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Thread: im a puss, on my way to thee hospital

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Good to see you back you faker

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Diego
    Fuck bro, that is hardcore.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ambulance1984
    Hello AR,

    First off...
    Thanks to the bros for the well wishes and thoughts

    And to the others (dutchboy, etc) I wish you a very warm fuck you from the bottom of my heart to the top of your black hearts.

    To clear the air before I post in more detail later on about the whole ordeal, here is a basic overview...

    No this wasn't some attention cry... if it was, I would have set back and played it out... watched you guys go nuts and think I was dead. Thats not the type of person I am.

    Why did I take the time to post before I left? Because when your waiting an hour with your heat playing a drum solo for your ride to pick you up (since my vehicle has been in the shop for quite some time now being painted) you think of things that will calm you down. So, the first thing I did after calling 911 and getting advice, was coming on the AR board...and letting you guys know what was up. I was hoping it would comfort me and maybe save me a trip to the ER.

    My friends that know me, know that I have suffered broken bones, etc and never allowed anyone to take me to the hospital. So when I felt strongly enough to go, I knew it was the right choice...and after making it to the ER and having the doctors tell me if I let it go on I would have died..I knew i made the right choice. Once again to Dutchboy, for questioning me; a nice healthy f*ck you. (not even worried about getting banned for this mods, it'd be worth it to put him in his place)

    My heartrate upon arriving was unreadable as it was "bouncing" too much for them to rate, upon it slowing down wher ethey could get a solid measurement it read 165 over 80 but my blood pressure wasnt too much higher..just my heart rate.

    I posted on the board sometime before 6pm my time, by the time someone came to my house to take me to the hospital I was not able to walk without help.

    .36mlg of clen did not seem like a big deal to me seeing as how i had ran clean before at higher doses... but then again i should have kept in mind i ran oxyflux prior (which is basically worthless in allot of batches)

    I'm really exhausted, this should normally only take me 5 minutes to type.. but has taken 50 minutes, in other words im very tired and feel like a pin cussion from all the different IV's, blood draws, tests, etc.

    I'll try to post tommorow when hopefully I'm feeling better. My heartrate was still fluxuating between 90-120 (not a good rate) when I had my doc sign me out, so im still a bit tore back.

    Thanks for the <3 guys.


  4. #84
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Hey, Ambulance, really glad to see you're okay and THANKS for posting what was going on before going to the hospital. If you hadn't made it, who at AR would have known?

    You may have helped prevent something worse from happening to someone else who's using Clen. Isn't AR here just for that reason?

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Under your bed.
    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody
    Hey, Ambulance, really glad to see you're okay and THANKS for posting what was going on before going to the hospital. If you hadn't made it, who at AR would have known?

    You may have helped prevent something worse from happening to someone else who's using Clen. Isn't AR here just for that reason?

    Thanks bro, thats what I was trying to do. It makes me feel good you appreciate it.

    Dutchboy ( ) is one of those guys that doesn't appear to have ever had a friend growing up, or a female companion. So I'll ignore his posts... you can only read him tell us how "half full" the glass of water is so many times before it gets old

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    I'm glad your OK.....Good to see you back, alive and well.

    Anything we can do, let us know...

  7. #87
    Join Date
    May 2002
    And once you're fully recovered you have permission to kick dutchboy's butt for us.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    good to see your ok bro.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    welcome back bro. you have a PM when you get a chance

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Under your bed.
    you guys really are the best. I'm trying to get some pics of my heart they took scanned and my bloodwork results back so i can post them for ya guys

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Jul 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Ambulance1984
    you guys really are the best. I'm trying to get some pics of my heart they took scanned and my bloodwork results back so i can post them for ya guys
    great to see you back bro.....i am glad another good bro is not gone and i am glad you did not take a macho attitude about it and not go to the would be dead now.... get some rest and fluids my friend..i will pm you later to hear about what the doctors said.

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