Ok fellas, (and females)
I have a friend - and before you go off on the whole "sure you have a friend" business, read my previous posts and see that I'm an active member and I have my own totally different reason for being on this board- so where was I... Right, my friend has been abusing steroids for quite some time... Or as he would say, "long distance cycling" lol ... About 2 years long. Steady, no real pct, and only came off for about 3 months ( more like 2 months most likely) using a handful of nolvadex.
I've convinced him its time to come off. It's taken some time, and even some money to make happen.... But he's for real gonna come off. I've helped him work some A-dex into his current 20mL selection of test. His said "cycle" is over due to last 2mL shot tomorrow and I was wondering how heavy PCT he'll need to come off from that long on gear. I need serious information, no bs. He's had adex @.25mg eod for the last 6 weeks or so, which isn't great but is better than nothing. On hand is HCG, adex, clomid, nolvadex- not sure how to dose it.
Thanks a bunch, you'd be helping a good guy!
P.s. Forgot to mention, he's 18 and 185 and 5'10" usually runs test at 400-800mg weekly. I suspect he's over 1000 lately due to increased rages, and moodswings.