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Thread: Chinese HGH concerns

  1. #961
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckEisenmench
    Ordered steriods in the 80's. Can't give you the source. They did hgh but not now. Jintropin was mailed then in the 90's and that is not bullshit. Yes there were websites in the 80's. I used test then, dianabol and deca. Ordered online, yes there were online sources in the 80's: period. Before you were even born.
    i still call bullshit im reliably informed by people who have connections (you dont) that what your saying isnt possible

    pm me the source i will gladly hold my hands up but i still sure you talking utter shite

    prove me wrong or you have 0 credability on this forum

  2. #962
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    [QUOTE=ChuckEisenmench;6118998]Ordered steriods in the 80's. Can't give you the source. They did HGH (90's) but not now. Jintropin was mailed then in the 90's and that is not bullshit. Yes there were websites in the 80's. I used test then, dianabol and deca. Ordered online, yes there were online sources in the 80's: period. Before you were even born.Available hgh include Nutropin, Hypertropin,Humatrope, Saizen, Serostim, Zorbtive, Nordtropin, Jintropin, Zomacton, all legit. Plus many other knockoffs that have the rescources to make it. It is not rocket science and can be produced just like the junk peptides that are similar to HGH, but not effective but require millions of dollars worth of equipment which contrary to some people is as difficult to make as the real thing. Anke bio makes 192 amino acid sequence. Ansomone.[/QUOT

    with respect .thats not true of ansomone . that was just a rumour put about . there are lab results posted in this forum that show its 191 ! theres a lot of credible / calibre guys on here that use it and to suggest that theyd be using junk is abit naive / disingenuous dont you think mate !?

  3. #963
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    ansomone is 191.

    and until 1995 the internet was only for commercial use, governments, education and research There wasnt website for shopping
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #964
    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckEisenmench View Post
    Anke bio makes 192 amino acid sequence. Ansomone.
    Incorrect, Ansomone is 191aa. The whole 192aa rumor is based off of one lab report from many years ago that supposedly tested it and found it to be 192aa.

  5. #965
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    ( Human Growth Hormone / Somatropin / our own trade name: ANSOMONE) conforming GMP Guideline approved by China FDA. Our products are rDNA origin and have been widely used around China and exported to quite a few countries.

    We supply HGH as Finished Form for Injection and Bulk Raw Drug in lyophilized powder.

    Our HGH/ANSOMONE is qualified to EP, USP, CP, WHO Standard with high bio-activity and with 191 amino acids.

  6. #966
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    Here is part of the information provided from the test results.

    · The protein concentration was very close to the concentration given by the manufacturer (experimental: 1.7 mg/ml, on the label: 1.6 mg/ml).

    · SDS-PAGE analysis indicates that the proteins is very pure

  7. #967
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    Why cant you disclose the source? Age means nothing I can obtain anything and everything and people here can vouch for.that

    You cant name source, cant post bloodwork as far as Im concerned you are a.scammer trying to sell fake hgh

    Sources werent online when you.claim

    Prove anything I said wrong otherwise stop bringing up my age (irrelevant) to divert attention from simple fact that you full of shit

    Several people here can vouch for me so who can vouch for you?

    Prove what you claim or shut your mouth it really is that simple and Im waiting


    This post directed at that clown above who claims his hgh legit yet no proof
    Last edited by DanB; 08-17-2012 at 04:20 PM.

  8. #968
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    Back in the old days there were websites that I had to pay to get on to download info. In NJ I had contact with several sources of info reguarding steriods. Sparta was one I remember. You could search for data, and info about bodybuilding. This was before the internet as you now know it. I used US mail to contact people that were listed on these info sites. I'm just working on my 100 posts with this dialog. I am willing to admit that I still need to learn. No hard feelings with your disagreements. You may even be right. I just know from MY experiences that I had Dr.s recommended that would prescribe Dianabol, etc. if you knew who to go to. Online sources for anabolics came later I admit. I'll keep you up to date on my progress until one day I may get to PM or contact you all for more up to date info. 45 days will come and from our posts you will get to know me. I may be a new member on this forum but I have had contact with many bodybuilders who are not some 18-20 year old asking how to do the basics and wanting HGH, steriods, cycles, routines, etc. Been there done that! I did get stuff from gym members and learned by watching and asking them the questions that appear so frequently on these forums. Don't they go to a gym? I don't things have changed that much from what I see in the gym. I had 5 years training (1978-1985) untill I got in good enough shape to push past plateaus. NOW, I am older and am interested in HRT, but in a bodybuilding setting. I still bench 300 and have 19.5 arms, 49" chest. I weigh 235 with a little body fat, getting older you know. Looking to continue the dialog with you guys, seriously!
    Chuck Eisenmench

  9. #969
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    ^^^ id be interest to hear more. You are older then me. but i from nj and philly and pretty much know who runs everything there
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #970
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    ^^^ id be interest to hear more. You are older then me. but i from nj and philly and pretty much know who runs everything there
    First person I thought of when he mentioned NJ

    He stung now, I leave you to it.....

  11. #971
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    Well I'm glad you are close. Can't wait to get to know all the ins and outs, people who run things etc from you in the future. Guess all the guys who advised me on HGH were wrong. I now have all the info about HGH and am happy that Chinese HGH is no good and can not be had. OR NOT? My pumps are getting very intense now but strenght has not gone up at all. It's only been a few weeks. Should all that warm and fuzzy feeling of well being begin soon after using HGH or is it a month or two to begin getting benefits? Should I tell my friends to hold off until I can definately reccomend a product? Will you do source checks for anyone or not? No bad sides yet. sleep is OK. Energy seems normal. What is all the smartass comments suposed to do to aid this dialog?

  12. #972
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    That aimed at me yeah

    There is no smartass comment just calling out bullshit when i see it

    You have changed your story in nearly every post and answered none of my questions just avoided them and changed the subject

  13. #973
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB

    How about Canada?

  14. #974
    They don't ship to anywhere that GH is illegal or where customs is an issue.

  15. #975
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    I guess you could post sources here but I thought you couldn't. I got info from Compudata in NJ and Sparta in Sparta NJ. They would give you Dr.s etc. that would prescribe steriods. That was before HGH was around. I have many friends in bodybuilding locally in gyms in Fla. and DE (closed now) and NJ. That was years ago. Still know people. I guess Chinese HGH (Ansomone) website that says the same jargon as others is genuine. Don't know why you are calling me out about changing the subject. I guess you have not had the experience that I have. I am not bullshitting you. What the hell is false about me getting steriod sources online before 1985. It happened!
    Have done BW and HGH serum was elevated from a normal range of 0-2.9 to 58 with a 10iu injection of HGH. I have already posted the info. Checked product with pregnacy test and came out not pregnant(thank god). Then the question of bioavailability was raised and the tests are almost impossible to give certain answers.
    The HGH I have is not HCG,AI, or rat poison. It maybe peptides, which are for sale here. Although useless like Igf-l3. Growth hormone supplements the same thing. OK big shot now does that answer your questions? The anasomone website says the same things where I ordered. A Chinese Pharm Co. Listed on BIztoBiz. My sources are ancient history. They are gone. That's why I came here after getting an order from the best researched site I could locate. WTF is your problem with that. I need you to work with me. I'm just doing due diligence and getting the best info I can. I found this forum to be that place. You can get anything you want. I don't want to be made to feel a jackass because I ask and question the answers I get. I don't accept every thing on here as gospel. I've read too many posts to know that many here are just plain ignorant. So son that's my story. Feel free to answer as frankly as you want. No offense taken.

  16. #976
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    If I came across as a dick I apologise, it wasnt my intention, even if it seemed like that, Im very skeptical of peoples claims lately due to several recent events (unrelated to you)

    I may be younger then you but trust me when I say I have plenty of experience dealing with sources for various types of contraband, there isnt much that I cant get my hands on (not an offer to anybody so dont pm, just trying to make a point)

    I must of missed the labs you posted again I apologise

    But my main problem was (I may of addressed it wrong and lacking respect) that I have been reliably informed that online sources werent around when you claim they were

    I try help people here, I aint here to just have an arguement, I would go to the pub for that, it would be alot easier and more enjoyable lol

    So again I apologise if I was out of line, I hope you wont hold it against me in the future, and I will try facilitate any future querys you may have if you still want my opinion

  17. #977
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    Quote Originally Posted by swithuk View Post
    ( Human Growth Hormone / Somatropin / our own trade name: ANSOMONE) conforming GMP Guideline approved by China FDA. Our products are rDNA origin and have been widely used around China and exported to quite a few countries.

    We supply HGH as Finished Form for Injection and Bulk Raw Drug in lyophilized powder.

    Our HGH/ANSOMONE is qualified to EP, USP, CP, WHO Standard with high bio-activity and with 191 amino acids.
    I would stay away from Ansomone at the moment ive had 3 seperate issues relating to their HGH and something is wrong with their production.

  18. #978
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    So all kigtropin is fake, what about hyges 200 iu kits?

  19. #979
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I would stay away from Ansomone at the moment ive had 3 seperate issues relating to their HGH and something is wrong with their production.
    ok many thanks for info mate

    please can you let me know some more details about their hgh and production as ive been buying from them and ive just received two more boxes and i dont have an alternative

  20. #980
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I would stay away from Ansomone at the moment ive had 3 seperate issues relating to their HGH and something is wrong with their production.
    also what should i do with my latest delivery ? are these issues so serious that i shouldnt run them ?
    how can ankebio get things wrong ? i thought they are this massive pharma co. listed on the chinese stock exchange and have all this approval ...?

  21. #981
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    Quote Originally Posted by swithuk View Post
    also what should i do with my latest delivery ? are these issues so serious that i shouldnt run them ?
    how can ankebio get things wrong ? i thought they are this massive pharma co. listed on the chinese stock exchange and have all this approval ...?
    Anasome have been great they did have issues with sending out fakes about ten years who but they got another licence and they sorted themselves out. But what's made me think twice recently is I've had 3 separate incidents reported to me by serious bodybuilders who know what they are doing and saying. Some reported the powder flake not solid but all of then said they had different sides this time round and held a lot of water and gains are not the same. Some report zero gains some said minor but strange sides. 3 separate incidents reporting the same things tell me something is wrong! Also ankie wouldn't re ship even when photos were taken of the powder flake and reported sides and gains different, she wouldn't re ship even when these people have been buying from her for years. Sounds like they built up a big client base for selling cheap pharm grade now they selling either peptides,fakes or some other chemical they manufacturing for big $$$$$ .

    I'm disappointed with ankie and Chinese growth to be honest. All you can do is try it and see for yourself you may have real or maybe half is real who knows but I won't be running it again even though I have over a 1000ius here .

    Do what you want, believe what you want but for me ankie is over to many coincidences

  22. #982
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Anasome have been great they did have issues with sending out fakes about ten years who but they got another licence and they sorted themselves out. But what's made me think twice recently is I've had 3 separate incidents reported to me by serious bodybuilders who know what they are doing and saying. Some reported the powder flake not solid but all of then said they had different sides this time round and held a lot of water and gains are not the same. Some report zero gains some said minor but strange sides. 3 separate incidents reporting the same things tell me something is wrong! Also ankie wouldn't re ship even when photos were taken of the powder flake and reported sides and gains different, she wouldn't re ship even when these people have been buying from her for years. Sounds like they built up a big client base for selling cheap pharm grade now they selling either peptides,fakes or some other chemical they manufacturing for big $$$$$ .

    I'm disappointed with ankie and Chinese growth to be honest. All you can do is try it and see for yourself you may have real or maybe half is real who knows but I won't be running it again even though I have over a 1000ius here .

    Do what you want, believe what you want but for me ankie is over to many coincidences
    thanks for your reply mate .

    thats bad news !
    ive only just restarted running g.h after a long break .i have to say i havent had any sides and not noticed any positives but i put this down to me not running it for very long

    im shocked that a big pharma company like ankebio would be like this or can be like this !? this forum is the reason i chose to go with ankebio
    so what is the alternative ? gensci ?

  23. #983
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    im leaning towards unless i can get striagt from Pfizer which is unlikely i may just stop as it is turning out the the risk is no linger an option. it seems trust is gone with anything out of China. Ansomone was trhe last shot as far as im concerned.

  24. #984
    I'm glad I came across this thread before I pulled the trigger. Pisses me off, the Govt. makes it difficult to obtain HGH and AAS yet they allow cigarettes to still be sold.

  25. #985
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    yeah it pisses me off as well . it puts me in a difficult position as i dont know what company to go for now . im only interested to run pharma grade . id done alot of research and ankebio was perfect .

    im not interested in running anything from u.g.l

    this is a nightmare !

  26. #986

    Testing Etc.

    ....... we can speculate till blue in the face.... When they offer all these rainbow tops at dirt cheap prices..... Thats when u contact them and tell them I'll distribute for yall but first before i buy 100 kits or whatever, send me ONE for legitimacy testing and if g2g.... we got a deal. Watch how they respond= indicator #1. and if they do agree and do send... you set up testing.
    .... and there is a guy on here that i been using to test mine for over 2 years... hes g2g FOR SURE.

  27. #987
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    For what its wroth myaelf amd a few friends do a stubanstial amount of business with ankebio and havent had a single problem so yes mabey they had a bad batch or quality control issues but to cometely rule them out is massive ovekill i.m.o

  28. #988
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    For what its wroth myaelf amd a few friends do a stubanstial amount of business with ankebio and havent had a single problem so yes mabey they had a bad batch or quality control issues but to cometely rule them out is massive ovekill i.m.o
    im glad you said that .
    im obviously not in the same league as alot of guys here and just buy abit for myself . but i find it hard to believe that a massive pharma company like ankebio that supply hospitals ,make cancer treatment and are listed on the chinese stock exchange would just sell snide gear ?
    im hoping its temporary

  29. #989
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    ^^ I have also done a lot of business with Anki for close to 8 yrs, infact I am on personaly speaking terms with them but for 3 seperate guys state similar things regarding the quality and results thats good enough for me to stop using them. They have done it before and I am 100% sure they doing it again. You may think you have real, you may half real but without doubt someting has changed with them and thats why I am not foing any more business with them.

    The same thing hapened with generics, I spent another 3-4 yrs using them because i thought I had real gh but this time China aren't having anymore of mine money, i'm done with them!!

    I have 2 other guys starting their anki gh on Monday, see what comes back

  30. #990
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    just brain storming here, but were all three friends in the UK? Could there have been maybe a swap during the shipping from Anki to end reciever. not sure how to ask this without offending anyone but any chance of a middle man so to speak in this situation and that is where the bad gh was put into play?

    again my intention are not to offend anyone just looking at it from a different angle.

  31. #991
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    ^^ I have also done a lot of business with Anki for close to 8 yrs, infact I am on personaly speaking terms with them but for 3 seperate guys state similar things regarding the quality and results thats good enough for me to stop using them. They have done it before and I am 100% sure they doing it again. You may think you have real, you may half real but without doubt someting has changed with them and thats why I am not foing any more business with them.

    The same thing hapened with generics, I spent another 3-4 yrs using them because i thought I had real gh but this time China aren't having anymore of mine money, i'm done with them!!

    I have 2 other guys starting their anki gh on Monday, see what comes back
    your post are the reason ive chose ansomone and your post are the reason i would stop using ansomone
    for sure if a cat does something once it will do it again

    ive only been running it for 20 days .6i.u e.d . i know this is short term .but havent any sides or any positives at all ! apart from feeling more positive . this could be placebo !
    but 5 years ago i was runin real jintropin for a good while and felt amazing so its not like i dont know what real g,h feels like get hard ons like crazy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i dont know . but this is really depressing !

    i will let you know my progress for what its worth (i got my shipment a couple o days ago )
    interested to hear your guys progress

    many thanks for your input !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. #992
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgt2jay View Post
    just brain storming here, but were all three friends in the UK? Could there have been maybe a swap during the shipping from Anki to end reciever. not sure how to ask this without offending anyone but any chance of a middle man so to speak in this situation and that is where the bad gh was put into play?

    again my intention are not to offend anyone just looking at it from a different angle.
    chivalry is not dead - a valid point

  33. #993
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    I agree with Dan

  34. #994
    I've got a substantial amount of ansomone i received several weeks ago. Haven't run any yet but I'll post up how it is soon........

  35. #995
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    Did you go through all your vials to see if they all have the white pucks at the bottom vs flaky white stuff everywhere?

  36. #996
    I haven't looked at every vial but all of them I've looked at so far look like real gh.

  37. #997
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgt2jay View Post
    just brain storming here, but were all three friends in the UK? Could there have been maybe a swap during the shipping from Anki to end reciever. not sure how to ask this without offending anyone but any chance of a middle man so to speak in this situation and that is where the bad gh was put into play?

    again my intention are not to offend anyone just looking at it from a different angle.
    No, 2 where from the USA and infact one is a very trusted staff member here, the other guy was from the UK. It's not been swapped or tampered with.

    I've lost faith in them now but I will be starting my new batch on Monday so I'll give feedback but one thing is for sure I won't carry on using them like I did with generics. I spent a small fortune convincing myself they were working but it was either in my head or the aas. I don't mind using what I have but if I get strange sides and I suspect its some chemical what makes me retain water or what ever they put in it I will stop using them immediately.

    Trust me guys I didn't want to say what I have about ankie because I have defended them even though they came out of China but u feel I had to give feedback on the problems and issues with what they are sending out recently. Personally I'm not risking anymore money with them even if my batch is ok. Once thus happens with China I'm done, been there before won't happen again wasting money.

  38. #998
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    Quote Originally Posted by swithuk View Post
    your post are the reason ive chose ansomone and your post are the reason i would stop using ansomone
    for sure if a cat does something once it will do it again

    ive only been running it for 20 days .6i.u e.d . i know this is short term .but havent any sides or any positives at all ! apart from feeling more positive . this could be placebo !
    but 5 years ago i was runin real jintropin for a good while and felt amazing so its not like i dont know what real g,h feels like get hard ons like crazy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i dont know . but this is really depressing !

    i will let you know my progress for what its worth (i got my shipment a couple o days ago )
    interested to hear your guys progress

    many thanks for your input !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    6 ius per day for 20 days straight off and you feel nothing, sorry to say this but it sounds like bunk not even peptide or that shit they put in them, that sounds complete bunk. Normally I get sides within 3 days of using half that amount.

  39. #999
    hmm.... who wants to start a pharma company making gh out of the regulators hands...

  40. #1000
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    marcus -
    Thanks for your input. again my intentions were not to point fingers as i hope you understand just looking at different opiontions thanks for clearing it up. I wont speak for everone herre but you seem to be the go to guy for good solid advice and i am sure many have learned from you knowledge and experience.

    To Swithuk -
    I agree with Marcus if you have felt nothing after 20 day i would be concerned. I have been using Ansomone for close to a year now and at various dosages. starting out at 2.5 iu i felt all the side and as my body got used to them they subsided. i believe a big indication that your gh is is good is not only the side but just as important that over time the subside. My theory is that if the fakes put a subsatnce to mimick or copy gh side they would remain longer if not during the whole use. the reason i believe that is the year prior to this i used a generic at 5iu a day and my sides never went away.

    anyway that my $.02
    Last edited by sgt2jay; 08-24-2012 at 01:55 PM. Reason: i cant type

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