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Thread: New guy questions

  1. #1
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Jun 2012

    New guy questions

    I am 50 years old and just started trt. Once i get my protocol stabilized I might be interested in doing some cycles to gain some size. However, I need to know if once you stop the cycle do you lose all you gained? Is the only way to keep your gains is to continuously blast? I knew a guy some years ago who made impressive gains while "juicing" but it all seemed to disappear shortly after he stopped. If this is what happens what is the value of cycling? Thanks for the help and take it easy on me since this is all new to me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    it depends on alot. Your stats. You can get so big that you cant hold the gains unless you are on. Also your diet has to be enough to support your new weight. That is where alot fail. And doing proper pct. Which you dont need to worry about
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Jun 2012
    The diet won't be a problem. When I made my own testosterone I could gain muscle and lose fat fairly easy. At 5'10" my goal would be to end up somewhere around 200-215 pounds at 10%-12% bodyfat. I acheived 175 lbs and 10% bodyfat when I was in my thirties. I have no plans to enter any contests are anything like that, lol. Just want to look good again before I die!

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