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Thread: 60% off AGAIN??????

  1. #1

    60% off AGAIN??????

    Yes, it's true! Today at 4pm cst it is another hour sale that starts off at 60% discount from regular price then every 10 minutes goes down 10%.

    Check out the store now and figure out what you want >>>> 60% off!!!



  2. #2
    F#ck yes!!!!!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Walnutz View Post
    F#ck yes!!!!!

  4. #4
    40 minutes!

  5. #5
    T-minus 10 minutes

  6. #6
    Here we go! the store is now set to 60% off for the next 10 minutes............

  7. #7
    The store is getting extremely bogged down with traffic.....which means you may experience difficulty navigating the store. Because of the logjam, the 60% off will be extended briefly

  8. #8
    still working on fixing the store, it will be ready to go shortly.................keep your panties on :P

  9. #9
    Thanks guys for your patience.......we're increasing bandwidth as we speak. It will be running smoothly shortly

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    holy crap, although it took about 15min to get the order placed it finally went through!! Started sweatin for a few there thinking I would miss out on the sale LOL

  11. #11
    Alright the store has been working for the past while, hopefully you've been able to checkout without any problems.....

    The store is going to be set at 60% off for another 10 minutes, then back to normal...hurry!

  12. #12
    Wow.......that was the wildest "Hour and twenty minute" Sale we've ever done........HAHAHA.

    Didn't expect such a boggdown at the store, you guys are GREAT! Glad many of you (if not all of you) were able to get in on the 60% off.

    The store has now been changed bk to 20% off.

    Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. #13
    god damn it ar-r i was going to purchase a heap of things at 50-60% off but considering the time difference in australia i missed out! can u pm or something when u do that sale again please?

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