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Thread: WHAT IS THIS PAIN!?!?!? You guys ever had this??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    WHAT IS THIS PAIN!?!?!? You guys ever had this??

    So I was doing my leg workout this morning and when I got to my second set of hacksquats on the sled I suddenly got this incredible pain where your neck meets the back of your head, it traveled up the back of me head and eventually (by the next 2 reps) affected the whole back half of my head. It was so bad I had to lay on the gym floor for about 5 minutes to get it to dissipate. It started to come back alittle as I wrapped up my workout (towards the ends of my sets) and left me with a small headache I still have.

    Has this happened to anyone else?? Does anyone know what causes it or how to prevent it?

    Thought I was having an aneurysm or something lol. But if this keeps happening I'll have to see a dr. or something cause its enough to make you stop your workout and think something is seriously wrong.

    Thanks for any info or ideas guys.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I've never had that, but id say go see a doctor bro just to be safe.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    almost impossible to tell what happened on a bulletin board description.

    It could be a painful muscle pump
    It could be you pinched a nerve in your neck
    It could be a strained muscle in your neck

    In the future, if you feel pain, then STOP!

    Men do not work through pain. Fools do. Pain is there for a reason, trying to tell you something. It is wise to listen.

    I get neck pain all the time, but is trauma induced from when i was in the military. But I always stop when something is hurting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    East Coast
    I've had that happen before. Almost like a burning sensation. Right where your cranium and neck muscles meet. It also made me stop doing what I was doing. It has not happened for a really long time. It kinda just went away...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    I had the same thing happen way back when I was 18 from bouncing while doing standing calf raises, mine was for sure a pinched nerve in the neck, most likely yours is the same thing.

    By the way agree with TR 100% you can always stop immediatly then check things out and start over again if you find that it was a momentary deal, if its the other way around you may turn a minor injury into a lifelong problem by competing the set.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    almost impossible to tell what happened on a bulletin board description.

    It could be a painful muscle pump
    It could be you pinched a nerve in your neck
    It could be a strained muscle in your neck

    In the future, if you feel pain, then STOP!

    Men do not work through pain. Fools do. Pain is there for a reason, trying to tell you something. It is wise to listen.

    I get neck pain all the time, but is trauma induced from when i was in the military. But I always stop when something is hurting.
    This is the best advise of all. It took me 20 years to listen to my body and I could have avoided many injuries if I had stopped and not tried to push through the pain.

    Ibuprofen will help the pain and swelling. If it's not better in a couple of days go see a chiropractor and get your neck checked.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    YES J!!! Exactly!!! i noticed today when i was changing my tire that it came back alittle bit, not nearly to the degree from yesterday but when i was exerting myself (lifting the tire, tightening lug nuts, etc) I could feel it hurting alittle. I'm gonna call the doc and see what he has to say. Thanks all. I'll post what the Dr. says incase anyone else can use the info.


  8. #8
    I get that frequently... You need some muscle work done on the neck, traps and shoulders. A massage would help. You're knotted up somewhere.

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