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Thread: Testing HGH at home...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Phuket, Thailand

    Testing HGH at home...

    Just wanted to know if anyone can speak to the legitinacy or otherwise for this method of home testing your HGH.

    I got this method from another website. I'm just wondering if this method is real or just some guy making stuff up. I used the method on some of mine. If his method is true i'll have to throw mine in the garbage.. LOL Thankfully it was only one vial for a sample.

    Here it is.....


    As a molecular biochemist that routinely works with Peptides I can tell you guys a simple test that you can do at home to see if your human growth hormone - somatropin - is the real deal. Also, for those of you that have red welts, itching, and sore spots at injection sites, I will explain here briefly what is likely going on.

    You all know the HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin - test with the pregnancy strips so I won't go into that. To test you human growth hormone - somatropin - ,
    1. Reconstitute it.
    2. Bring a pot of water to a boil.
    3. Put your human growth hormone - somatropin - vial (which you are sacrificing) into the boiling water for 2 min.
    4. Look to see if the solution turns milky/cloudy white.

    If your human growth hormone - somatropin - is real it will turn cloudy/milky white after this procedure.

    5. Let the vial set aside at room temperature for one day.
    6. If the solution becomes clear again and you don't see any milkyness then the human growth hormone - somatropin - is fake.

    Posted below is a COA obtained from a large manufacturer. Note the contaminants that are commonly found in human growth hormone - somatropin - powders and their threshold limit values per WHO regulations. human growth hormone - somatropin - is produced through recombinant gene expression in e.coli bacteria. These bacteria produce a lot of toxins in the manufacturing process that are painstakingly removed from the human growth hormone - somatropin - whilst maintaining human growth hormone - somatropin - in its active form.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Phuket, Thailand
    Just to keep things simple i didn't put in the COA or the explanation for the red welt part.. but the full article can be found by googleing it......... Cheers..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    This test means nothing, you need to get a serum gh bloodtest and even then it isnt a 100% answer

    Best bet is to forget chinese gh altogether and get pharm grade from a reputable source then you dont have to worry


    you said you already have the chinese gh? its most likely garbage anyway, try get your money back or bin it, god only knows what is in the vials
    Last edited by DanB; 07-05-2012 at 05:01 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    As stated by Dan, this test proves nothing.

    I've mentioned this in other threads where people have mentioned this HGH testing thing where you try to boil it and see if it becomes cloudy.

    So it becomes cloudy, so what? All you've proven is that it contains some sort of protein - not HGH. You could have lyophilized egg whites for all you know. Fail test.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Phuket, Thailand
    Sure.. My first thoughts as well... However egg youlks for instance or other simple proteins would renature, they would turn back to clear after a certain time frame........ I figured that Yes, the human growth hormone - somatropin - could be substituted with other heat sensetive proteins that don't reversibly renature, but as i read in the other forum these proteins are exclusively used in research. They say that such proteins are far more expensive than human growth hormone - somatropin - . This would make sense since they are just as difficult to extract in active form, and are not being used by hundreds of thousands of people for medical purposes.

    So, On the other forum they said that... bottom line; if you have a protein that denatures in heat irreversibly, it is either human growth hormone - somatropin - , or an enzyme/protein that is at least as expensive (more likely a lot more expensive).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    it will not prove its gh. There is a long thread on this in the gh section.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    Take it from guys who have used both generic and pharmacy grade, im one of them....Save your money and put it towards AAS or spend the extra money and get yourself pharmacy grade. And by the way, im going to put it out there and say growth is a bit over rated? Shit load of money im spending and my results are no where near a good cycle. You guys may agree and you may disagree...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    This shit again???

  9. #9
    ^^^^^^ hahahahahahaha

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island
    For those of us that can't get the pharm really sucks - GH is the most commonly faked product out there IMO...

  11. #11
    DigitalGorilla, telling you dont waste your money on the generics. Full of fillers etc. Another forum did some independent studies on the individual products both in quality of growth and serum levels. Generics were well a waste of money. Better off saving that money and just using AAS. Im just about at 7 months on Human Grade growth or Pharm quality. Feel great, which is my biggest difference from the generics which I really like. My body fat is down considerable but, definitely not the WOW factor I was expecting. Well see what another 5 months does. If not those funds are being traded to the 64 Ford Galaxie lowrider fund that I saw Gas Monkey Garage build or my beloved 66 IMPALA lowrider fund

  12. #12
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    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    This shit again???
    you know you love it

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Long Island
    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    DigitalGorilla, telling you dont waste your money on the generics. Full of fillers etc. Another forum did some independent studies on the individual products both in quality of growth and serum levels. Generics were well a waste of money. Better off saving that money and just using AAS. Im just about at 7 months on Human Grade growth or Pharm quality. Feel great, which is my biggest difference from the generics which I really like. My body fat is down considerable but, definitely not the WOW factor I was expecting. Well see what another 5 months does. If not those funds are being traded to the 64 Ford Galaxie lowrider fund that I saw Gas Monkey Garage build or my beloved 66 IMPALA lowrider fund
    Even if its the placebo effect that i get - its worth a few hundred a month. I had lost about 40lbs then started now down a total of 110. Not sure if its the growth, my diet, aas, or a combo plus other things.....but I feel younger then ever,...and it cured my sleep. That im sure for me its beneficial ....but dont get me wrong - if i could find pharm grade i would buy it of ocurse

  14. #14
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla View Post
    Even if its the placebo effect that i get - its worth a few hundred a month. I had lost about 40lbs then started now down a total of 110. Not sure if its the growth, my diet, aas, or a combo plus other things.....but I feel younger then ever,...and it cured my sleep. That im sure for me its beneficial ....but dont get me wrong - if i could find pharm grade i would buy it of ocurse
    but you dont know what other chemicals are in those vial. What effect long term they may have on your health, you are literally injecting an unknown substance in your body. I saw in other post you not wanting to use clen or eca because its not naturally. But injecting god knows what is ok with you?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  15. #15
    Even if its the placebo effect that i get - its worth a few hundred a month.
    Few hundred a month for placebo could afford you plenty of products that work

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    Few hundred a month for placebo could afford you plenty of products that work
    not only that but pharm is actually cheaper then what alot of sources charge for generic its a fvcking joke what they try charge for garbage

  17. #17
    You could go to a lab and have blood drawn for serum testing.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    You could go to a lab and have blood drawn for serum testing.
    Sure, but that won't tell you what other toxins are in there.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I used to have a script for human grade and simply can not afford it anymore. Once upon a time when the economy was rocking and my business was booming paying $15-17 per iu (no shit, from cvs) was something I could afford. Not today. I know what HGH does to me.

    Maybe some of you have shitty connections, but I'd put money on my black market HGH source being legit. Not everyone gets fake HGH when they buy black market.

  20. #20
    Well black market is different than generics...I get mine black market now as well. The generics are what are garbage, which has been proved now.

  21. #21
    can anyone offer some advice or point me in an information direction, I am wanting to start hgh but need more info...i know about side effects and what it is for and not for but need info like dosages, cycle time, diet plans, ect

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    This test will prove if its protein, if it does go cloudy its protein and maybe HGH. If it stays clear its garbage.So I guess yours is fake. Once boiled leave it for 15 mins on the side, if still clear throw it.

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