We talk about relationship issues all the time in the "Opposite Sex" forum, but we never really talk about this topic too much. Let it all out...
Committed relationship, but not married
Uncommited relationship (for Partyboy)
Happily Married
Married (but one of us cheats)
We talk about relationship issues all the time in the "Opposite Sex" forum, but we never really talk about this topic too much. Let it all out...
I didn't see slavery as an option?
so I'll have to go with Common law!
I am the man of the house though! but don't tell her I said that...
Going on my 6th year of marriage bliss......bliss
Married with many kids
Married with many kids also![]()
thanks Excess for remembering me when you put the poll together,haha.do i have that bad of a rep around here?oh well, you guys really know me way too well now.out of sight out of mind, although i do love my girlfriend.just too much temptation for me out there.you understand guy.feel my pain!!!![]()
No kids yet and i dont know if a little draven is gonna walk the face of the earth one day but, i am actually very happy with my status right now.
I am not thinking of marriage has of yet, i also add my fun when was single, your right PBNCY their is a lot of temptation out there but i dont wanna risk getting cought and losing my gf the only one that gave me so much, so i look but i dont touch.
I dont think my life would ever be complete if I didnt have kids
what about married and your wife is too damn moody and dont feel the same.![]()
i seriously will probably never get married.my gf of 8 yrs and i are in disagreement about the whole prenup thing.i won't get married without it.so i told her there will be no marriage til then, not that i'm looking to get married anytime soon.
Prenup?? Whatcha worth sweetie???Originally posted by partyboynyc
i seriously will probably never get married.my gf of 8 yrs and i are in disagreement about the whole prenup thing.i won't get married without it.so i told her there will be no marriage til then, not that i'm looking to get married anytime soon.![]()
i just wanna be happy.
spoken for, but not married
who is it this week?
happily married. no kids, now or ever. I am too selfish for that!![]()
Married 14 years on 19 dec.And twins girl and boy....
who is the other person in the uncomitted relationship?i'm honest w/ my cheating ways, so show yourself you cheater,haha
Divorced with one child. Gonna work on the bod for now and deal with men later...![]()
but they won't even admit who they are!!!
Before marriage I'd be right there with ya Prtyby. To me a commitment doesn't mean much till you get married.
amen Ron. once i'm married the cheatign will stop and i defonately couldn't be like that if i had kids. until then, what girl is next on the menu?
Married 20 years in June '02. Started dating when we were 16 and got married at 20. Went through College together and we both went to law school at the same time. We didn't have kids until we were married 11 years. We now have Two girls. Couldn't be happier with my family.
Wow, I didn't realize that so many people were whipp...I mean married!See, these polls are useful.
I agree completely. But I only have two. A boy 4 yo and a girl 2 yo....I just seem to perfect to have more. Besides my daughter is one of those girls who has to have her daddy's attention 27/7. Its hard enough to share me with one more less lot's.Originally posted by pureanger
I dont think my life would ever be complete if I didnt have kids![]()
been with my girl for almost a year and a half....not maried, but i know shes the one and she knows im the one..so marrige IS in the chedule somewhere in the near future....
I didn't pick that on the poll, but that was me for the past 2 years. I am no longer with the girl, so now I am just a single mofo hittin anything comin my way!Originally posted by partyboynyc
but they won't even admit who they are!!!![]()
Married since May 01, no kids but someday.........
PS this is marriage #2.
Winners never quit...Quitters never win!!!
C'mon single people, lets get those votes in!!!![]()
Does your hand count?![]()
If so, yup, good solid 10 year relationship. Not married though.
Ptboy, man I am with you all the way.. I got ya back. Although I have a woman, (hopefully she isn't reading this), there is alot of temptation out there..... I guess you can say I haven't fallen in love with my woman yet. We have only been dating for 3 months, so there is plenty of time, but I am all for the prenumpt man.. I will have one or I won't get married.. but my woman now, has a very rich family so the prenumpt may not happen.. heeee, might mess me up.. haaa.. she has more money than me..
I have been married for 25 yrs. We have a son 25 yrs. old [ you do the math]! and a daughter 21 yrss. old. Its been well worth it!![]()
Single here and way to young to be committed. I dated a girl for 3 years and thought about marriage until I turned 21 and realized I was wasting my youth being tied down. Plus I don't mind not having all the emotional ties that come with a relationship.
I am in a committed relationship - live-in boyfriend. Things seem to be working out pretty good. He takes good care of me and makes me very happy.I have been married once before (for 5 years) and have been divorced for over 2 years. (I am 26). So, marriage isn't in the near future for me, however, I think that if two people are meant to be together, they will be together married or not.
Engagements = 1
Live in partners = 3 soon to be 4
Children 1 and my g/f is expecting our 1st in March
Very happy and first time I have felt content with "my lot" she understands me and know,s what makes me tick but best of all she makes me laugh all the time , guess she,s my best friend as well as my lover.
Thats without clomid? man I,m getting soft with old age!! LOL
That's sweet Billy Boy. Good luck to you!!![]()
married with a new born...my baby girl....I feel sorry for any guy that tries to date her in High School.
Congrats, Tx!!!!
Hey congrats TX
I know what you mean about the dating of your daughter.I shudder to think of some little punk sitting there on my sofa thinking to himself I can,t wait to leave her parents and get home.
Arghhh what a horrible thought I have at least 11 1/2 years before she is 16 so by that time I should weigh 350lbs and be a black belt 101th dan so I can kick his ass!
God is going to punish me by giving me a girl one day when i have children because of the way to treat girls.just because it will be mentall torture knowing there are guys like me out there.if i have a daughter she is never leaving the house and will have security by her at all times.men are scum!!!!
speaking of men being scum, i've ben watching the new Britney DVD all morning just hitting replay on the MTV "slave 4 u" performance and the video!!god i can watch her move all day and i will!!!
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