Just wanted to know if anyone can speak to the legitinacy or otherwise for this method of home testing your HGH.
I got this method from another website. I'm just wondering if this method is real or just some guy making stuff up. I used the method on some of mine. If his method is true i'll have to throw mine in the garbage.. LOL Thankfully it was only one vial for a sample.
Here it is.....
As a molecular biochemist that routinely works with Peptides I can tell you guys a simple test that you can do at home to see if your human growth hormone - somatropin - is the real deal. Also, for those of you that have red welts, itching, and sore spots at injection sites, I will explain here briefly what is likely going on.
You all know the HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin - test with the pregnancy strips so I won't go into that. To test you human growth hormone - somatropin - ,
1. Reconstitute it.
2. Bring a pot of water to a boil.
3. Put your human growth hormone - somatropin - vial (which you are sacrificing) into the boiling water for 2 min.
4. Look to see if the solution turns milky/cloudy white.
If your human growth hormone - somatropin - is real it will turn cloudy/milky white after this procedure.
5. Let the vial set aside at room temperature for one day.
6. If the solution becomes clear again and you don't see any milkyness then the human growth hormone - somatropin - is fake.
Posted below is a COA obtained from a large manufacturer. Note the contaminants that are commonly found in human growth hormone - somatropin - powders and their threshold limit values per WHO regulations. human growth hormone - somatropin - is produced through recombinant gene expression in e.coli bacteria. These bacteria produce a lot of toxins in the manufacturing process that are painstakingly removed from the human growth hormone - somatropin - whilst maintaining human growth hormone - somatropin - in its active form.