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Thread: Regarding Steroids and Wisdom Teeth (Oral Surgery)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Regarding Steroids and Wisdom Teeth (Oral Surgery)

    Say I was on a cycle, doing 750mg of Sustanon/week for 10 weeks. Is it safe to get my wisdom teeth pulled (either with a lot of Novacane, or being put out/sleep) during the operation? Is there any kind of risk in this situation? Would the needle to knock me out have something that could harm my body while on juice? Is the juice something the doctor must know about (like when they ask you if you are taking any medication, etc...)

    And also, aside from the steroid concept, how many of you have gotten your wisdom teeth pulled? Does it hurt a lot? Which would YOU recommend? Being concious or unconcious?!?


  2. #2
    I dont know much about the interaction with drugs to put you to sleep. I think they do concious sedation though: verced, valium and maybe some other stuff. You dont need to be knocked out though just get a local and tuff it out, unless your paranoid of the dentist.
    I have had them done. No fun. You will be in pain and be swollen up like a chipmonk for a bit.

  3. #3
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    They have a book with all that info in it. Just ask about steroids and N-cane. I was worried about my D-bol, deca, EQ and all the anti-e's and they looked them all up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I'm in the same situation....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    at the gym
    Had some dental surgery done several months ago during my cycle (sust/deca). I just got a local. The dentist asked me if I was on any kind of medication but I couldn't tell him that I did roids. Just told him that sometimes I had problems stopping bleeding. Then he asked me if I was a "bleeder" (not sure if it's the correct word in english) and I said no and then he explained that it was a normal thing for people that work out a lot. I just went along saying that yeah that probably was it.

    Anyway surgery went fine (check out my thread on this) but I did have a little trouble stopping the bleeding afterwards. But nothing that a few hours of rest and a frozen chicken couldn't handle

    But the safe way is to ask your dentist. I was afraid to ask because what if he would turn me down then the insurance company might find out. I was afraid that they would start some legal mombo jumbo and deny paying for the surgery. But the smart way is to ask about it, maybe by calling another dentis one the phone and ask if it could have any influence!? Just a thought!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    i just got my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday(9-29-03). i'm finishing up a 60 week cycle, and although the eq/enan is tapering out, i'm still on prop/fina the last 4 weeks.
    i didnt stop a damn thing.........and had no complications at all. i didnt even bleed excessively, i asked the assisting nurse afterwards.
    while this isnt an endorsement to go ahead with whatever youre on(we all react differently), maybe this will ease your mind just a little.
    i have to admit, i was a little nervous going in, but i'd been on for a long time, and i dont think me stopping anything at this point would have made a huge difference.....

    good luck bro, if you have a decent surgeon, its virtually painless.

    peace I4L

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Thanks for all the reply guys, helps big time.

    I don't feel comfortable telling the dentist, too risky, especially leaking back to my parents, and also I'm getting insurance from the school (university) and they cover 60% or so, and that's a good point that it might mess things up on that aspect of it too.

    It seems like it should be okay, I guess iron is right, as long as I get a good surgeon Hope he doesn't knock me out and fool around while i'm sleeping

    Also, calling another dentist (one which I will NOT go to) and asking them about it, is actually a good idea, might try doing that

    Thnx again,

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    i got knocked outfor my wisdom teeth while I was on a long extensive cycle and I was fine

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