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Thread: t3 = flat muscles?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    t3 = flat muscles?

    i am thinking about running a short cycle over the summer holidays so i can be peaking for when i go to the beach and go out (dont worry, no drinking), etc.
    i would run it before the holidays but i am going to be pre occupied with a long rowing camp.
    i wont be able to cut during the camp because i need to remain competitive.

    will running t3 with my cycle to make cutting faster, make me look flat??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    Yup, it definitely will. Do a simple search and you'll see that many people report looking flat while using T3. It happened to me too, gave me that flat deflated look.

    It's mainly due to the metabolism increasing effect, as the T3 causes your body to chew through glycogen stores like crazy, depleting them really fast. As a result, you lose a lot of water and muscle become deflated. Muscle loss is a big thing with T3 as well, but if you're running it with a cycle you should be fine. It's very hard to avoid the deflation look though, from the carb metabolism.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    would you run it if you wanted to look good everyday while on cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    Your question is pretty vague. What are your goals? Cutting? If you're cutting, yes, you can use it for that.

    If you're asking me if I would use it on any old cycle just to maintain lean and ripped? That's a different situation all together, as its very dose dependant. Many people use T3 at a low/moderate dose on an AAS cycle to maintain a steady metabolic rate on cycles where they use compounds that have been known to lower natural T3 production (trenbolone), and some even run T3 on other cycles too for the same reason. I prefer not to do that. And if i'm going to use something to keep me lean year-round whether I am on cycle or not, I use HGH for that.

    You can probably offset the flat look if you played around with your carbohydrate intake (increasing it to a certain level). It takes some experimenting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    If your putting the right stuff in your body and taking T3 its not going to affect you that much trust me. Make sure your drinking enough water and on cycle taking BCAA's and eating. You won't be too flat.

  6. #6
    Im keeping my dose right at 20mcg's/daily. Seems to be the sweet spot before it really gets you looking flat. Somewhere between 17-25mcgs/daily. Im going to experiment with it long term and see how it goes. I am on GH as well, finally seeing the results after roughly 10 months..Seems like someone turned on a switch last month, woke up one morning and saw

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    Im keeping my dose right at 20mcg's/daily. Seems to be the sweet spot before it really gets you looking flat. Somewhere between 17-25mcgs/daily. Im going to experiment with it long term and see how it goes. I am on GH as well, finally seeing the results after roughly 10 months..Seems like someone turned on a switch last month, woke up one morning and saw
    May I ask what your HGH dose is?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012
    sorry, i wasnt clear... i want to be looking my best in the summer holiday after my 3week rowing camp.
    i will probably be a little a little flabby after camp becuase i have to eat loads to stay competitive.
    i will start t prop and an ai when the holidays start

    the obvious thing to me would be to use a low carb diet and t3 to help me cut up, but i dont know if its worth cutting if it is going to make me look flat.
    its complicated i know...but would you cut and try lose body fat (at the risk of looking flat) or what?

  9. #9
    I'm on 5iu/ed of HGH and 100mcg/ed of T4 and TRT of 150mg/ew of Test. I'm 52, 5'11", 205lbs, 12%bf and I 1rm bench at 385lbs. Between the Test/HGH/T4 I don't look flat at all. Just went to a pool party with my kids and I had a kid ask me how an old man like me could look so fit? LOL

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    In hiding
    How much muscle are u willing to lose over thecycle ?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012
    i wouldnt stress about 2 or 3 kgs (i think thats like 5lbs)... but whatever it takes really to get me looking my best for that 5weeks period??

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2012
    i know im not explaining this well. but i want to cut to lose fat, but i also want lots of carbs to make my muscles look full... which would you choose? or is there perhaps a way to do both (like maybe carb cycling or high carbs post workout only)

  13. #13
    t3 isn't necessary to cut, but it certainly can help. Just keep your dose modest and you shouldn't get very flat. For me if i stay 75mcg or below while on a cycle i tend to stay full. Anything hire and i flatten out hard. As for the diet... i prefer carb cycling, hard to get super lean if you're eating a surplus of carbs. (IMO). Just diet down to your goal area, and then carb load and water deplete for the few days you really want to look your best.

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