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Thread: Bad erection problems in PCT. What exactly is the cause, anything I can do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Bad erection problems in PCT. What exactly is the cause, anything I can do?

    Prop 750mg/week for 10 weeks. currently 6 days left of pct. I did clomid 100/50/50/50 and nolvadex 40/20/20/20.
    Right now Im wishing I ran HCG and arimidex through cycle.

    I have pretty low sex drive right now but when I get in to it with my fuk buddy there is a 50/50 chance I will be able to get hard, and thats with cial is or vi agra in me.
    Last night me and my buddies all got a girl back to our house to party and I was the only one who couldnt perform, girl was pissed. meanwhile my buddy who just came off a crazy cycle that had deca and other sh*t in it, and did a sketchy PCT, is fuking away like a champ.

    ive got cabergoline on the way and thinking of dropping nolva because I heard that can help

    wtf else do i do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    You were all banging the same chick?

  3. #3
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    San Diego
    If you feel like your HPTA isn't restored yet, I would extend my PCT from 4 week to 5 or 6 weeks.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    You were all banging the same chick?
    haha no said it wrong..we all got a girl each

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    You were all banging the same chick?
    haha i thought the same thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    If you feel like your HPTA isn't restored yet, I would extend my PCT from 4 week to 5 or 6 weeks.
    and you could include hcg as well. there is a thread on here that outlines this and includes an extended pct as Sworder has pointed out.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    haha i thought the same thing.

    and you could include hcg as well. there is a thread on here that outlines this and includes an extended pct as Sworder has pointed out.
    I feel like running HCG now would take me back to the start, isnt it more of an on cycle thing?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by truerebel View Post
    I feel like running HCG now would take me back to the start, isnt it more of an on cycle thing?
    it is, but there are protocols for restarting the hpta using a hcg blast IF it wasn't used on cycle. i don't have the link handy but if you do a search on hcg it will come up im sure.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    it is, but there are protocols for restarting the hpta using a hcg blast IF it wasn't used on cycle. i don't have the link handy but if you do a search on hcg it will come up im sure.
    Ok will have a look thank you

    What do you guys think of just ceasing PCT and jumping back on test at say 500mg/week for a bit with a proper HCG protocol? My nuts are back to normal size so I assume test production is at least pretty good?

    Because honestly I'm not at a point in my life right now where I can be dealing with libido issues and the accompanying depression and so forth. I have college to focus on and the test was making it so easy to study and stuff because of the motivation that it tends to bring

  9. #9
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    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by truerebel View Post
    Ok will have a look thank you

    What do you guys think of just ceasing PCT and jumping back on test at say 500mg/week for a bit with a proper HCG protocol? My nuts are back to normal size so I assume test production is at least pretty good?

    Because honestly I'm not at a point in my life right now where I can be dealing with libido issues and the accompanying depression and so forth. I have college to focus on
    Sounds like a disaster. Deal with it now before you snowball it to a bigger problem, you can do it. It will get better just give it time. Stay strong I know it sucks but it's part of the game you play.

  10. #10
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    its to be expected, start worrying in a 4-6wks time if libido is still shot

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by truerebel View Post
    Because honestly I'm not at a point in my life right now where I can be dealing with libido issues and the accompanying depression and so forth. I have college to focus on and the test was making it so easy to study and stuff because of the motivation that it tends to bring
    After Everthing I've read the advice about extending your PCT sounds best. Getting back on test is just going to extend things...

    You mention College & no profile age? Just curious if you are gtg & not taking to early?

    Good luck, Wazz

  12. #12
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by truerebel View Post
    Ok will have a look thank you

    What do you guys think of just ceasing PCT and jumping back on test at say 500mg/week for a bit with a proper HCG protocol? My nuts are back to normal size so I assume test production is at least pretty good?

    Because honestly I'm not at a point in my life right now where I can be dealing with libido issues and the accompanying depression and so forth. I have college to focus on and the test was making it so easy to study and stuff because of the motivation that it tends to bring
    sounds like you're just looking for convenient excuses to continue cycling without concern for short or long term damage that may have happened during your last cycle. personally i would take the advice offered, continue with pct then get BW done and go from there.

  13. #13
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    extend pct and wait itll come back just takes abit of time bud more sometimes than others!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    You can actually check your bloodwork now. On you final wk of pct, your test may already be on its way up. If its already high, then your problem is just in your head. Complete your final few days and be done with it. If its still low, continue low dose pct till 6wks total.

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