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Thread: Help First Cycle TEST Enanthate

  1. #1

    Help First Cycle TEST Enanthate

    I am 25 years old and i have been training for 5 years. I am 6'4, 215 lbs, 12 or so body fat. This is my first cycle and i plan on eating clean 40/40/20 400grams protein, 400 grams carbs, rest is fat.
    I found a cycle that i think i wanna use but i did some research and i have found that with long esters, such as test enanthate, it is pointless to taper down so some advice will be greatly appreciated by members of this great forum .

    This is how my cycle WAS going to look like before i found out that tapering is pointless on test enanthate.
    Weeks 1-10:
    *500mg testosterone per week
    *1 quarter tablet of Fincar per day (1.25mg)
    *1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every other day (0.25mg)
    *1 tablet of clomid every other day (50mg)
    *320mg of standardized Saw Palmetto Extract per day
    Week 11:
    *300mg testosterone per week
    *1 quarter tablet of Fincar per day (1.25mg)
    *1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every other day (0.25mg)
    *1 tablet of clomid every other day (50mg)
    *320mg of standardized Saw Palmetto Extract per day

    Week 12:
    *200mg testosterone per week
    *1 quarter tablet of Fincar per day (1.25mg)
    *1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every other day (0.25mg)
    *1 tablet of clomid every day (50mg)
    *320mg of standardized Saw Palmetto Extract per day

    Week 13:
    *1.25mg of finasteride per day
    *.25mg of Arimidex every other day
    *100mg of clomid every day

    Week 14:
    *1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every 3rd day (0.25mg)
    *50mg of clomid every day

    Now here is my question. Should i just do test enanthate 500 mgs for eleven weeks or just do test enanthate 600 mgs for ten weeks bc thats how much supply i have since i was going to taper off.

    My second question is what do you guys think how my PCT should look like if im not going to taper then and if i just decide to do 500mgs for eleven weeks or 600 mgs for ten because i want to know if the info i got from this source is legit and how i should work with my PCT since there is not going to be any taper.

    All help will be greatly appreciated and i would love to hear some input.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Kind of over-thinking this. No need to taper down on test. Just run Test E for 12 weeks @ 500mg/week. Use your adex for all 12 weeks @.25 EOD. Start PCT 14 days after last pin of clomid @100/50/50/50 & novla @40/20/20/20

  3. #3
    Thank you soooo much. So what you're saying there is no need to run clomid during cycle? And for the PCT can i just use clomid and arimidex instead of nolva bc i dont have nolva? And is it true if you use clomid during your cycle its gonna keep my testicles from shrinking?

  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by trojan9999 View Post
    Thank you soooo much. So what you're saying there is no need to run clomid during cycle? And for the PCT can i just use clomid and arimidex instead of nolva bc i dont have nolva? And is it true if you use clomid during your cycle its gonna keep my testicles from shrinking?

    Adex ON cycle. Clomid & Nolva for PCT.

    To prevent testicular atrophy and speed up recovery, you could use HCG @ 250iu on cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    a gym near you
    lol touche austinite.... jumped on that perfectly

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Los Angeles, CA
    personally i like to taper my last 2 weeks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Go read our stickies on a first cycle. Alot of stuff isnt right. Do not run that planned cycle.

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