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Thread: bio-identical testosterone?

  1. #1
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    bio-identical testosterone?

    I've been researching Hrt/trt options recently. I keep finding clinics that offer this "bio-identical FDA-approved high quality injectable testosterone". They claim thats its just as good as synthetic T but with little to no sides. Mainly for the reason our body cant tell a diff from the natural production.

    so whats the word on the "street"? could this be the new super steriod
    Last edited by Focusmen; 11-10-2011 at 08:08 AM.

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    it would still have to mimic testosterone synthetically so it would sound strange if it didnt produce the same sides.

    where have you been reading up on it?

  3. #3
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    its sounds like some bs a clinic would push

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    its sounds like some bs a clinic would push
    it certainly does

  5. #5
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    bio identical is the same stuff you buy from drug store under script. or from your local gym.

  6. #6
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    test from steroids once ester has been removed is the same as test produced in your body. sides appear not because of the molecule doing something, but because of it being TOO ABUNDANT.

    no matter what synthetic androgens they may invent there will always be sides and some shutdown

  7. #7
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Its test pure and simple. Call it whatever you want.

  8. #8
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    Yup, the claims are definitely bullshit.

    Testosterone is testosterone, and you will get side effects regardless. This talk of it being "bio-identical FDA-approved high quality" is all stupid gimmick marketing jargon - it means NOTHING.

  9. #9
    "bio-identical FDA-approved high quality" nice marketing. It's like bottled water, nice marketing. Look, even if the Test being injected is 100% bio-identical the fact is you have just offset the Test/estrogen balance. Your body is going to naturally amoritize the Test to balance the Test/Estrogen scale. Wham, side effects comes on.

  10. #10
    We have a clinic in town offering this service. While it is legal, it is way too expensive. They don't take insurance and the first consultation is 500 dollars, the hormones are even more.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Focusmen
    I've been researching Hrt/trt options recently. I keep finding clinics that offer this "bio-identical FDA-approved high quality injectable testosterone". They claim thats its just as good as synthetic T but with little to no sides. Mainly for the reason our body cant tell a diff from the natural production.

    so whats the word on the "street"? could this be the new super steriod
    Are you talking about using this stuff in high enough doses to call it a cycle? Or at HRT dosages??

    For guys on low t doses for hrt, do you still experience sides? If your only using enough to mimic what you should normally produce than wouldn't your sides nil?? I believe sides come from "more than normal" test/estro...?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    Are you talking about using this stuff in high enough doses to call it a cycle? Or at HRT dosages??

    For guys on low t doses for hrt, do you still experience sides? If your only using enough to mimic what you should normally produce than wouldn't your sides nil?? I believe sides come from "more than normal" test/estro...?
    people still can get sides from a trt dose. some need to use and ai for increased estrogen
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  13. #13
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck<

    Are you talking about using this stuff in high enough doses to call it a cycle? Or at HRT dosages??

    For guys on low t doses for hrt, do you still experience sides? If your only using enough to mimic what you should normally produce than wouldn't your sides nil?? I believe sides come from "more than normal" test/estro...?
    My TRT sides include acne, hair growth on back and shoulders, testicular atrophy and increased red blood cell count.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    My TRT sides include acne, hair growth on back and shoulders, testicular atrophy and increased red blood cell count.
    forgot that. My last blood work i was over the normal range
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas

    My TRT sides include acne, hair growth on back and shoulders, testicular atrophy and increased red blood cell count.
    I suppose acne is a side, but hair growth? Most men grow hair... Maybe if you don't produce test you won't grow hair, but men have grown hair since the dawn of time. And some grow more than others... Sounds like a fact of life, not a side... Testicular atrophy?? If you have low t, and require trt, then your already And what is bad about increased rbc? Isn't increased WHITE blood cell the bad one???


  16. #16
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    increased rbc can be dangerous. thats why some donate blood. Google it.
    he is talking about growing hair in places they never had before. Some guys dont have hairy backs at 40 but start trt and start to get it
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  17. #17
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Grows hair everywhere but on your head...LOL

  18. #18
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    I don't think you'd grow hair in places that are totally random. Your body is genetically predetermined to grow hair in certain spots, and if you use copious amounts of androgens or for extended periods of time, those areas will simply end up with thicker, coarser, and greater amounts of hair. This is what I have found happened to me over the years of using AAS. If your genetics don't allow hair growth on your back, no matter how much AAS you use, you're not going to magically have hair just suddenly appear there.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    I don't think you'd grow hair in places that are totally random. Your body is genetically predetermined to grow hair in certain spots, and if you use copious amounts of androgens or for extended periods of time, those areas will simply end up with thicker, coarser, and greater amounts of hair. This is what I have found happened to me over the years of using AAS. If your genetics don't allow hair growth on your back, no matter how much AAS you use, you're not going to magically have hair just suddenly appear there.
    Interesting rebuttal atom. I would say this seems most logical. The idea that hair would just pop up where ever it wants is a little odd. Maybe one
    would develop a patch of hair on the end of their nose?? Or maybe finger tips? Nah, just the back, shoulders, and other normal spots. If we were Vikings or warriors of the times and didnt grow thick hair and lots of it, we would probably be called girls lol

  20. #20
    I think hair does grow out of your fingertips in the form of finger nails (tightly compacted hair). Finally, my biology degree has served some use!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    Interesting rebuttal atom. I would say this seems most logical. The idea that hair would just pop up where ever it wants is a little odd. Maybe one
    would develop a patch of hair on the end of their nose?? Or maybe finger tips? Nah, just the back, shoulders, and other normal spots. If we were Vikings or warriors of the times and didnt grow thick hair and lots of it, we would probably be called girls lol
    Well, you know what they say will cause hair growth on your palms, now....

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    Well, you know what they say will cause hair growth on your palms, now....
    Taking steroids and not having a receptacle... I mean... Girlfriend...

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