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Thread: Got quite a few questions. Low T but want to go beyond.

  1. #1

    Got quite a few questions. Low T but want to go beyond.

    Ok, first.

    Age 34
    H 5'10
    W 250lbs

    Def. overweight. Returned from Iraq, thinner, gained weight and was told I have low T.

    The Dr gave me: Testosterone Cypionate 2000 mg/mL (200 mg/mL) I am assuming the 200 is the dose? I have 5 refills and it reads take 2cc's every 4 weeks.

    What I am gathering is that I have enough to do a dose of 250 mg/mL a week for about 5 months before I need a new prescription.

    My questions is, is if so, will this do anything for me? I am assuming it will do more than 2CC every 4 weeks, correct?

    I am military so I have to run my 2 miles in a certain amount of time. My goal is not to get huge but lean, cut, able to run, strong, best shape of my life....etc.

    I am working out 3-5 times a week, I will be running a lot, and will be eating lean meat, low cal diet. Most likely 2000 cals a day.

    Is there anything else I need to know? Should I do once a week at 250, split it in half?

    Any suggestions will be awesome!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    West Coast Desert Rat
    You want to go beyond then use 500mg a week. Believe max recommended cycle would be 12 weeks with some PCT

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    if you've already been diagnosed as low T and prescribed trt, then you'll not need pct even if you decide to cycle.

    even if you have enough of it to up the dose, i think you should just stick with it in the beginning. you should be able to feel quite a bit of difference in your body going from low T to normal T.

    what you can do is, instead of pinning 400mg every 4 wks, change it to 100mg every wk. this will give you a very stable blood level and you wont feel too much highs and lows.

    after 1-2 months, if you still feel lousy low T symptoms, then increase slightly to 150mg or 200mg a wk.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Agree with Asian but I'll add the following. TRT is for life in most cases. You need to get dialed in with your dosage as well as considering an HCG protocol. An AI may be needed as well as most TRT-ers do end up needing one at a very low dose.

    I'd be more interested in reviewing your BW that put you on TRT if you can post it. Be sure to include ranges. If you can, do it in the TRT forum and re-post your initial thread there. Especially interested in LH/FSH, full thyroid panels, cortisol, shbg. Many things can cause low T such as being Hypothyroid or pathologies. Even high cortisol levels can basically shut your T down.

    To many docs just automatically prescribe T instead of locating your actual problem. Your young, you don't want to be on TRT yet unless you absolutely have to. What your doc prescribed to you already tells me he does not know TRT or hormones or half-lives for that matter. Visit the TRT forum and read the stickies and get caught up on what you need to know. A wealth of knowledge is there. When it comes to injections a minimum of once a week is necessary. Some of us split the dosage and go every 3.5 days for more stable levels.

    Welcome to the forums jyphotog. Stick around and learn.
    Last edited by kelkel; 08-29-2012 at 08:09 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I would be concerned that if you use what you have been prescribed to early that you would be left with nothing to continue your TRT and the doc would not be pleased.

  6. #6
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Agree with Asian but I'll add the following. TRT is for life in most cases. You need to get dialed in with your dosage as well as considering an HCG protocol. An AI may be needed as well as most TRT-ers do end up needing one at a very low dose.

    I'd be more interested in reviewing your BW that put you on TRT if you can post it. Be sure to include ranges. If you can, do it in the TRT forum and re-post your initial thread there. Especially interested in LH/FSH, full thyroid panels, cortisol, shbg. Many things can cause low T such as being Hypothyroid or pathologies. Even high cortisol levels can basically shut your T down.

    To many docs just automatically prescribe T instead of locating your actual problem. Your young, you don't want to be on TRT yet unless you absolutely have to. What your doc prescribed to you already tells me he does not know TRT or hormones or half-lives for that matter. Visit the TRT forum and read the stickies and get caught up on what you need to know. A wealth of knowledge is there. When it comes to injections a minimum of once a week is necessary. Some of us split the dosage and go every 3.5 days for more stable levels.

    Welcome to the forums jyphotog. Stick around and learn.

    The HRT forum is the place to be, the guys will help you get dialed in...... Welcome Bro

  7. #7
    Wow.. This is a lot of info..

    What is a AI?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    as a natural process, some of the test in our bodies is converted to estrogen by the action of the enzyme aromatase. when someone inject test, especially if it's more than what the body usually needs, this will result in raised estro in the body as well as high test. high estro is bad for the body. AI is Aromatase Inhibitor. it blocks the formation of estro from test, so you can enjoy high test without the harmful effects of high estro

  9. #9
    Ok, I got you. So I am super confused as of now. For now I am going to do 150 a week while I study up. I am going to try and get my blood results tomorrow. I will post them.

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