Hope tomorrow is better buddy!!! Halo time. Get with it.
Hope tomorrow is better buddy!!! Halo time. Get with it.
Thanks, me too. Regardless, i'm going in. I won't be contagious anymore so i don't have to worry about infecting anyone else.
Like the avi, my brother!! Freakin firemen.......hahaha...
Lol, whats that suppose to mean!! Freaking fireman!!!
just seen this thread aswell, i never come in here, but i just realised this section has potential, i havnt read any the thread so no clue what going on, i read it tomorrow lol
but whatever is happening, keep up the good work pete![]()
I know you were buddy. Thank you very much. That's my free gym in the background, hahahaOriginally Posted by stpete
I feel ya bro, every other time I pin I seem to get a small cold for a few day. Putting all these lovely chems in our body is just a lot on the system. I am taking 1,000mg vit c 4x a day too! Hope your better tomorrow and can start your HALO!
How you feeling today, stepete? Any better?
pete did you take a recommended dose of day quil for a normal 180 lbs male. you gotta remember your a freaking beast so you may need a lot more pills
hope your feeling better and "lets hit 405"
How's the cold big fella?
Halo halo today is the day , today is the day
Thanks everybody!! I appreciate it, really do. You guys are too cool. Live for the Pump-I wish it was the test causing the cold but it's not. It's the kids. They've been passing a cold around for 2 weeks now and i thought i was out of woods, but i was wrong.
Anyway, i still feel a little rough but i managed to get into the gym. Would have felt terrible had i not went. Didn't hit delts hard today and i was a little tired by the time i got to em, but i gotta tell ya, they are freakin hurtin from all the reps. haha..tomorrow going w/the wife to do some abs/cardio at her gym. yeah,yeah,yeah...hahaha....
405x5x5x2-Took my sweet time here. 315 was rather easy and 365 felt good. Took probably 5-7 minutes between sets w/the 405. And i probably won't be able to do much more than that comp time. It's my biggest weakness and my left knee won't let me forget about it. Oh well, i'm happy w/that but going for a realistic 455. Maybe next year 495.
Laying Leg Curl
Seated DB Presses
Seated Calf Raises
DB Front Raises
DB Lateral
That was good enough for today and i probably lost 3lb of water. Damn i couldn't stop sweating.
Diet off a little today. But i'm gonna try to stay up late tonight as i have a little work to do and hoping to add another meal in there. Definetely another snack w/it too.
Breakfast-3 eggs over easy, 1/2 cup oats, 2 cups o.j. w/5gms creatine.
Snack-2 hard boiled eggs, chicken breast, gatorade
Pre workout-met-rx bar, cranberry juice w/5gms creatine.
Post workout-still waiting on. Not hungry. Will be homemade chilli, baked potato, salad. Water
Snack-Cottage cheese
Snack-going to try a chicken breast.
Snack-tablespoon p.b.
Extra water, day-quil, alka seltzer for remainder of the night.
And i got a double dose of pleasure this morning. It was injection day and now halo time. Took 20mgs 1hr prior to workout and another 10 tonight. going to run 30mgs on workout days for right now and see how it goes.Will do 20mgs on non workout days. With any other oral i would keep dosage the same but due to halo's toxicity i think it best to cut back a little on off days. Might even drop it to 15mgs split thru whole day/night.
Thanks for following everyone! And let the good times roll!!
Awesome stpete. Quite some varying dosages on the halo but certainly makes sense! I like the higher dose on workout days. Keep that liver clean!
Yeah, had to take yesterday off cause of this damn cold again. Plus, i was tired and didn't eat right. So the abs/cardio took a hit.
Going to keep halo at 15mgs on off days and 30mgs on training days.
Hitting chest/tri's hard today. Need to see where i'm at on the bench. Back hard on Saturday. And legs on Sunday.
I know you're ripping at the seams to get your cycle underway. I will be following, my man!!
Im VERY interested in this part of your log now that the halo is in the picture. Keep it up bro ..hope u r feeling better !
I would probably wait till next week to see where the bench is at. If your sick I would think your bench with be impaired a little.
Hope you feel back to normal asap!
Hey jimmy. Yes, the halo is here. I'm feeling better but still had a little snot to deal w/and woke up after 5 hrs of sleep and took a little nap after breakfast. I think it will be totally gone by tomorrow. Thanks.
Hey, gearbox. See thread below. I didn't wait, but didn't do as well as i had hoped but that's ok. Get it next time. Thank you.
OK, well back in the gym today. Got my average 5-5 1/2 hrs of sleep last night but woke up a little tired and back to bed after breakfast for about 40 minutes. Still dealing w/a little snot but much better. By tomorrow i suspect it will be totally gone.
And halo dose is currently 10mgs in the morning w/vitamins and 20mgs 1- 1 1/2 hrs before workout. Then i have my normal pre workout met-rx bar, juice and creatine 30 minutes prior to workout.
Day 1 of 3:1
Pec Deck(arms extended)
Bench Press
385x1...Very hard.
405...Failed. According to spotter, got about 5-6 inches off my chest and that was it. He waited a little longer than i like to help me out. It was coming back down when he grabbed it and practically took it up by himself. My own fault for not having a regular (or someone that knows me better) spot me.
Hammer Strength Incline
Body Weight x15x15
Body Weight +45 x10
Body Weight +90 x5x5...Started feeling good. Almost like i could hit the bench again. Wasn't tired at all and just starting to get a good pump.
V-Bar Push Downs
BB Decline
Flat Bench BB
135lbx12x12x12...Let me explain. I do these 12 fast quarter reps, immediately into 12 full reps for 3 sets. Each set is done very fast w/30 second rest between sets. Buddy showed it to me years ago and i haven't done it in a while, so i thought i'd employ it for the next several chest days.
Overall, i'm happy w/today's workout. Kinda thinking i should have hit tri's a little harder. Will next time. Do believe the halo is working. I got a second wind and it was noticeable. Could have went heavier on all exercises except bench but didn't want to kill myself. I have a rough weekend coming up. Starting w/Deads tomorrow and Squats on Sunday. Will be changing routine on Tuesday targeting specific body parts.
Today's Diet
Breakfast-5 eggs over easy, 1 cup oats, 2 slices wheat bread, 2 cups o.j. w/5gms creatine.
Snack-Cottage Cheese w/pineapple chunks
Lunch-Spaghetti and Meatballs, salad w/lt. italian, 1 piece garlic bread. Gatorade
Pre workout-Met -rx bar, cranberry juice w/5gms creatine.
Post workout-Protein drink
Meal 6-Spaghetti and meatballs.
Dinner-Meatball subs w/skim milk
Snack-Heaping tablespoon p.b. maybe some cake and cookies and milk.
And i have no idea of how many carbs or protein are in the spaghetti and meatballs, i just know it's a plate full of food. Same w/the salads. I just pile the plate and eat. And if you didn't notice, which you probably did, my carb intake is going up. Over the weekend i will actually take the time to do the math and will post specifics on monday, if not sooner.
How is the shoulder feeling After trying 405?
I think next chest day will be a big improvement
Funny you mention my shoulder. It was fine till i got home and it kinda hurts a little bit. Took a hot shower and doubled up on my tramadol. That will take care of it tonight, but hope all is well in the morning. I will keep heating pad on it tonight.
I hope so. I forgot how heavy 405 is. But i knew i was going to have trouble after the 385. It took everything to get it up. But i had total control on the way down so that's a positive. Will try same thing next time.
when i used halo, i felt it pretty fast. you dont think 1.5hrs is too far off pre workout?
I felt like a second wind about halfway thru. I was even considering taking it 2 hrs prior after noticing this today. When did you take yours? Did you take it on empty stomach? With energy drink? Mine was just w/water and i had a protein bar and juice about 1 hr prior. I wouldn't think this would have anything to do w/it. But if you had your w/food right before a workout, that could be something. I never liked going to the gym right after eating though.
Being as liver toxic I would not take on empty stomach at all.
I've always been goofy when it comes to that. Even my Doctor preaches to me about taking the meds w/food. Sometimes i do. I think i will try this tomorrow. I know last time i didn't take it w/food. I just want best possible results however i have to take em.
I don't think it will make a difference with or without food but for your liver health take with food and lots of liquid
Yeah, i probably should start listening to people regarding this matter. Old bullheaded me. I will take it tomorrow w/my pre workout bar and juice. And yeah, i drink at least a gallon of water per day, 64 oz of gatorade, milk, o.j. a little diet coke from time to time.
Lifts are looking great! Yeah, Kids certainly put a different spin on things when it comes to staying healthy. Multi-vitamin or not, if they are sick you will be sick! Keep up the good work.
Throw in some serious vitamin c also. I take 6+ grams a day spread out when I am sick
I would take it 45min pre workout with a protein bar and a hersheys. I would feel it coming on before I got to the gym. I was taking 45mg tho. But none the less I was feeling the effect quickly.
Thanks, Buster will do! And yeah, it seems as soon as school starts every year we all get sick for the first 2 damn months! I might disappear next year. Come home around Thanksgiving.
I take 2+ right now. Might up it. Can't hurt.
Did it today and i felt it good! Left out the Hershey's bar though. haha.. Posting this in my log.
Alright, things are going good! Got 8+ hours of sleep last night and could have slept more but felt like i needed to get up and not be a damn bum. Cold is still trying to hold on to me. Had to take some alka seltzer and felt a little better after. Hit the gym and felt pretty good. For the first time in a while i actually visualized going thru my workout(well, just Deads really) and was geared up for it when i got there. didn't play around much w/warm ups. Knew exactly how i was going to load the bar and that's what i did.
Back/Bi's (taking more time to stretch before each workout)
Wide Grip Pull Downs
180lbs.x10x10..I should also add that the gym was completely dead and i took my sweet ass time on everything. Even took time to follow a couple football games.
495x1..struggled just a bit getting it off, but once in motion i got it a lot easier than last time. Was going to leave it at that but thought what the hell. and don't laugh at the 2 1/2lbers i put on each end!
500x1..same as above. Very pleased w/this and hadn't even broke a sweat yet. Seriously considered staying and adding some weight to see where i would fail but decided against it.
Bent Over BB
Really feeling the back at this point. Actually told myself that was it for today, but after sitting for a few i decided to go forward keeping shrugs a game time decision.
BB Curls
BB Shrugs-Back pain almost completely gone by this point. Just a little tight.
Got those reps easy. could have done more sets, more weight, more reps, but had other things outside the gym to tend to. I had been there for 1.5 hrs by this time.
Nautilus Bi's
170x4..Strip sets
Arms nice and pumped. Back a little stiff and sweating profusely. Drank 64oz of water while at the gym.
So, obviously pleased about today. Got up and took my vits w/10mg halo. Took 20mgs more w/met-rx bar, cranberry juice and creatine 1/2hr before workout. Too early to tell which way or time is best to take halo, but i'm going to stick w/what i did today for a while. and maybe the duration.
Will tell you now that i got another second wind during workout. Can't remember last time that has happened. And seeing that it's happened two days in a row, i'm confident it's the halo. And my concentration is spot on. Found myself pacing a lot more between sets gearing up for next set. what few people that were there today left me alone. Even the employees. And they're usually the first ones to come over and shoot the shit. I liked that they left me alone.
Today's Diet
Breakfast-4 eggs over easy, banana/protein pancakes, 2 cups o.j. w/5gms creatine
Snack-2 cans tuna top of salad w/lt. italian dressing.
Snack-Pasta salad, 2 hard boiled eggs
Pre workout-met-rx bar, cranberry juice w/5gms creatine
Post workout-Protein drink at gym. At home-Meatball sub w/provolone cheese, salad, diet coke.
Dinner-Mexican buffet of sorts. wife is making chicken enchiladas, rice, fat free refried beans, tacos, black beans. diet coke.
Snack-cottage cheese w/some fruit
Snack-heaping tablespoon of p.b.
Get thru tomorrow's workout and these 3 days will have been a success!! Squats among other things on the agenda. Delts as well but i'm not hitting those heavy. Unsure exactly how i'm going to work them. Changing routines when i hit the gym on Tuesday. Will post new routine Monday PM.
Have a great Saturday night everyone!! And thanks for following.
8 hours of sleep.... I'm jealous! Sounds like you've got a nice boost of energy going on there. Sounds like things are going to get very interesting in the next weeks! Awesome update, thanks bro.
I feel ya on the shoulder, I have the same problem. Couldn't warm it up today to go heavy so had to do a little lighter shoulder workout. You should of slapped your spotter. Man! 405lbs is not a weight you let someone come to a pause with! You got some solid workouts in there bro! Sounds like you train hard with the intensity to force those muscles to grow!! That's right don't leave them a choice.
Very rarely happens. I'm cool w/ 5-6. Yeah, i do get a little boost. And it's not my diet. I've kept that pretty much the same. Thanks, austinite. Can't wait for yours!!
Shoulder was good today! Yeah, i won't use him anymore. They are solid but they're taking a toll too. Was extremely tired this morning despite all the sleep. Probably will be tomorrow too. Oh well, gotta do it. But as usual, once you hit the gym things change don't they? Might as well go all out since you're there. Things will lighten up a bit after the comp.
Good lord son. I thought you said you were strong, lol. Hell yeah man, that's awesome you are crazy strong to be natural, haha.
Keep up the good work old man![]()
Thanks for update. Glad the shoulder and the back feel good.
I would watch it on the spotter. I agree that's not easy weight to push around.
Anytime I do about 315 I usually have my spotter actually gripping the bar on the way down just in case something doesn't feel right!
Nothing is worth injury!
Hate having to go lighter on shoulders because of a heavy chest day. Maybe after your comp, it may be wise to do a chest/shoulder day once a week for a few weeks to let them babies heal up a bit. I know that is the last thing you want to hear. Agree with above, nothing is worth an injury.
Yeah, it does. I'm just glad i know most everyone in the comp, otherwise i'd be a nervous mess. haha..
Thanks! And if anyone tells you that creatine is junk, send them my way! haha..
I agree 100%. Usually, my spotter will have his hands right there on the ready and if/when i pause, just the slightest amount, he will put his fingers there and give a little nudge, or maybe more if i need it. But usually lets me do most of the work while he certainly has it in case something bad was to happen. This won't happen again.
That's exactly what i'm going to do Buster. 1) Chest 2) Back...off...4)delts/arms 5)legs...off...Start over. Abs/cardio thrown in somewhere w/another calf day, probably w/chest or back. Still need to iron it out though.
Chest tri day for me also.
Pete I may try to hit 350 today. I will judge it by seeing how 325-335 goes up!
P.s. spot me some halo halo halo
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