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The most important thing in the world is my girlfriend we have been going out for 8 years now, there has not been a lot of things a part the thing that happen in Mexico but if that guy would have slapped her i would have never controlled myself, the beating was on. Never would i allow anyone to hurt her even with words, that would affect me too much.
On the other hand she is a lot more intelligent then i am, in reacting to theses situations, she will get frustrated on the spot but will forget about the whole thing 10 minutes later, i envy her and i wish i would be like that, i am working on this a lot too.
At some point you need to realize that people don't have to right to call you things, for me i respect to much women to call them names, but women seem to be more respectful then men with there ego and high testosterone level.
Funny bit in Mexico there was this chubby man in is fifties he had a Xtreme Couture T shirt on (Randy Couture the MMA legend gym in Las Vegas), we where in a small shopping mall and he was looking at everyone like he wanted to kill them, putting everyone uncomfortable that was passing by. This was too good to pass by. I went to the guy and said hey you train in mix martial arts? yeah Couture got a nice gym, i was taller and bigger then him and i looked at him like i wanted to eat him up. The guy goes like Ho no i bought the T shirt on the internet and he left with is wife, that was funny has hell.
Sometimes getting back at people feels great. I also don't tolerate bullying and people who pick on the old.
girlgymrat you acted the right way, but for me i would have been very hard because i would have always kept asking myself did i do the right thing, and this guy is probably going to do it again.
Don't get me wrong i am not a street fighter, i don't get into fights last time i fought was when i was 25 years old in a douche bag club, the guy hit me in the nuts and started laughing. I am now 40 years old, but i understand human psychology very well, i am also 240 pounds and close to 6 feet tall that kind of scares people, yeah i am fat but still big LOL. Sometimes i don't have to use words to scare people, but if i am walking down the street on the boardwalk and see 2 people coming in the opposite direction i will have the curtsy of moving my self a bit to let them pass, in other word i am not a disrespectful prick. I do believe there are still good people on earth but sadly they are hard to find.