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Thread: Just a general question.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    British Columbia, Canada

    Just a general question.

    So I was going through my supplement cupboard today checking stock and seeing what I need and what I don't etc, and it got me thinking. Everything I have right now is OTC because I still feel I don't know enough and not comfortable taking the jump to aas, but I mean I could spend $200-$300 easy just on stims and "test boosters" and I'd still get maybe 1/3 of the results of aas. I guess my question is once someone starts using gear is there really a point to buying the other stuff? Not like multis and proteins and omegas cause I know I need all that regardless, but the creatine and the zmas and the hardening agents and all the stuff they advertise to "get results faster."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    test booster and most stuff is crap and a waste of $$
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Most of those "get big fast" supplements are completely worthless regardless of wether your on gear or not. A good diet and propper training will get you better results than any supplement or gear will. Protein, creatine, fish oil, and joint supplements are the only thing i take on a daily basis. Definitely more than those that are worth while but for me the basics suffice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    British Columbia, Canada
    I guess the main thing on my mind is creatine, zmas, and bcaas. I mean they all have a function, but aas give you size, strength, and help you heal faster. In my mind that eliminates the need for the aforementioned supplements. Am I wrong, or would taking stuff like that still be beneficial?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    there are only a few supps that will give you a bang for the buck. test bboosters are not one of them.

    I think, at one time or another, I've tried almost every type of supp out there. Almost always I've never really noticed a benefit. And the cost was high. I've been scaling back what I buy, and now just the basics

    protein powder - whey isolate
    fish oil

    not even interested in bcaa's anymore. expensive, and no real bang for the buck. the whey isolate covers the basic three on that as well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    Quote Originally Posted by aportinastorm
    Most of those "get big fast" supplements are completely worthless regardless of wether your on gear or not. A good diet and propper training will get you better results than any supplement or gear will. Protein, creatine, fish oil, and joint supplements are the only thing i take on a daily basis. Definitely more than those that are worth while but for me the basics suffice.
    Lol completely agree

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    British Columbia, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    there are only a few supps that will give you a bang for the buck. test bboosters are not one of them.

    I think, at one time or another, I've tried almost every type of supp out there. Almost always I've never really noticed a benefit. And the cost was high. I've been scaling back what I buy, and now just the basics

    protein powder - whey isolate
    fish oil

    not even interested in bcaa's anymore. expensive, and no real bang for the buck. the whey isolate covers the basic three on that as well.
    Right on, that's kinda what I was hoping for because I'm sick of OTC "proprietary blend" no result shiny box crap lol. That makes me feel a lot better

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