Another question I have is this:
I seem to notice alot more intensity on fridays lifts after i pin. I have missed a day here and there and pinned on a diferent day to catch up. for instance i pinned last monday instead of tuesday. Last monday I went up by ten pounds on every set for dumbell flat press and my reps were all the same or higher than the previous week. Last night I did not pin and i tried to continue the increase in wieghts as I have done every week and in my 3rd rep at higher wieght i just kinda "stopped" couldn't push the wieght i was the week beforeand finished my last set at lower wieght for more reps to finish my pump and work my chest to failure.
my question is do i get more out of the AAS the night i pin or is it in my head. from my understanding once its in your sytem its always there till i stop cycling and it leaves my system. This leads me to believe that when i do pin and feel amped or fired up it may be in my head and my failure last night was just from muscle fatigue and possibly trying to push too much wieght.