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Thread: A bit of a different question...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Central Texas

    A bit of a different question...

    Ok guys/gals, lemme see if I can explain this and not sound like a complete tool.

    I have 2 sons, D is 19 and has always been a skinny but athletic kid. He was an All State catcher 2 years in a row in high school. He went to a few collage camps and was told he was not big enough to play baseball at the college level.

    Z, on the other hand is about to turn 13 and has a much larger build than his brother. He has to work to keep from being the chunky kid. He is also an excellent athlete and I think that he will actually be a better ball player than his brother was.

    Now, my question: We want Z to have all the chances that his brother did not. Given his age and body type, what would be the best course of action to help him stay at an upper level as far as strength and conditioning? He is a typical kid, likes to stay in his room and play xbox for hours on end and only really gets exercise when he has practice or a game. He does go to the school weight room 3 days a week and workout with some of his friends. I have no idea what he considers a "workout". I'm not really interested in putting him on a bunch of supplements but may consider some if it will be extremely beneficial to his development.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No need for supplements. Just keep an eye on his diet and activity level.

    If he is working out and getting his practice in along with a healthy diet (ie. little junk food/fast food) then he should be fine

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    jd welcome to the forum man.. to start i think its awesome ur trying to help ur son in this manner!

    i suggest u read the stickies on the main page titled:
    1. dieting 101: cutting
    2. tdee
    3. how to bulk

    i believe u will need the knowledge in all 3 of these stickies at some point a lot IMO will depend on how ur son feels about working out. i too like to play video games and think theres nothing wrong with it as long as i (or whoever) gets proper exercise and diet to go along with it. the best method for getting stronger and staying lean(er) is to combine diet, weightlifting, and cardio. this is where ur sons commitment will come into play.

    if hes 12 now and lifting 3x per week that is probably fine IMO for his age. if he tends to hold onto bodyfat (i did too) cardio and diet will play an important role for him. i would suggest encouraging him to implement cardio a few days per week which could be in many difft forms. the main point of it is to maintain an elevated heart rate as well as elevated physical exertion. i suspect as he gets older some of the things u may have to put more effort into now will prob become more important to him as well..

    as far as the lifting goes if hes lifting 3x per week make sure hes hitting all the major muscle groups at least once per week such as:
    day1: chest, back
    day2: shoulders, arms
    day3: legs

    it would prob be a good idea for u (if u dont already) to gain knowledge on proper form and technique so that u can pass it on to ur son.. it could be a cool activity for yall to spend time together father and son.. as an adult i think ur knowledge in the subject will be of utmost importance due to the fact that u can see things a lot difftly than a 13 yr old boy i also believe this extends into diet and cardio..

    as hes just getting into puberty u have time on ur side for sure.. i dont know quite when test levels will actually peak with ur son but it will prob be a few yrs from now.. this is when he will acquire the ability to accumulate muscle.. i started lifting when i was 13 too

    once u read those stickies if u have any more questions i suggest posting them here and i suspect u will get some other responses from the other good guys on this forum.. good luck and good job man!

    oh and also supplements are unnecessary especially at this point.. In my opinion...
    Last edited by --->>405<<---; 06-26-2012 at 02:09 PM.

  4. #4
    I agree skip the suppliments, get him on good diet/exercise plan.. BOttom line is he needs to want it to go to high level. Best thing you can do is keep him in leagues/camps were he is with people at and above his skill level to keep forcing progress imo

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by JAB1 View Post
    I agree skip the suppliments, get him on good diet/exercise plan.. BOttom line is he needs to want it to go to high level. Best thing you can do is keep him in leagues/camps were he is with people at and above his skill level to keep forcing progress imo
    dont b 2 pushy with it or he will end up hating sports.. and most likely u.. he is just a kid..

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