48yr old male (don't laugh) w/first cycle questions
Hi everyone. Please let me explain a little about my situation and goals. First, I really do not want to add much size or weight from my first cycle , that is why I am concerned about adding in some test with the deca that I already have. I received the deca 2 days ago with the intention of a deca only cycle, but after further research, it seems a deca only cycly could be counter intuitive to my goals. I am 48 yrs old and I am 5'8" tall, 175lbs with about 12% body fat. I am already pretty muscular (been body building and power lifting on and off since about age 13 with good genetics. When I settled on deca, I was more interested in a cycle that will help with pain in my joints (mainly shoulders and elbows), boost my metabolism to cut some fat, increase my libido and boost energy. I guess for an older guy like me, I would call it a hormone replacement therapy cycle since an over 40 male begins to produce less and less male hormone. LoL! Can anyone please recommend a proper cycle for me with those goals in mind, as I am a complete rookie regarding steroids . This will be my first cycle, so I would like to do a cycle that helps attain these goals with minimal side effects , such as hair loss, acne, etc. Thank you so much for all of your help, I truly appreciate your knowledge and advice. Lastly, can anyone recommend some HRT docs around the Cleveland, Ohio area if I go that route or do you recommend just doing it myself?