finally got my basic blood test, slight improvement but not enough. here is before and after S4 cycle.
finally got my basic blood test, slight improvement but not enough. here is before and after S4 cycle.
I have been hearing that it will suppress test in higher doses. I was thinking about running 40mg/day during my pct. DO you think this is a good idea? Not to hijack the thread but I have a dilemma that pertains to using S4
Adam, what you are doing there is way over my head, but to answer your question regarding S4, no one really knows. as you can see mine was not suppressed. However, Phate who ran it up to 225mgs ed, his blood test showed that his was suppresses slightly, i ran mine at 100mgs per day. you may also want to ask Endus, he is done with his S4 cycle and will be doing a blood test to see where he’s at, i think.
hey bass, how your cycles of s4 been lately??
do you think throwing in aromoasin or letro would be benificial with a s4 or ineffectual?
also i say your pics a while back, do you have a recent pic compared to a before s4 pic?? i am ordering on ar-r now.....
anything you think i should know.... right now i am on a cycle of test prop and winny however my cycle ends in 6 weeks and my pct is going to be 2 weeks hcg and letro and nolva this has been a good pct for my brother in the past and we are alike. as soon as pct is over i am doing a s4 cycle.
sorry i have no experience with aromoasin or letro...
as for my pic, i am sure i still look the same, but because of my injury i am only cutting at this point, but once i am done I’ll post my results along with pics. BTW, the reason i injured my self is because i was lifting way too heavy than my tendons can handle, basically the strength i gained from S4 still there and i don't think it will go away.
Becareful there with those heavy weight. I'm also running into same situation - luckily I'm able to work through most of them with only minor pain.
I'm still gaining strength even now. I'm up to 9 plate leg press and 3 1/2 plate for squats. After I got my vision back - I'm way more motivated and working out extra hard![]()
i just joined btw, and no im not a teen. i think your progress is awesome and i respect the work you are puttin in
haha...okay bro, i understand. well the S4 will definitely give you strength and burn fat, but be careful, if they send you out on a night mission you'll be screwed, you won't be able to see anything. Thanks for your service BTW...
thanks for the recognition and the log as well, well i would be taking a dose that would be effective but maybe one low enough to avoid that side.....i will take supps to support eye funtion. i have 15/20 so i will take lutiene and research otc supps for eye health and funtionality, think that would help??
btw whats the dosage range in your exp and/or research????
started at 75mgs per day, then 100, then 150 for one week then back to 100. i only wanted to see if 150 makes any difference, nothing in strength, only vision side got worse, so in my opinion 100mgs per day is the best, at least for me...
ok will note. will start with 60 probly and move up to 100.
what was it like anabolically on 75?
and vision like on 100??
just wanted to pop in and say thanks bass for logging your results and findings on this. definitely helpful to many of us considering S4.
i didn't notice in your log, but did you experience any allergic reactions at all such as hives or bumps? Was reading a few other threads and saw that Endus and Poundcake had problems with this.
you are other sides for me, only vision problems...
Definitely lookin forward to that. Got me curious as I am on trt as it is.
lookin good man, definately much leaner than the first pics you posted. Nice work!
I'll see if i can get lion to put together an S4/shoe polish combo for you next time to help out with that santa goatee! hahajust kiddin man
seriously though, those picks show some impressive results.
hey thanks day I’ll get rid of my gray goatee when I lose my double chin!
It was on another board. I will try to find it.
I'm ordering S4 before i go home from work and putting off my cycle till may after thsi report.
Do you run PCT after S4? Do you take teh amount of time off you were on?
Thouroughly enjoyed you're tread Bass.
Thanks and regards
Also is their any problem with running S4 with Liquid Clen or an ECA stack? Anyone know and DON't Do's with S4?
Cheers boys
good read Bass, thanks for your log.
you are welcome, also read my blood test thread, i believe it has something to do with S4...
bump for a great log about sarms s-4
Great read I'm glad you took the time to fill us in.
Love this log!
Great Log, much apreciated!!
Bass when I ran s4 i had the same problem it was like i was almost color blind but only at night and as soon as cycle ended and i was out it went right away i wouldnt worry about it to much should subside ...
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