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Thread: stpete's Test900mg/Halo possibly adding Tren later Cycle....

  1. #281
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    Chest tri day for me also.
    Pete I may try to hit 350 today. I will judge it by seeing how 325-335 goes up!
    P.s. spot me some halo halo halo
    That's good weight!! Keep me posted. I'd be glad to, Buddy. haha...

  2. #282
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    Took yesterday off for two reasons. 1) Tired and cold still lingering 2) wife reminded me that our kids would be home later in the day and i might enjoy the peace and quiet. She was right.

    Last Day of the routine

    Legs/Delts: As usual, typical stretching beforehand and performed some very light leg extensions.


    405x3x3x1..Took my time here again. Felt good but it was heavy and on the second set i could start feeling it in my left knee.

    Standing Leg Curl


    Hammer Strength Shoulder Press

    110lb(it was on the bars already so i didn't lower it to my normal plate on each side)x15x12
    Started to feel a little pain in right delt
    Pain didn't go away so i opted to stop all presses for the day.

    Front Raises using 45lb plate


    Seated Calf Raises


    DB Lateral Raises


    Right shoulder not feeling too good. Probably should have just stopped delt workout altogether but boneheaded me kept going cause the pain had somewhat went away. Once home i took my Tramadol and Ibuprofen. Ice.

    Today's Diet

    Breakfast-5 eggs over easy, 2 slices wheat bread, banana, 2 cups milk, 2 cups o.j w/5gms creatine.
    Snack- 1 can tuna w/saltines, 3 hard boiled eggs, gatorade.
    Lunch- Wendy's Double w/lettuce, tomato, mayo only. Baked potato, water.
    Pre workout- Pasta salad, met-rx bar, cranberry juice w/5gms creatine
    Post workout- Protein drink, then home egg salad sandwich.
    Dinner-Beef Strogonoff (emphasis on the beef) w/noodles. Chef salad w/lt. italian, diet coke.
    Snack-cottage cheese w/some pineapple chunks
    Snack-Milk and tablespoon p.b.

    Tomorrow cardio and abs. Still working on final preparations and workouts. I pretty much know where i stand everywhere w/the exception of bench. I'm happy where i'm at on bench but want more and think i can there if my shoulder cooperates w/me. Going to go heavy one more time on bench, deads and squats later this week. Next week will be very light in comparison to my last several weeks. Taking the thursday and friday prior to comp completely off. 2 days off in a row and previous easy days will have me ready on the 6th.

  3. #283
    Join Date
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    Your plans sound good with the one more heavy and then light days and rest before comp

    I didn't try 350 cause I barely did 325 (barely).... :/
    Was not feeling great from the start. Weird how some days you feel like the hulk...

  4. #284
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    going to post some progress pics at some point?

  5. #285
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    Your plans sound good with the one more heavy and then light days and rest before comp

    I didn't try 350 cause I barely did 325 (barely).... :/
    Was not feeling great from the start. Weird how some days you feel like the hulk...
    I thought it was a good plan. Pretty much the same thing i did last year. 325 is still freakin good. I know what you mean, believe me. Great thing though, you didn't hurt yourself and the weight will be there waiting for you next time!!

    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    going to post some progress pics at some point?
    Yes, sir. I said i would post some about halfway through and that would be mi-late October. I'll look at the calender tomorrow and decide on a date. Hey, patrick, when you took halo did it dry you out? Not in apperance, but rather your joints? I don't remember it doing that to me last time. Thanks.

  6. #286
    Join Date
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    the halo has begun! looking forward to the results!

    have to say, this is a well documented and detailed accountability thread! keep it up Pete youre doing fantastic! hope you kick the shit outta that cold soon!

    and x2 on the vit c recommendation. 3g/day min on cycle helps keep the cortisol levels in check.

  7. #287
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    Thanks, Mickey!!

  8. #288
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    I know your not a slave to the scale but how many pounds have you gained so far? I like your startegy, this should give your a shoulders a chance to heal up a bit. I'd rather be limited by the way I'm trying to push then have my shoulder limit the amount I can do. Don't get discouraged, your doing it the smart way.

  9. #289
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete

    I thought it was a good plan. Pretty much the same thing i did last year. 325 is still freakin good. I know what you mean, believe me. Great thing though, you didn't hurt yourself and the weight will be there waiting for you next time!!

    Yes, sir. I said i would post some about halfway through and that would be mi-late October. I'll look at the calender tomorrow and decide on a date. Hey, patrick, when you took halo did it dry you out? Not in apperance, but rather your joints? I don't remember it doing that to me last time. Thanks.
    I agree it will be waiting for me. Taunting me and heckling at me! Haha
    Awesome with the progress pictures!

    So halo leaving u dry. You taking msm or glucosamine. I usually hit 3 grams of both a day.
    TR- swears by 5 grams of msm per day

  10. #290
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    Still with ya stpete. Love the diet of Wendys double and meatball hero's. I have to get out of the diet section. Those guys only let me eat chicken breast and oatmeal.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  11. #291
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    Quote Originally Posted by bikeral
    Still with ya stpete. Love the diet of Wendys double and meatball hero's. I have to get out of the diet section. Those guys only let me eat chicken breast and oatmeal.

    Hope you feel better soon.
    Me too al I reckon I'll start clucking soon if I eat much more
    Stpete your turning all primal you'll b a f****n animal by the time the comp comes round lol
    Keep up the good work dude

  12. #292
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    Quote Originally Posted by milky01623

    Me too al I reckon I'll start clucking soon if I eat much more
    Stpete your turning all primal you'll b a f****n animal by the time the comp comes round lol
    Keep up the good work dude
    He already is an animal and we are his pack!

  13. #293
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    I don't remember having any joint pain from drying out too much. But I'm also using hgh and a high dose of test. Pretty watery

  14. #294
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    I know your not a slave to the scale but how many pounds have you gained so far? I like your startegy, this should give your a shoulders a chance to heal up a bit. I'd rather be limited by the way I'm trying to push then have my shoulder limit the amount I can do. Don't get discouraged, your doing it the smart way.
    4lbs so far. I think. You're right, i on;y check once a week or so. I can tell by feel or just a glimpse in the mirror what's going on. Going to weigh myself again this weekend w/measurements. Will post them. Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    I agree it will be waiting for me. Taunting me and heckling at me! Haha
    Awesome with the progress pictures!

    Good! More motivation for you! haha..

    So halo leaving u dry. You taking msm or glucosamine. I usually hit 3 grams of both a day.
    TR- swears by 5 grams of msm per day
    I do take glocosamine. Will check the other.

    Quote Originally Posted by bikeral View Post
    Still with ya stpete. Love the diet of Wendys double and meatball hero's. I have to get out of the diet section. Those guys only let me eat chicken breast and oatmeal.

    Hope you feel better soon.
    Well, those are good too. But i have to switch it up more than the regular guy as i like to be a fatass. Gotta a lot of money wrapped up in it! hahaha...
    Thanks, but this cold doesn't want to go away! Didn't do my cardio yesterday and as of this morning, has my workout in jeopardy today. Taking medicine and am going to relax all day. Hope to get it in!!

    Quote Originally Posted by milky01623 View Post
    Me too al I reckon I'll start clucking soon if I eat much more
    Stpete your turning all primal you'll b a f****n animal by the time the comp comes round lol
    Keep up the good work dude
    Tell me about it! These kids and their colds are killing me! I know i've lost a few lbs over it. Thanks, Milky.

  15. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    He already is an animal and we are his pack!
    haha..I need something to get rid of this cold!! Help me out!!

    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    I don't remember having any joint pain from drying out too much. But I'm also using hgh and a high dose of test. Pretty watery
    Ah, ok. Could just be me over analyzing. Thanks!!

  16. #296
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    What is msm? My left knee hurts all the time.

  17. #297
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    Msm provide sulvur a building block in joints and cartilage. It helps cushion the joint. Its one of the three main joint supports we have out there. Msm glucosamine and chontroitin.
    If want more info pm TR he is a huge advocate of this stuff. I take about 2-3 grams a day of each

  18. #298
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    Available locally?

  19. #299
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    Yeah otc and any place with carry it. Walmart target kmart probably most general grocery stores also.

  20. #300
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete

    haha..I need something to get rid of this cold!! Help me out!!

    Ah, ok. Could just be me over analyzing. Thanks!!
    I told you up the vitamin c. Are you sure your not pregnant

  21. #301
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    haha..The vit C is there, bro! Yesterday freakin killed me! Tail end was the worst. Slept most of the day yesterday while taking ny-quil, alka seltzer, and some other stuff. Getting older sucks! can't fight off a cold like i used to. As of now, feeling good enough to hit the gym later w/just reps. Nothing big. Probably hit the sauna too.

    Going to weigh myself too. Usually do this on saturday but wondering how much i've lost. Muscles are nice and bloated/tight this morning though. Might have needed the rest more than i thought. And if not at least 85-90% by this afternoon, i will take today off too.

  22. #302
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    Crap. Hope you feel better. I don't see you losing any strength if you can recover before comp. But weight should be down a little bit

  23. #303
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    Dang this thing still chasing you? Hope it gets better stpete.

  24. #304
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    I was going to tell him to run faster but he is a big dude. Plow through

  25. #305
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    Get your chic to suck it out. Lol

  26. #306
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Dang this thing still chasing you? Hope it gets better stpete.
    Yes, i was out most of the day and night yesterday. Felt ok upon waking but back to bed i went. Feeling better and eating better now. Just had a pizza so i know i'm on the right track. haha..Still weak though. Med and rest today and back at it to some degree tomorrow. Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox;6182***
    I was going to tell him to run faster but he is a big dude. Plow through
    Plowing thru is much better than running! That's too much work!!

    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Get your chic to suck it out. Lol
    Now that's an idea! Will give it a go when she gets home! haha...Might as well pass it on to her since it was HER kids that gave it to me. Always hers when they do bad.

  27. #307
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    Ok, last week pretty much a wash. But i'm glad the cold hit me when it did as it could have been worse and got me next week. That would have been disastrous. And looking back at it, i think i needed the rest as well. My muscles were pumped as if i'd just had a workout the whole week long. Not the first time that's happened but not for the whole damn week.
    So i got back in today w/an old friend of mine and he will be accompanying me tomorrow and comp day.

    Weight 253.2


    Stretched well and went right into Deads. This is the last time these will be performed before the comp. Same w/Bench tomorrow.


    545x1...My partner was a huge help here. I went to put the normal 365 on as i always do and he put a stop to that. And added only pvssies put that shit on. Needless to say that pissed me off. The rest went up relatively easy. Struggled a little at 545lb but i was and still a little surprised i got it. And could have got it again if i'd tried. His pushing me talking shit got my mind straight. I had forgotten exactly how good it is to have someone there that knows how you lift and what you're capable of.

    BB Shrugs


    BB Curls


    Close Grip Low's(palms facing each other)


    DB Hammer Curls

    80x2..Threw those in for shits and giggles.

    Felt better today than i have in almost a week. I kept the halo at 15mgs ed except for yesterday. Used 30mg cause i had plans on going to the gym but forgot i had prior arrangements w/my daughter and a girl scout hike. Yeah, i was the only man there. haha....Not sure which to give the credit to, my cold, the halo, or a combo of both, but i have leaned down a bit. Abs are more visible now and looking pretty good despite my work on them. Saw my partner today for the first time in 2 weeks and he mentioned i was looking bigger and slimmer.

    Tomorrow is chest/tri's and i've already been told we're going max as i have plenty of time to re-coop. Doc told me to go ahead and finish the prednisone but i've stopped the tramadol and the shoulder is good.

    Today's Diet

    Breakfast-1 1/2 cups oats, 2 slices multi grain, 2 cups milk, 2 cups o.j w/5gms creatine.
    Snack-2 cans tuna, 3 hard boiled eggs over salad w/lt. italian, gatorade.
    Pre workout-Pasta salad, met rx bar, cranberry juice w/5gms creatine.
    Post workout-Protein drink. Home-pasta salad, 2 hard boiled eggs, diet coke.
    Dinner-Will be Homemade double cheeseburgers, cole slaw, potato salad, diet coke.
    Snack-Hamburger patty plain w/cottage cheese.
    Snack-Heaping tablespoon p.b. 2 cups milk.

    Feeling good and focused. Next weeks routines will vary and will be moderate in weight. Wednesday will be last workout day.

  28. #308
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Nice update bro. Good numbers and good eating! Having a partner certainly helps. Motivational if anything. Love that you always make time for family time. That's most important, good for you.

    Something about the abs... it's a different feeling when you see more definition in the abs than anything else. Don't get me wrong, love seeing the chest, shoulder and arms grow, but abs.... that just feels damn good!

    Keep it powerful bro!

  29. #309
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    hey Pete,

    just want to say those are some pretty impressive numbers. and im glad to see you digging your heels in on that cold.

    also want to know if you have any reports that you feel the halo responsible for any increases or positive effects?

    youre coming around the clubhouse turn bro

  30. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Nice update bro. Good numbers and good eating! Having a partner certainly helps. Motivational if anything. Love that you always make time for family time. That's most important, good for you.

    Something about the abs... it's a different feeling when you see more definition in the abs than anything else. Don't get me wrong, love seeing the chest, shoulder and arms grow, but abs.... that just feels damn good!

    Keep it powerful bro!
    Thanks, Buddy! Yeah, i enjoy a little family time. Hell, they're only kids once. And for the abs. Love em but i just don't dedicate myself to them like i used to. But they will have a place after the comp as things will be back to normal.

    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    hey Pete,

    just want to say those are some pretty impressive numbers. and im glad to see you digging your heels in on that cold.

    also want to know if you have any reports that you feel the halo responsible for any increases or positive effects?

    youre coming around the clubhouse turn bro
    Thanks, Mickey! And yes, the cold is finally gone! And the halo has increased my intensity in the gym. My lifts have went up and like i mentioned, the second wind i experience is second to none! And i'm not even sore after today's workout. As a matter of fact, i feel like i could go back in the gym and do it again right now. Considering running 40mgs starting tomorrow on my training days and 60mgs the day before and the day of my comp. This should be nice!!

  31. #311
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    Well mr. pete. I'm cycled up and ready to start my 3:1 routine. went to the gym today and it was closed? I may go 4:1 instead, not sure. gym won't open til monday so i have one more day to think about it. down side for 3:1 is more stress to CNS and more risk of injury prone due to less rest. But i'm a game fukker so im; notsure yet.

  32. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Well mr. pete. I'm cycled up and ready to start my 3:1 routine. went to the gym today and it was closed? I may go 4:1 instead, not sure. gym won't open til monday so i have one more day to think about it. down side for 3:1 is more stress to CNS and more risk of injury prone due to less rest. But i'm a game fukker so im; notsure yet.
    TR, my friend, you are correct about that. 3:1 is more stress to CNS no doubt about it. I'm just coming to terms w/that in the last week. Although i've made some good gains in the last several weeks, i'm ready for a change. The last few days off have been a blessing, really. If you run the 3:1, i suggest not doing 10 consecutive rotations. I was tired about 7 in. So, that's something to think about. I definetely think it helped me pick it up a notch though.

    Keep me posted on what you decide on as i'll be very interested. And tell those people at the gym you need a key to the joint. haha...

    On a side note, i mentioned earlier that i wasn't sore from today's workout. I spoke too soon. My back and arms are pumped to max and my lower back is currently holding the heating pad. not really hurt, just a bit tight.

    Talk soon, Buddy.

  33. #313
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    so it increased your strength, intensity, and endurance. that pretty freaking good if you ask me?? and you're bringing it up a notch? sweeeet!

    keep it going, youre almost there Pete!

  34. #314
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    Stay healthy! That's most important ... we can't win the comp and shut the dumb ass guy up if your hurt

  35. #315
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    Impressive DL numbers for sure! As far as a workout structure goes, it may be beneficial to incorperate the 3:1 style rotation in spurts. Say two weeks 4 day split then a week doing 3:1, that would surely shock the system. Keep up the good work.

  36. #316
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    ^^^^^Thanks Fellas! ^^^That's what i was thinking too, Buster. I've done the 3:1 before kinda like that but i was 2:1 then changed to 3:1 emphasis on larger BP's. Great thing about this sport, there's always something different to throw in there.

    Ok, back was aching a bit this morning but after meds it was fine. Got pumped and only had bench on my mind. Ate good too.

    Chest...Normal stretches and rotator exercises. Partner had me start w/ fb db flies. These were done w/40lbx12, 50lbx12. Nice and slow, extra stretch at the bottom. Was nice and loose when i hit the bench.

    135lbx10...Nice and slow moving bar to top of chest for first 5 reps to stretch a little more.
    405x1...We took a 7 minute break(he actually timed it) and he gave a motivational speech that was really moving. I've known him for quite some time but heard some shit i had no idea about. The man really knows how to talk and keep your mind on the target. I was focused like never before. When the timer went off he told me i had 1 minute to get under the bar and positioned for one more. Not a problem. Shit went up pretty easy and i was high as a kite.

    Push ups




    Now that doesn't look like much but my chest is pumped. I wanted to do more but was talked out of it. Going to his gym (in his basement) tomorrow for Squats. Not sure what he has in store but he knows it's my weakest part and my drive for that exercise just isn't there. Mostly cause of my knees. So he may check my form and critique. Too little time to do much more.
    Tuesday brings tri's/ab's. Wednesday is little of chest, back and legs. Rest thur and fri.

    I think the combo of getting that cold and forcing me to rest, My increase in carbs, halo has really helped. I did 30mgs before workout today bringing my total for the day to 40mgs. Going to continue that dose thru wed. Thursday 20mgs, Fri 20mgs and Sat 60mgs. High carbs all the way thru.

    Today's Diet
    Breakfast-1 1/2 cups oats, 2 cups skim milk, 2 cups o.j. w/5gms creatine.
    Snack-2 cans tuna, 3 hard boiled eggs, banana, 2 cups milk.
    Pre workout-Pasta salad, met rx bar, Cranberry juice w/5gms creatine
    Post workout-Protein drink and bar. Home, 2 chicken thighs.
    Dinner- Will be,BBQ Chicken thighs and legs, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, 2 slices wheat bread, diet coke.
    Snack-Cottage cheese w/pineapple chunks.
    Snack-Heaping tablespoon p.b. 2 cups milk.

    As tired as i was last week, i'm feeling on top of the world right now. Shoulder is a little tight so i have ice on it right now and will continue for a while w/20 minute intervals. This coming week is going to allow me some additional rest while still getting in a little work. Feeling good about the schedule.

    OH Yeah, i have received pm's regarding the "Burger Challenge". sorry for not updating this. As w/kids and ex's(especially ex's) things don't always go as planned. Except for this upcoming weekend where it's already set in stone that by 6pm EST Friday we will be totally kid free till Sunday 6pm. My wife and i are enjoying alone time friday night, comp saturday, then "Burger Challenge" straight from the comp! She is taking pics and they will be posted here or in the Lounge. Probably in the Lounge. But i might put a few here as well. you guys tell me. Should i let ALL of our members know what a fat ass i am? hahaha...

    Thanks for following guys!!

  37. #317
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    Wish I had your bench press.

  38. #318
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Wish I had your bench press.
    Wish i had your DL and Squats. You're still 2 up on me. haha...

    Actually, bench isn't my favorite since i hurt my shoulder 5 years ago. My back is much stronger but deads i really just started doing a few years ago. And not even that regular. I can workout w/max weight on about any back exercise machine. That's why i enjoy BB Rows so much. I wish there was a shoulder press comp too. Love working those bad boys. Especially when my right shoulder is feeling up to it. Legs have always been a work in progress. I think i kinda gave up on em a bit cause of my work having to climb scaffold and roofs gets old. And with sore, tired legs makes it down right miserable sometimes.
    Last edited by stpete; 09-30-2012 at 09:23 PM.

  39. #319
    Join Date
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    Dude it's lookin good

    Your giving me inspiration to tear up the gym lol
    Maybe I should set targets instead of just keep lifting until its heavt

  40. #320
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Wish i had your DL and Squats. You're still 2 up on me. haha...

    Actually, bench isn't my favorite since i hurt my shoulder 5 years ago. My back is much stronger but deads i really just started doing a few years ago. And not even that regular. I can workout w/max weight on about any back exercise machine. That's why i enjoy BB Rows so much. I wish there was a shoulder press comp too. Love working those bad boys. Especially when my right shoulder is feeling up to it. Legs have always been a work in progress. I think i kinda gave up on em a bit cause of my work having to climb scaffold and roofs gets old. And with sore, tired legs makes it down right miserable sometimes.
    i agree with you on sore legs and doing manual labor of climbing ladders etc... its a terrible day..

    keep up the good work and look forward to seeing results of the halo halo halo

    shoulder press scares me. seems like everyone has had shoulder surgery or something close to it thats been a lifter for 12+ years

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