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Thread: I have two, 30 ml bottles of anavar. How should i take it?

  1. #1

    I have two, 30 ml bottles of anavar. How should i take it?

    I'm not trying to get noticeably anabolic. I'm 6'2", 195, 28yr old. I bought the last 2 bottles my buddy had because it was basically my last chance. How should i take this for the best results? I'm not taking any other steroid with it. Please don't just say it's a waste of time with that dosage. How can I fully optimize what I have as far as dosage?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    how many mg/ml?

  3. #3
    30mg bottle, 600 ml per bottle- so, 1200 total ml.
    Does that makes sense? Sorry I'm not experienced with steroids at all.

  4. #4
    30mg bottle, 600 ml per bottle- so, 1200 total ml.
    Does that makes sense? Sorry I'm not experienced with steroids at all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    thats a big bottle man!!! hahah

  6. #6
    lol, you're right. 30ml bottle, 20mg per ml. Is that better?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    ok, so 600mg/bottle x2 = 1200mg available.

    minimum dose I'd recommend would be 50mg. this would be a 24 day supply. You could finesse this by slightly lowering the dose to give you a 30 day cycle, if you'd like.

    this will be light, but "doable"

    keep an eye on your libido, as you will probably get partially shut down on your natural testosterone production. If your libido begins to wane, then this is anecdotal evidence that supports being partial shutdown.

    It wouldnt' be a bad idea to have your pct lined up ahead of time "just in case"

  8. #8
    Would you absolutely dismiss 20 mg a day for 2 months? Or, 30 mg a day for 40 days?

  9. #9
    Yeah bro if I were you (you sound like you don't juice often), I'd take the 30mgs for 40 days and just work my ass off and eat good. Maybe not the optimal dose but if you work hard you'll get results.

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