Hydrocortisone/Prednisone. This is the key answer for the fake gh. Sheven is ****ing GOLDEN at this discovery. Please, applause! Bulgarian operation called "Relabeling!"
i take it this is reliable info yeah? very interesting, would it be this solely in the vial or would peps also be incoporated in your opinion?Originally Posted by Sheven
here is a question for you, melting point test for legitimacy of hgh
theory sound or flawed?
I'm sure you can see the identical bottle right? Coroborated with the German Custom authorities seizure and analysis conformation ( http://www.zoll.de/SharedDocs/Presse...html?nn=136276 ) where is clearly stated that:
" Statt des eigentlich erwarteten Wachstumshormons "Somatropin", von dem nicht geringste Spuren nachgewiesen werden konnten, enthielten die Fälschungen neben anderen Stoffen insbesondere den Wirkstoff Cortison."
there is only the second pic showing up on the app for me, i had a feeling i would sound stupid making that statement because the pics would tell a story lol
how many of the generics would you say contain hydrocortisone?
any thought on a melting point test for hgh? i never heard it being done before so im assuming it is flawed in some way, shape or form?
Load both pictures and you'll see my point.
I don't think much of the generics from China are hydrocortisone, the chinese aren't really that evil, honestly telling and i do consider the chinese some of the most ruthless, but not that much. Bulgarias are worse, trust me
There is no way you can do a melting point on a peptide bro, the cheapest and most available way to check is by SDS-PAGE, anything near 22 Kilodalton is safe to say is HGH.
i dont need to test my hgh it was just a dumb question out of curiosity and yeah now that i think of it, the heat will just destroy the molecule before it even gets warm so yeah dumbass question lol, i knew there was some simple reason that it wouldnt work, dont worry im bouncing my head off the wall as we speak
i went onto the browser and seen the pics, hold on wait that looks like my hgh hahai joke
and the pakistanians are worse then the bulgarians![]()
Those pics are identical. That would explain the water weight. Also the prednisone depending on dosages would take away some aches and pains.
And hey and 1 of my best friends is Bulgarian![]()
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
i've been on and off prednisone for over 15 years for another health issue. And sometimes at high doses. It has never effected my kidneys or liver. I go for an eye exam each year to check and no issues.
All those are possible side effects. But to the same point read all the side effects of Tylenol .
I agree with sheven it will add water weight pretty fast. It also reduces minor aches and pains. So people will feel a little better. I know i do. I also have more energy while on prednisone.
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
Prednisone destroyed the bones of someone close to me. Her hip literally broke while standing. I spoke with a doctor I knew and said she should have not been on prednisone for so many years especially being in late 60's. She was given another drug to help offset the bone weakening, which did not work, obviously. Bottom line is prednisone caused a broken hip and cracked pelvis. From that point due to first hip surgery that failed, then two more after, Alzheimer's and dementia set in. The anesthetic used in surgery causes an elderly persons mind to deteriorate. "That information was told to me by an anesthesiologist who is a friend of mine". All of this caused her passing, which I know would have come much later, had she not been on prednisone. Arthritis attack led to the start of prednisone and out of laziness and poor treatment, they just kept her on it. My point is Sheven is putting it mildly stating jail time for manufacturers of this. I'm not so sure about Chinese not using the same. My Jin as stated before gave me crazy water retention. The Chinese do like to copy!!
BTW Sheven: That is a life saving find that you researched and shared. If indeed it is fact. Either way, I've been following this thread more than any on this site and am still amazed at members looking to defend the manufacturers of this bad HGH. My interest is due to having used enough of these generics and what I thought was quality as in the JINTROPIN to know I was using bad product. Then finally obtaining real pharm grade and seeing such an amazing difference. Then I knew for sure what real HGH was and how well it worked. There just going to keep making this junk as long as people keep buying it. If real HGH becomes to hard to obtain anti aging companies business will sky rocket and as demand increases, they will just keep raising there prices. We will be screwed!!
Ive been as high as 80mg of prednisone ed for up to 6 monthsOriginally Posted by Sheven
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
Thats really some rude shit, great find Sheven,
I guess one thing that they know if they sell people that "HGH" and they use it for any length of time they will become lifetime customers when you use a high dose of prednisone and stop you tend to feel like shit.....Imagine the poor bastards who use this shyte for a few months and become dependent and don't even know that they need to withdraw slowly to prevent severe life threatening withdrawal...addsionian (if I remember the name correctly) syndrome.
Sheven is right these people really need to be strung up by their...well you get the idea.
Sheven: Good catch and researchit explains why so many like the Chinese gh and the weight they seem to think comes from gh lol
This is what Ive been saying for yrs about the Chinese, some of the chemicals they are putting inside are not pleasant at all. Ive had friends had to go into hospital due to BP issues and the water retention was out of control, had some who got gyno when they stopped and during the gh cycle and my most recent experience with anansome from Ankie was really strange, had water eyes which is something ive never had before, also had some water gain or I should say more than normal water retention. I'd rather then put sugar and water then dangerous chemicals
My rips tested great
Rips are total rubbish, you wont have hgh it will be something else no matter what test you did.
Marcus i dont disagree about the rips or generics in generalOriginally Posted by marcus300
But in your opinion, what is in it that gives such a high serum reading? Peps only give a quarter of the readings you see and thats if tested in perfect circumstances
A friend tested recently in mid 40's so i know first hand that it isnt simply source board propganda (spelling)
But mid 40's serum is twice what eli lily found in legit studys with their hgh using same protocol so obviously there is something amiss
What is your opinion on how they obtain these results from something other then legit hgh?
I really have no idea what they put inside them to throw off a blood serum test but ive also seen readings way off the scale on generics something like 2 to 3 times over what pharm grade gh results show which is scary because we know they are capable of putting anything inside them no matter how dangerous. Could they put high levels of peps inside them becauase ive heard from a good reliable source that peps are dirt cheap to produce so maybe something like this or a mixture of chemicals.
rips are garbage all of them its just fillrrs and other dangerous poision in them pharm grade or nothing else ur health isnt worth it. I run pharm.grade have no severe water weight or hamds sweeled like ballons all of which i had on rips they are no good none of them
I did an hgh serum and igf test. 10iu IM the night before and 10iu 3.5hrs before blood was drawn. Mine are good to go. any doubt I had was removed with that test. Also have some hyges sitting here my lifting partner is going to test in a few weeks
But how is it possible that they test higher then pharmOriginally Posted by patrick4588
Do you not see the problem here?
rips, hyge and one type of kigtropin analyzed by sds-page and peptide fingerprint identification turned out pretty good recently. maybe some are totally bunk but there are good batches of this products around, no doubt on that.
I do, but mine tested in the high 20s. Not 65 or anything silly like that. I assume those weird generics are full of non bioavailable gh
I would love to know but as far as peps namely ghrh/ghrp there is a diminshed increase in the pulse once saturation dose is exceeded so it would explain some of the results but I dont think it is possible for them to achieve the outrageously high results that have been shown as of late although I could be wrongOriginally Posted by marcus300
Although with the resources they have available I guess the possibiltys are endless
I would to see various generics analysed and broken down to see exactly what they contain
I have seen some in the past as Im sure you also have, that have been shown to contain traces of heavy metals
God only knows what else......
Last edited by DanB; 10-03-2012 at 06:27 AM.
I know its scary
I just dont trust them anymore, do I think the generic companies are producing 100% hgh my answer would still be no. Ive used pharm grade many times and the stuff from China doesnt fall anywhere near it so this tells me no matter what the tests show something is wrong.
I know the peps can only increase it so much but who knows what they are capable of doing. This generic/China hgh has been going on for years now and for me to many guys who know what they are talking about who have used both generic and pharm tell me something is wrong but most of all my own experience, i'm not fooled by tests/gains etc because we all know these can come from the compounds being used and other crap the gh contains..
What do you think of the jins at the moment,
Yeah i completely agree, I havnt personally used generics but between the bunk labs, outrageously high labs, opinions for the likes of yourself, sarge, gix who all advise to steer clear and the price difference isnt large enough to warrant me taking a massive gamble on genericsOriginally Posted by marcus300
Jins, I got a relatively large amount a few months ago when the european championships were on in Ukraine directly from the pharmacy, I can still obtain them this way but a friend had his seized by customs a few weeks ago and obviously there is no reship etc so I dont think it is worth the risk to try again and risk a complete loss
But as far as online sources for jins then I believe alot if not all are either generics relabelled or completely fake......
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