that could have all been done naturally.
that could have all been done naturally.
Most arabs are strong?? My 2 best friends are arab and they are both fucking pussies. My buddy started lifting with me he outweighed me by about 50lbs "fat ass" and he still couldn't lift half of what I was lifting. Dude if you can bench 264lbs then I have a 18inch dick that I have to pick up when I flush so it doesn't get sucked down the shitter and resurface next door in the neighbors toilet. Pllluuuussseeee.Originally posted by michi
lol man am an arab and most arabs are strong no need to lie about my wieghts my joints are fucked up they hurt me most of the time but i carry wieghts. and guys dont be pissed on me am ending my cycle next week and its the last cycle untill am 22 thanks all for your help and i hope il be natural and u will help me to gain natural. and il post new pics in 5 days when my cam is fixed.
Guys I don't doubt his claim of a 265lbs bench... I mean it's not like he's claiming 400lbs or some shit like that... 265lbs is really not all that heavy a lift...
I've known little shits that can out bench me anyday of the week...
My one boy who never weighs more then 160lbs and doesn't even workout all that steady can go to the gym anyday he wants and throw up 350lbs for a set of good clean reps...
I'm not sure whether michi is telling the truth or not but buff87 is right. Not teaching my granny to suck eggs but size doesn't always equate to strength or lack of it. As you all know a lot depends on type of muscle fibres most abundant, length of muscles, where the muscles connect to the bones (leverage) and of course technique!
hmmmm i can bench that but am 22 years old:@
Just one more freak story for you... Not really trying to take sides, but anyway....
One bro I went to school with was benching 335lbs in the 6th grade... Crazy fuck was a beast and was always trying to deadlift cars in the 6th grade too... And I remember the first time I saw him do it when he was a freshmen in High School all though it was only a VW Bug I still was pretty fucking impressed!... Age is a factor in strength, but just becasue someone is young doesn't mean they are not strong...
My other boy was putting up 455lbs at the age of 16 in powerlifting meets, so they're are some who are naturally strong and gifted...
Not saying Micji is one of them, just stating a few facts.... Both the 2 bros I'm talking about look like they could do these kinds of lifts... They were both thick and had great genes for size and power...
I'm not a steroid guru of any sory, but from what I know, but steroids cause your growth plates to close. Are they closed as soon as AAS are introduced to the body or does it take time?
Either way, this kid is incredibly stupid. When I saw those pics, I laughed at his idiocy and couldn't help noticing the forming gyno.
I'm sorry but I saw his photos before and theres no chance this guy can bench what he says... 265lbs come on..
and he didn't weigh 88kg more like 69kg
Yeah, there is no way he is over 130lbs and can bench that much. If pics are a basis for anything, I'd say 90-120lbs is his max, seriously.
I know some guys have amazing strength, but... come on....
maybe i smoked too much DOPE...... But I cant see any pics man! Where the hell are they?
The dude took them off - probably cos he was so embarrassed. If you look at the top three posts - he's edited them all.
good i thought i was crazy. i read this whole thread and was like" yo where are the pics"
Didn't get the Arab gut part .... so what...
i'm Israeli .... and we have kicked your ass in all our wars.. meaning that it doesn't mean nothing ... you are a normal TEENAGER with normal genetics with an attitude problam .
Beeing arab probably makes more endured ... but it doesn't make you a superman !!
posting a message with that age added with the fact that your on cycle
was a really dumb idea cuz if you had a little reserch you would have a known that it is unacceptable in this forum .
P.S : hope all the posts made you change your thinking and i hope to see you in a few years, healthy and up to cycling
where'd the pics go? Oh yeah, hope you can have kids when you're older buddy.
i dont.Originally Posted by chrisAdams
hey, he might be a young to be gearing up, but thats pretty fucked trashing him like that, where are your pics dude?Originally Posted by Drizzt
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