stupid and now your sayING agreed all tests arent the bloody same prop is best for cutting becuase you dont have to wait six weeks to see results more like six days giving you ample time or alot more time even to work your body while keeping off water retention if they were all the same they would make differant tests AGREED ???? REALLY???
    well, then the same could be said that prop is the best for gaining weight, or increasing strength or whatever.

    but if this is the goal, then why even bother with an esther, and just go with base (suspension)? instead of seeing results in a week, you begin to see results in days. has a half life measured in hours.

    most here, or maybe I should just speak for myself. I'm not too concerned with a couple of weeks here or there. I've been lifting since 1975, and am in it for the long haul. Test E is 1/4th the price of test p, so i let the finances of the situation dictate the course I take. And once I stop worrying about whether i save a couple of weeks here or there, then it really doesn't matter, and therefore they are all the same.

    better and faster are not the same. better is a qualitative reference. faster is a reference against time.

    get it?

  32. #32
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    lolol lmao i know why you got anoyed by the question now ha ha ha youve never tryed prop you favour test-e so you wouldnt actually know becuase you havent ever done it or have you austinte???

    like i said diet is always mint youve no place taking ass unless you diet was mint before you started so pointless sentance really !
    Wow. Assuming that everyone here has a mint diet because they are juicing is probably the most asinine thing I've ever heard. Way to go, champ. This is why I ALWAYS bring up diet. You're doing members a disservice by disregarding this. Learn about food before you give advice on AAS.

    I'm done here.

  33. #33
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    yep i AGREE with that but the faster you get with a chemical the better the results and prop for me is just a cheap as e or c but like i said its prefrence ill never touch e again as i think its crap but prop for me i love and many many other would favour p even though it hurts like fck sometimes and has to be pinned daily its obvious why people do this and go through this its becuase its better!

    im going to look into suspension tommorrow see if its better/quicker than prop or ill just have to do it next cycle thnaks for the info!

  34. #34
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    good shout with pointless comments food is muscle everyone knows this these are pointless and im done here with you and your replies pointless! (u drunk???)

    if he needed to know bout food hed be on the other forum u know the one that says about diets oh and food!

  35. #35
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    when you pin suspension, your blood serum levels begin to jump almost right away. the problem is inconsistant blood serum levels. what you could do is 1/2 dose = prop and the other 1/2 = suspension, and then pin that an hour before the gym. a good ai migght be adviseable

  36. #36
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    ok yes i use arimidex on all cycles and a prop mix sounds good chrs!

  37. #37
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    Ok.. so now that we got that out of the way.. Im thinking test E .. I believe in what roman says.. Its not the quickest.. but I want to. Do this slowly not so everyone knows something is going on. Plus I like spending time in the gym and sweating my a** off running and then lifting.. Now do I take my AI at the same time as I'm taking my test e? Or pct.? What works best?

  38. #38
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    A I during cycle m8 not pct

  39. #39
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    Haven't ran my first cycle yet, but I do agree in the fact the diet is where you see results. What you eat today you will feel tomorrow. That being said cutting/abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. No shortcuts even with steroids, it's just that dedication and your ability to handle the suck factor.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    A I during cycle m8 not pct

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