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Thread: What ever happened to being nice and hoest and caring about other people

  1. #1
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    Angry What ever happened to being nice and hoest and caring about other people

    The world today is insane, and getting worst, its like people adopted the me myself and i modo all around the world.

    When you drive, when you go to the shopping center, at a restaurant.

    Yesterday morning me and my girlfriend went to this breakfast restaurant, there is a waiting line, we are waiting, there is a guy that comes in not saying sorry to anyone and just rushes true the line to get to the outside tables. He bumped in, in a few people not even saying he was sorry just continued walking? after that a couple came in they got in front of us and just took a table and sat there . I started shouting at the guy hey a$$hole we where here first he never turned around.

    Then on the way back home we where in the car and waiting to turn to our street, but there where cars coming in the other lane, a guy with truck popped out behind us and real fast made a turn for the street. He did not want to wait, that was also a very dangerous driving and could have injured many people.

    There are kids playing hockey in the street near by the only problem is the father is playing with them and they are blocking a whole side of the street, when cars come to pass they just stand there and look frustrated, they don't even bother to move the nets. The father sets the example for theses future dumb kids.
    It seems that all theses thing are getting to me lately and i feel like hitting a few of theses a$$holes in the head to wake them up.

    What ever happened to the world and the people who had class and knew how to live among society. Are peoples brain getting that dumb?

  2. #2
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    I see it all the time, It’s all about ME: Mentality of entitlement age where everyone thinks they are more important than others or the only ones who matter. Same idiots who walk through a door and stop blocking everyone else trying to go through and 1000s of like examples. I dont know what the answer is but it sure would make you/me feel better to just be able to knock the sh*t out of them to let them know they are not entitled as they think.

  3. #3
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    Personally i try to do the opposite.(exp) I'm waiting in a line at the supermarket, and when Its my turn, i call the person by name and ask quickly how there day is going. Its a change of pace then everyone before me just barking commands. I want them to know work and life doesn't have to be misery and I understand what it is to be at work.....

  4. #4
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    My first hate for people started in 1994 when i was working at a door man at the theater. People did not respect me, i threw many out of the theater because they where talking, even some smocking in the theater. During the holidays everyone is stressed out.
    I don't hit them but i call them names and make them feel like shit, hey i am bigger then them HA, most people act like that until they are put back in there place by someone bigger heheheh.

  5. #5
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    I agree most ppl talk sheet and are sheet when the sheet hits the

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    The world today is insane, and getting worst, its like people adopted the me myself and i modo all around the world.

    When you drive, when you go to the shopping center, at a restaurant.

    Yesterday morning me and my girlfriend went to this breakfast restaurant, there is a waiting line, we are waiting, there is a guy that comes in not saying sorry to anyone and just rushes true the line to get to the outside tables. He bumped in, in a few people not even saying he was sorry just continued walking? after that a couple came in they got in front of us and just took a table and sat there . I started shouting at the guy hey a$$hole we where here first he never turned around.

    Then on the way back home we where in the car and waiting to turn to our street, but there where cars coming in the other lane, a guy with truck popped out behind us and real fast made a turn for the street. He did not want to wait, that was also a very dangerous driving and could have injured many people.

    There are kids playing hockey in the street near by the only problem is the father is playing with them and they are blocking a whole side of the street, when cars come to pass they just stand there and look frustrated, they don't even bother to move the nets. The father sets the example for theses future dumb kids.
    It seems that all theses thing are getting to me lately and i feel like hitting a few of theses a$$holes in the head to wake them up.

    What ever happened to the world and the people who had class and knew how to live among society. Are peoples brain getting that dumb?
    You should have grabbed the nets as you drove by and dragged them down the street.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    You should have grabbed the nets as you drove by and dragged them down the street.
    Ok i admit at some point i got a little crazy, worst i pass by they where NOT PLAYING the net was in the middle of the street, and they where all sitting on the front porch. I got pissed off that i ram the net with my car, hey i got an old civic 1996, the net just flew away a few feet, that was good pay back.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    The world today is insane, and getting worst, its like people adopted the me myself and i modo all around the world.

    It seems that all theses thing are getting to me lately and i feel like hitting a few of theses a$$holes in the head to wake them up.What ever happened to the world and the people who had class and knew how to live among society. Are peoples brain getting that dumb?
    it's not worth going to prison for...but i see it too! i want to buy an old peice of poo car and just them them hit me : ) to ruin theres too. bad, bad girl.

  9. #9
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    I hear ya yannick. That reminds me of when I was out at dinner at the cheesecake factory about a year ago and we were sitting at a table in the bar before we got our table for dinner and some people asked if they could have out table when we were done. The couple was standing next to our table and when we got up, this older couple just literally slid into the chairs and said "we got here first." I couldn't believe that shit.

    Seriously though, I've gotten to where I can't stand 85%+ of the world. I always do stuff like ironbeck and treat the customer service people with respect because I worked in customer service/retail sales while I was in school and I know how demeaning people can be. If people would take some time to realize we are all in this boat together and none of us are getting out alive, I think the world would be a much better place.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    I hear ya yannick. That reminds me of when I was out at dinner at the cheesecake factory about a year ago and we were sitting at a table in the bar before we got our table for dinner and some people asked if they could have out table when we were done. The couple was standing next to our table and when we got up, this older couple just literally slid into the chairs and said "we got here first." I couldn't believe that shit.

    Seriously though, I've gotten to where I can't stand 85%+ of the world. I always do stuff like ironbeck and treat the customer service people with respect because I worked in customer service/retail sales while I was in school and I know how demeaning people can be. If people would take some time to realize we are all in this boat together and none of us are getting out alive, I think the world would be a much better place.
    My hate goes up to you man customer service is a very demanding job dealing with people props. It was never that bad, i remember growing up in the late 70 early 80 and people would always help each other back then, my father used to lend is lawnmower to my neighbor, and regularly help each other out. Today you will never see that.

    About 3 years ago i decided to go back to school college to get some IT update, and get more into networking, i am a senior computer technician. So i was at the college and saw this old men in a wheel chair with is daughter pushing him around and they looked lost. I actually went up to them and said, haaa can i help you guys?, the old man almost fell off is chair they where very surprised. Turned out they where looking for phase 1, of the building, they where a long way, in phase 4, building where the college was had 4 phase, i took some time to go with them and showed the where phase 1 was even opening doors for them. This is the kind of thing i do, i go to the shopping center and see a women pushing a carriage with 2 kids i will wait for her and open the door for her. I will show a lot of curtsy to people too. If i bump into someone i will say i am sorry.

    2 weeks ago we where at a motel in Mexico with my girlfriend she bumped into a 60 year old guy she did not see him and we where at the show that night, the old guy almost made a first and look at my girlfriend like he was going to hit her, she even said she was sorry, i jumped in front of my girlfriend and told the guy are you sure you want to do that if i was you i just walk away, funny i had 1 feet more then him and maybe a 60 pounds more too. Yeah i agree 85% of the people today are dirt.

    I just have to find a way to deal with this dirt but that is my problem.

  11. #11
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    yesterday, some lady was honking at me cuz i sat at a green light a fraction of a second too long.

    with horror, I hear myself shouting at her...

    "shut yer fukkin mouth you b1tch"

    I'm like damn! I never do that!!!!!

    like someone was sprinkling "piss me off dust" in the air yesterday?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    yesterday, some lady was honking at me cuz i sat at a green light a fraction of a second too long.

    with horror, I hear myself shouting at her...

    "shut yer fukkin mouth you b1tch"

    I'm like damn! I never do that!!!!!

    like someone was sprinkling "piss me off dust" in the air yesterday?
    I do that a lot, its funny because when they see you are pissed of mad and almost ready to kill them they are afraid.

  13. #13
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    i like to think there are very good and decent people left in this world and on the opposite end of the spectrum are child molesters and those that target the old, the innocent and the ignorant. Inbetween is a crap shoot.

    Most important to me is my reaction to bad behavior.

    For instance, in a grocery store for first time after relocating to new area , Complete stranger call me a c_nt...long story. In the end I was apologized to by the clerk, the store manager, other customers and was escorted by security to my vehicle for my own safety. I never once used profanity and tried to maintain my own dignity thru it all. I did confront him with his bad behavior and created a "scene" in the store by repeating what he said to me about 10 times, and very loudly. He was so embarrased by the time he and his chicky poo (she didn't claim him as his wife after the store manager showed up)....but in the end I left without that scum bag evoking me to do something that would have put me in jail....

    NOW, WHAT I WANTED TO DO! Jump out of my 4 inch heels, place a drop kick on him and rip his throat out of chest cavity. I was pretty sure I could have taken him down, but that loud mouth, entagonzing 5 ft beotch with him was the one concerning me the most. I could see a cat fit and since I had already lost half my hair (treatment therapy) i wasn't willing to have her pull out the rest. THIS GIRL HAS HER PRIORITIES

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    i like to think there are very good and decent people left in this world and on the opposite end of the spectrum are child molesters and those that target the old, the innocent and the ignorant. Inbetween is a crap shoot.

    Most important to me is my reaction to bad behavior.

    For instance, in a grocery store for first time after relocating to new area , Complete stranger call me a c_nt...long story. In the end I was apologized to by the clerk, the store manager, other customers and was escorted by security to my vehicle for my own safety. I never once used profanity and tried to maintain my own dignity thru it all. I did confront him with his bad behavior and created a "scene" in the store by repeating what he said to me about 10 times, and very loudly. He was so embarrased by the time he and his chicky poo (she didn't claim him as his wife after the store manager showed up)....but in the end I left without that scum bag evoking me to do something that would have put me in jail....

    NOW, WHAT I WANTED TO DO! Jump out of my 4 inch heels, place a drop kick on him and rip his throat out of chest cavity. I was pretty sure I could have taken him down, but that loud mouth, entagonzing 5 ft beotch with him was the one concerning me the most. I could see a cat fit and since I had already lost half my hair (treatment therapy) i wasn't willing to have her pull out the rest. THIS GIRL HAS HER PRIORITIES
    The most important thing in the world is my girlfriend we have been going out for 8 years now, there has not been a lot of things a part the thing that happen in Mexico but if that guy would have slapped her i would have never controlled myself, the beating was on. Never would i allow anyone to hurt her even with words, that would affect me too much.

    On the other hand she is a lot more intelligent then i am, in reacting to theses situations, she will get frustrated on the spot but will forget about the whole thing 10 minutes later, i envy her and i wish i would be like that, i am working on this a lot too.

    At some point you need to realize that people don't have to right to call you things, for me i respect to much women to call them names, but women seem to be more respectful then men with there ego and high testosterone level.

    Funny bit in Mexico there was this chubby man in is fifties he had a Xtreme Couture T shirt on (Randy Couture the MMA legend gym in Las Vegas), we where in a small shopping mall and he was looking at everyone like he wanted to kill them, putting everyone uncomfortable that was passing by. This was too good to pass by. I went to the guy and said hey you train in mix martial arts? yeah Couture got a nice gym, i was taller and bigger then him and i looked at him like i wanted to eat him up. The guy goes like Ho no i bought the T shirt on the internet and he left with is wife, that was funny has hell.

    Sometimes getting back at people feels great. I also don't tolerate bullying and people who pick on the old.

    girlgymrat you acted the right way, but for me i would have been very hard because i would have always kept asking myself did i do the right thing, and this guy is probably going to do it again.

    Don't get me wrong i am not a street fighter, i don't get into fights last time i fought was when i was 25 years old in a douche bag club, the guy hit me in the nuts and started laughing. I am now 40 years old, but i understand human psychology very well, i am also 240 pounds and close to 6 feet tall that kind of scares people, yeah i am fat but still big LOL. Sometimes i don't have to use words to scare people, but if i am walking down the street on the boardwalk and see 2 people coming in the opposite direction i will have the curtsy of moving my self a bit to let them pass, in other word i am not a disrespectful prick. I do believe there are still good people on earth but sadly they are hard to find.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    The most important thing in the world is my girlfriend we have been going out for 8 years now, there has not been a lot of things a part the thing that happen in Mexico but if that guy would have slapped her i would have never controlled myself, the beating was on. Never would i allow anyone to hurt her even with words, that would affect me too much.

    On the other hand she is a lot more intelligent then i am, in reacting to theses situations, she will get frustrated on the spot but will forget about the whole thing 10 minutes later, i envy her and i wish i would be like that, i am working on this a lot too.

    At some point you need to realize that people don't have to right to call you things, for me i respect to much women to call them names, but women seem to be more respectful then men with there ego and high testosterone level.

    Funny bit in Mexico there was this chubby man in is fifties he had a Xtreme Couture T shirt on (Randy Couture the MMA legend gym in Las Vegas), we where in a small shopping mall and he was looking at everyone like he wanted to kill them, putting everyone uncomfortable that was passing by. This was too good to pass by. I went to the guy and said hey you train in mix martial arts? yeah Couture got a nice gym, i was taller and bigger then him and i looked at him like i wanted to eat him up. The guy goes like Ho no i bought the T shirt on the internet and he left with is wife, that was funny has hell.

    Sometimes getting back at people feels great. I also don't tolerate bullying and people who pick on the old.

    girlgymrat you acted the right way, but for me i would have been very hard because i would have always kept asking myself did i do the right thing, and this guy is probably going to do it again.

    Don't get me wrong i am not a street fighter, i don't get into fights last time i fought was when i was 25 years old in a douche bag club, the guy hit me in the nuts and started laughing. I am now 40 years old, but i understand human psychology very well, i am also 240 pounds and close to 6 feet tall that kind of scares people, yeah i am fat but still big LOL. Sometimes i don't have to use words to scare people, but if i am walking down the street on the boardwalk and see 2 people coming in the opposite direction i will have the curtsy of moving my self a bit to let them pass, in other word i am not a disrespectful prick. I do believe there are still good people on earth but sadly they are hard to find.
    What your gf has realized is that gals are rarely gonna win by muscle so we need to play to our strengths. She is a smart lady! And even wiser to move on quickly...cuz then it becomes my baggage which only weights me down : )))

    I was actually quite thankful that there wasn't another guy in the checkout line or within ear shot cuz I would not want another person to go to jail for this loser. LOSER NOT WORTH IT!

    That fact that there wasn't another guy around make me think that is exactly why he thought he would get away with it!!! HA, he messed with the wrong gal. A double LOSER.

    There are good and decent people in this world....i have meet a few and a few angels have been sent me way too!!!

  16. #16
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    Its funny, weve always heard from the older generation "this young generation has no respect, manners blah blah" we (I did) just kinda blew it off. Now there were older (Im 43) I cant stand these f'n ppl!! they were right! The sad, frustating thing, makes us hate, is that it gets worse every generation. I work at an "urban" college........I hate it!! the ghettoness, wanna be "gangsta" crap just makes me hate these ppl. 75% will NEVER become a contributing member of society but thier all going to have 4 kds that they will teaching this garbage to.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    yesterday, some lady was honking at me cuz i sat at a green light a fraction of a second too long.

    with horror, I hear myself shouting at her...

    "shut yer fukkin mouth you b1tch"

    I'm like damn! I never do that!!!!!

    like someone was sprinkling "piss me off dust" in the air yesterday?
    People like to hurry up and wait TR. Haha

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    Quote Originally Posted by lstbred View Post
    Its funny, weve always heard from the older generation "this young generation has no respect, manners blah blah" we (I did) just kinda blew it off. Now there were older (Im 43) I cant stand these f'n ppl!! they were right! The sad, frustating thing, makes us hate, is that it gets worse every generation. I work at an "urban" college........I hate it!! the ghettoness, wanna be "gangsta" crap just makes me hate these ppl. 75% will NEVER become a contributing member of society but thier all going to have 4 kds that they will teaching this garbage to.
    just for the record. the grocery store jerk was probably 15 - 20 years my senior.

    my point: being a loser is not reserved to younger generations

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    just for the record. the grocery store jerk was probably 15 - 20 years my senior.

    my point: being a loser is not reserved to younger generations
    The guy that my girlfriend bumped into in Mexico must have been close to is 60 so no i never relate age to being stupid. The kids that play hockey and use up all the streets are playing with there father, they are not to blame he is the idiot in there for not teaching respect.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lstbred View Post
    Its funny, weve always heard from the older generation "this young generation has no respect, manners blah blah" we (I did) just kinda blew it off. Now there were older (Im 43) I cant stand these f'n ppl!! they were right! The sad, frustating thing, makes us hate, is that it gets worse every generation. I work at an "urban" college........I hate it!! the ghettoness, wanna be "gangsta" crap just makes me hate these ppl. 75% will NEVER become a contributing member of society but thier all going to have 4 kds that they will teaching this garbage to.
    I think difference betwn ghetto and ghetto wanna be's???

    For example.

    I am considered caucasian by today's definition, although, often have a look that confuses most people.....shout out to Mom and Dad! so I am at a new gym and very diverse crowd. race, culture, ethnicity, age and appears some ghetto....but upon closer observation, more ghetto actors. Although, a few car windows where broken into and items stolen...even though in "affluent area" = crime knows no boundries, right????

    I notice that alot depends on first impressions. I have a plesant look and smile on (normally), especially when I enter the gym! Just a look about ya, and of course, the next thing that comes out of ones mouth is important too. Some ganster types...are gangster wanna bes. I also have my keys in my hand and watching all the time....cuz there are gansters in the parking lot, for sure!

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    I train at home but when i used to train in gyms i chose an older crowd gym, far from the steroided douche bag look at me i am sooo muscular type. Yes older guys use steroids too and i am not against that either steroids when you are older makes your life sooooo much better, the difference is that the competition is gone, its not about who looks the best, who can lift the most, who has the biggest arms and who can sleep with most women.

    I used to love train with theses guys, being injured and most of them too its not about lifting heavy its just about enjoying life lifting and bodybuilding.

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    I often rediscover this fact. Look at every 10 year span and you will notice that compassion for others diminished more and more and greed is more and more on the rise.

    Think back to how rare it was to even use profanity in everyday speech back in the 50s. Then look at each generation after the 50s and you will see a huge decline in genuine kindness and respect for others.

    I think things will only get worse with every generation until we are all so distanced from each other that it will be a shock to see people do nice things for others that do not benefit themselves somehow.

    Check out the movie "equilibrium" for an interesting take on our future...

  23. #23
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    Too many people want something for nothing, avoid hard work, lack discipline, and don't take responsibility for their own actions. "Integrity" is lost on many people and rudeness is becoming an acceptable norm. It's disgusting.

    The older I get, the more bitter I become at the world. It's too bad really. Life can be a great adventure.....if there weren't so many idiots trying to screw it up.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2
    I often rediscover this fact. Look at every 10 year span and you will notice that compassion for others diminished more and more and greed is more and more on the rise.

    Think back to how rare it was to even use profanity in everyday speech back in the 50s. Then look at each generation after the 50s and you will see a huge decline in genuine kindness and respect for others.

    I think things will only get worse with every generation until we are all so distanced from each other that it will be a shock to see people do nice things for others that do not benefit themselves somehow.

    Check out the movie "equilibrium" for an interesting take on our future...
    I agree....but hope we are both wrong.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Too many people want something for nothing, avoid hard work, lack discipline, and don't take responsibility for their own actions. "Integrity" is lost on many people and rudeness is becoming an acceptable norm. It's disgusting.

    The older I get, the more bitter I become at the world. It's too bad really. Life can be a great adventure.....if there weren't so many idiots trying to screw it up.
    Well said!

  26. #26
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    ya Americans are rude!!! you should all move to Canada were all stoners !! lol...jk of course. OP I agree people are a lot more selfish and impatient nowadays, society has gotten so fast paced over the years.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    yesterday, some lady was honking at me cuz i sat at a green light a fraction of a second too long.

    with horror, I hear myself shouting at her...

    "shut yer fukkin mouth you b1tch"

    I'm like damn! I never do that!!!!!

    like someone was sprinkling "piss me off dust" in the air yesterday?
    Lol I do that sometimes as well. Snap for a moment and then a little disappointed with myself.

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    Just wondering on how shit is in like 100 years.

    It seems that just about everyone(including me) is just a plain out ass hole. I try not be, but everyone tries to pull shit. Anything from driving to standing in line. . .

    It's extremely rare to find someone who gives a shit and someone isn't trying to pull one on you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyD View Post
    OP I agree people are a lot more selfish and impatient nowadays, society has gotten so fast paced over the years.
    this is my observation:
    there are rat races or degrees of rat races in every town. it is a matter of perception and just depends on the one you are most comfortable running

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat

    this is my observation:
    there are rat races or degrees of rat races in every town. it is a matter of perception and just depends on the one you are most comfortable running
    agree, very insiteful !!!!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    i like to think there are very good and decent people left in this world and on the opposite end of the spectrum are child molesters and those that target the old, the innocent and the ignorant. Inbetween is a crap shoot.

    Most important to me is my reaction to bad behavior.

    For instance, in a grocery store for first time after relocating to new area , Complete stranger call me a c_nt...long story. In the end I was apologized to by the clerk, the store manager, other customers and was escorted by security to my vehicle for my own safety. I never once used profanity and tried to maintain my own dignity thru it all. I did confront him with his bad behavior and created a "scene" in the store by repeating what he said to me about 10 times, and very loudly. He was so embarrased by the time he and his chicky poo (she didn't claim him as his wife after the store manager showed up)....but in the end I left without that scum bag evoking me to do something that would have put me in jail....

    NOW, WHAT I WANTED TO DO! Jump out of my 4 inch heels, place a drop kick on him and rip his throat out of chest cavity. I was pretty sure I could have taken him down, but that loud mouth, entagonzing 5 ft beotch with him was the one concerning me the most. I could see a cat fit and since I had already lost half my hair (treatment therapy) i wasn't willing to have her pull out the rest. THIS GIRL HAS HER PRIORITIES
    Sounds like an interesting story, I think we need more details.

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    Oh man I lost it the other day at a red light. The light was green for literally a second and the guy behind me honks because he is in a pick up truck and I drive a small car. Hes screaming waving his hands and flipping me off so I drive SUPER SLOW so he can't get around me because I am moving just fast enough to keep up with cars. Finally he gets around me and I swing my car at him causing him to go into the next lane (stupid yeah w/e), but he backed off real quick even though he was in a car three times the size. I then proceeded to yell horribly racist comments at him but w/e don't act like a tool and you won't be treated like one.

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    Sometimes you have to exercise a little assertiveness when driving. Although I hate when I go visit family because around there all these kids are in such a hurry they ride up on your car and drive ridiculously.

    I like the comment of being nice to others in their work place, they are more than likely hating work, and doing something to make them semi happy only helps.

    I wish things were a bit different, if someone bad mouthing you, you should be able to punch him in the face to shut him up. Lots of people at work I would just like to drop because they bitch like little girls, and get away with it cause no one will stop them. Can't do anything or you could lose job and face legal prosecution. I know things are set up now to protect those who can't protect themselves, but it sucks for those of us who can but the law prevents it to a degree, unless they do something major. Personally if someone threatened life or virtue of a family member I'd have them dead there, not that its ever happened but it would end the threat, but of course it wouldn't fly in any court.

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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyD View Post
    ya Americans are rude!!! you should all move to Canada were all stoners !! lol...jk of course. OP I agree people are a lot more selfish and impatient nowadays, society has gotten so fast paced over the years.
    Its not a question of race or nationality, in Mexico there where Canadiens, Americains and Italians. And there where assholes in all of them.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis View Post
    Oh man I lost it the other day at a red light. The light was green for literally a second and the guy behind me honks because he is in a pick up truck and I drive a small car. Hes screaming waving his hands and flipping me off so I drive SUPER SLOW so he can't get around me because I am moving just fast enough to keep up with cars. Finally he gets around me and I swing my car at him causing him to go into the next lane (stupid yeah w/e), but he backed off real quick even though he was in a car three times the size. I then proceeded to yell horribly racist comments at him but w/e don't act like a tool and you won't be treated like one.
    Agreed there are a lot of a$$holes in big trucks that act that way. Big fat losers.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    Sometimes you have to exercise a little assertiveness when driving. Although I hate when I go visit family because around there all these kids are in such a hurry they ride up on your car and drive ridiculously.

    I like the comment of being nice to others in their work place, they are more than likely hating work, and doing something to make them semi happy only helps.

    I wish things were a bit different, if someone bad mouthing you, you should be able to punch him in the face to shut him up. Lots of people at work I would just like to drop because they bitch like little girls, and get away with it cause no one will stop them. Can't do anything or you could lose job and face legal prosecution. I know things are set up now to protect those who can't protect themselves, but it sucks for those of us who can but the law prevents it to a degree, unless they do something major. Personally if someone threatened life or virtue of a family member I'd have them dead there, not that its ever happened but it would end the threat, but of course it wouldn't fly in any court.
    Theses people you talk about are scared, i had a guy at my old job who pushed me for 3 years because i had back pain i was unable to push back and let him pass stupid comments on me, make photoshop pictures of me, also he was 6 feet 5 and 140 pounds he once said that if i told him to hit me he would do it for real. When i got back from vacation he put some sugar in my apple cider vinegar, when i tasted it he started laughing, he ruined my vactation because of him because i kept thinking about what he did to me. After that incident he told me to pick up the apple cider vinegar from the trash. I started to look at him like i was going to kill him, later that day i grabbed him against a wall and told him that next time he pulls something off i would break is face, and i slapped him close to is face. He got so scared that he quit the job 3 weeks later and he never ever offended me again. Big mouth no balls. If i ever see that guy again i will beat him up like shit. He is very scared of me, and that was really funny because it was my turn to piss him off, when he left the job he sent him an email on is facebook page, i asked him to fight me it was is wish, he never replied and closed is facebook account. I sent him a letter at is house, he moved (this is not a joke) he moved, at is second house i sent him another letter asking him to fight he moved again and called the phone company to remove any trace of him off the internet. He even closed is linkedin account. Now tell me it was worth every effort i put in to ruin this guy life, even sending is father a letter about how much a piece of shit is son was. This felt amazing

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