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Thread: responding well to tren ace so heres my thoughts!!!!!!

  1. #1

    responding well to tren ace so heres my thoughts!!!!!!

    just wanted to let you guys know how my 1st crack at tren ace has been.well its pretty much been nothin but great.been on for about 5wks now.started off at 100mg eod and recently bumped it a wk ago to 150 eod since was handling sides very well.well since ive started my bodys transformed pretty nicely (im also running mast and prop 100 eod for my contest prep) and only side really ive been having is a little insomnia which otc herbal sleep aid is helpin also a bit letahrgic but of course im dieting so could be that as well.hardening up nice and starting to get pretty vasuclar as well.strength is awesoeme as its the same if not more than when i was the peak of my bulk which of course i was holding more WATER AND FAT WHICH IS CRAZY.just wanted to share my thoughts guys.i got anther 2 wks to go b4 i cut it out for last wk b4 my show and i hAve a great feelin these nxt 2 wks are gonna be crazy aS IM LEANING OUT EVEN MORE ETC...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Good Luck

  3. #3
    thx bro.i really undrstand why the top guys are whwere they are.and i know its all about genetics but before i thought was just gernetics in the way of like symmetry .,muscle bellies ,proportions etc but now i reallize thats its also alot about there bodys being able to handle the gear cause im sure if you werre to get crazy sides etxc would be hrd to take some of the doses they do and the compounds they do etc...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Good luck Bro let us know how you do.

  5. #5
    i defiantely will.

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