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Thread: I want to be a bodybuilder

  1. #1

    I want to be a bodybuilder

    Hey guys.. This isn't my profile but a buddy is allowing me to use this to gather more information on the topic of competitive bodybuilding.

    I've always showed a large interest in health and wellness but as I've gotten a little older, I've blossomed a desire to actually compete on a stage or be in magazines some day and show off my hard work!

    I've been training my whole life to be a hockey player but that time in the gym made me want to find out how far I could push my body to be the best. I love working out, I take great pride in my diet and work ethic in the gym and in the kitchen.

    I'm looking or some advice and guidance in the next step for this dream I have!

    Lifting-5 years

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Great White North
    Welcome. First step to your dream is getting your own profile. You can achieve anything that you put your mind to.

  3. #3
    Thanks a lot!! I plan on doing that in the next few days

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