Quote Originally Posted by HEVEW8 View Post
I can tell you that my doc loaded me with 175mg a week for the first 4 weeks,.. I had a little anxiety at first while my body adjusted, also had bad crashing by day's 5 and 6,.. then he lowered my dose to 100mg a week and bi weekly, just finished my first bi-weekly with a lower dose and got to tell you I feel incredable! It is tempting to want to get a higher dose but I'm waiting to see my first blood work. I'm the type of guy that has always ate right and worked out hard at the gym and never got results, Now Im getting lean, strong and the body I always wanted, not to mention I'm not lethargic anymore, and have energy to burn even after the gym and work, plus sex drive is perfect.
bi weekly? do you feel okay on days 9-14? your dose should be weekly not bi weekly, half life of test is around 6 days.