26 M
I have been lifting for around 3 to 4 years now but i have had time off to recover from a surgery. I am thinking about a basic test prop 8 week cycle but before i get anywhere near that i wanted to make sure i was healthy enough before i continue. I went to my doc and got a blood test, ekg, and spoke with him on his thoughts about it. In so few words he said it would be fine if all my test came back ok. My bloodwork was fine and they said my ekg was fine but my heart rate was in the 40s. I run a few miles every week or so but im no marathon runner. He said it was fine for someone my age to have a hr in the 40s but i am still concerned. I do have anxiety and was anxious during the ekg but should this be something to worry about? Should i get a second opinion? maybe a stress test?