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And from what I have heard, letro can supress E2 a little toomuch for some people. My cousin uses it, but only once a week. He started getting gyno on just test and took letro 3X a week, then dropped to once a week. It seemed to work fine for him, but his was caused from esrtogen and not progesterin. You really need to get some caber or bromo if your tren dose is moderately high. I dont think the letro will do anything for you if it is prolactin related. I only know this stuff about prolactin and E2 from Atominis sticky up top. Have you read it? I bet every question you have is answered there. He is somewhat of a tren genius. I can only tell you what I know, and I dont know much about gyno from personal experience. I can only help you based on what I have learned from these guys. But anything you need, you keep asking. We are here to help!