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Thread: question to single guys with kids.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    question to single guys with kids.

    Do you find it harder to date since you have kids? Some girls shy away, while others tell me it's attractive...

    I use to find myself not telling a girl right off the bat that I have kids. Especially if their younger. I used to wait till they got to know me (and are into me) before I told them. But, now, I say fuck it. My kids are my world and if a women doesn't like me because of my kids, they can keep walking..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Do you find it harder to date since you have kids? Some girls shy away, while others tell me it's attractive...

    I use to find myself not telling a girl right off the bat that I have kids. Especially if their younger. I used to wait till they got to know me (and are into me) before I told them. But, now, I say fuck it. My kids are my world and if a women doesn't like me because of my kids, they can keep walking..
    I have no kids,but what your doing now is very respectable.The same thing happens to women as well.I meet a chick and she tells me she has kids,I think twice.But if I dig her it doesn't matter long as the kid isn't the Anti-Christ.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    I have a 4 year old daughter and she too is my world. I have done exactly the same thing as you. But I'm in a relationship now and my girlfriend is anxious to meet my daughter after nearly 2 years of dating. I'm a little bit reluctant because baby mom isn't playing ball!
    When I meet girls a generally just drop her in conversation and then wait for the reaction, and like you say let them keep walking if it's a problem.
    At the end of the day my daughter is the most important thing in my life, if a woman doesn't want to be with me then fine - someone else will. After all, I'm not looking ofr a new mother for my daughter, I'm looking for a girlfriend! (not now cos I aint but that is what my attitude to the situation is!)

  4. #4
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    My kid is one of the first things to come up when I meet a girl... if it scares her away, then too bad for her... my boy and I are a "package deal"

    (quite often when I pull out the mandatory wallet pic, I get the "awww he's so cuuute" mommy instinct come out of the girl)


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    My kid is one of the first things to come up when I meet a girl... if it scares her away, then too bad for her... my boy and I are a "package deal"

    (quite often when I pull out the mandatory wallet pic, I get the "awww he's so cuuute" mommy instinct come out of the girl)

    You guys are awesome fathers,my hat's off to all of you DB

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I always bring my kids up... but not the wife

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigol'legs
    I always bring my kids up... but not the wife

  8. #8
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    Aug 2003
    Bro if a woman doesn't want to be with u because u got kid(s) then that's her loss.....I think it's great that your kids are your world they should's very hard in todays world to be a single parent(guy or girl)....u want the woman u meet to want your kids to be apart of your life....I have seen a father pick a woman over his 4 kids, that shit makes me sick. Continue to be a great father and sooner or later the right woman will come in your life. Like RED said ya'll are a package deal....they can love it or leave it.....I tip my hat to u bro.

  9. #9
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    I tell you what buy.. after I got divorced it was like totally different, I'd go out, but my son was at home with a sitter. I'm like why the F*K am I out here... Thank god I met a killer woman through my buddy (his sister) she had a kid too, so between us we have 3 and well... we got married on the 4th of July after 3 + years. There's good ones out there..


  10. #10
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    I give you a lot of respect,except for liking the cubbies....raising kids on your own is no easy task..........Id rather roll around in cactus then do what your doing.....I thank my higher power everyday for my wife...............they wear you out more than any cardio workout......i have 2 little ones that just started to theyre everywhere and into everything.......I have locks on my refrigerator that i cant even fucking open............picture my tired ass cussing at the damn thing about 2 in the morning trying to get something to eat..............awwwww but i wouldnt give them up for anything in the world

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    thats awesome how your into your kids man. keep them first. they will always be there and broads wil leave at the first sigh of trouble. i.e. you run outta $$$. but this is what i would say; if your trying to get laid, dont tell if they dont ask. most broads just want a relationship. if you just wanna get laid than you cant play the "im really interested in you" bit because they wont be interested cause of the kids. but if you want a relationship than tell them off the bat. if they gotta problem with your kids than fuck em. they prob just see competition for the cash.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Well heres a pic of my kids... O ya and the misses hehe
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  13. #13
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    you have a beautiful family there of each to replace you and your wife once you leave the earth....thats the way it should be

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    you have a beautiful family there of each to replace you and your wife once you leave the earth....thats the way it should be
    thanks mass... im trying to hold it together the best I can 2

  15. #15
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    I hear ya bro..............your not the only one bro...............One day at a time............and once you take care of what we talked about you'll feel a great weight has lifted off of your me

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Great looking family bro....u gonna train the little guy when he gets older?

    Where are u in the pic....legs to big to fit in that shot.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bornbad71
    Great looking family bro....u gonna train the little guy when he gets older?

    Where are u in the pic....legs to big to fit in that shot.
    hehe im training him now... he actually can do 20+ situps and pushups.. hes training pullups right now at around 8.. gotta get the guy to eat more red meat hehe

    I got a bad haircut and she didnt want me in the pic

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Great family!!! Thanks for the reply guys, It makes me feel soo much better!!! Since I live in the city, and my x lives in the burbs, I leave work, drive an hour in traffic, they drive back with me in traffic, we get up in the morning, I drive them to school, drive back go to work, leave work and do it all over again. I do that 3 times a week!!! and I get them every other weekend.

    I'd do anything for my kids. The good news is the X and I went to the same lawyer and the divorce was done in 15 minutes. She is an amazing mother and my kids are very well rounded.....

    The reason this all came up is my buddy bought a 550 gallon fish tank. They had to have a crane host it up to his place. The owner's daughter was there. well, we got to talking and emailing and I decided to ask her out. Well, the 2 nights she wanted to meet up, I made up and excuse because I had my kids. Then I said, What am I doing? My kids are amazing. SO, I emailed her back, told her my story and she says she can't wait to meet up with me to watch the cubbies game.

    BTW, my little girl is 5 and my son is 12. Boy they grow up so fast.
    Last edited by buylongterm; 10-09-2003 at 09:52 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    I'd do anything for my kids. The good news is the X and I went to the same lawyer and the divorce was done in 15 minutes. She is an amazing mother and my kids are very well rounded.....
    Good deal bro!!!

    My sons mom and I are in a similar situation, minus the divorce (we were never married). We share custody 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, everything amicable and get along great. Her and I were just not meant to tie the knot forever.

    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    BTW, my little girl is 5 and my son is 12. Boy they grow up so fast.
    12? Oh the humanity! Mine is 10 and is still as innocent as they get... something evil happens between 10 and 12... (testosterone anyone? )

    Hey bro glad to see we think alike! Family first! And good luck with the little lady! Looks like good old honesty worked wonders


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    yeah I find its alot easier actually now... you hit it right on the head with telling them right away, most women will be a little taken back but then i proceed to tell them his age(18mos) and that i get him 3x a week, once they realize I have my shit together.... its smooth sailing from there. if i knew how to post a pic I would... (i had offers to make him a gap kid, god I miss him those other days)

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    I tell you what, I know when we split my son stayed with me and my daughter went with her (I know I know...and it's sooo f'n painful...)
    anyways, when someone would here you have a kid or this or that... they were like blown away that ME! if you knew how I am or how I can be you'd understand, but I'm a very hyper goof around hyper agro mfer! and they would see me or me with my kid and they'd be like wow! That's unreal! Here's me and him at halloween at my work.
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  22. #22
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    OH that I was like 25lbs lighter then, all abs and obliques! :lol
    He was dressed as Woody and I'd ask ..."hey you want to see my Woody?" Oh my god...! I almost got in some trouble that day!


  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ripsid
    OH that I was like 25lbs lighter then, all abs and obliques! :lol
    He was dressed as Woody and I'd ask ..."hey you want to see my Woody?" Oh my god...! I almost got in some trouble that day!

    cool pic rip........I hope you still get to see your daughter on a regular basis...........

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    cool pic rip........I hope you still get to see your daughter on a regular basis...........
    Yes I do... She's my angel! and I talk to her about 2-3 times a week and and she's here all summer and she'll be here this Christmas too! I have wedding pics I'll post of her and my other daughter (my wifes kid) and my son. She's not my step-daughter she's my other angel! I like to say there's no STEPS in this house except to go upstairs.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i think that's awesome that you guys are such great fathers!!!

    i obviously can't speak for women , but in my case, i wouldn't date a woman that had children.just too complicated and i would support ssome other guy's responsibility.additionally, i could never look at the child like it was mine so it just wouldn't work for me.
    i have debated this w/ my friends before and some agree and some think i'm wrong.i just think it's a personal preference as to what you picture an idela family being
    you guys are awesome guys should be the standard for all dads!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by partyboynyc
    i obviously can't speak for women , but in my case, i wouldn't date a woman that had children.just too complicated and i would support ssome other guy's responsibility.additionally, i could never look at the child like it was mine so it just wouldn't work for me.
    i have debated this w/ my friends before and some agree and some think i'm wrong.i just think it's a personal preference as to what you picture an idela family being
    you guys are awesome guys should be the standard for all dads!
    bro one day you'll have a lil partboy looking up to you..........then it'll all make sence to ya.........

  27. #27
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    Aug 2003
    I've got 3 kids, two boys 12 and 14 and a girl 16. They are my EX's my by a previous relationship, and I adopted them a couple of years ago. I have been with them for 7 years now. I was daddy after the first couple of months. They are quite a hand full! My oldest boy is now 6'5" tall and wears a size 15 shoe, if I could only get him serious about working out he could be a monster, and he hates Basketball? It is hard dating; I think they still have visions of me and their mom getting back together, so they will really critique any women that I date, pointing out every flaw.

  28. #28
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    Here are a couple of pictures of my boys from a couple of years ago. They are holding the smaller of the two Burmese Pythons that I had.
    Last edited by Bigen12; 10-10-2003 at 09:15 AM.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigen12
    I've got 3 kids, two boys 12 and 14 and a girl 16. They are my EX's my by a previous relationship, and I adopted them a couple of years ago. I have been with them for 7 years now. I was daddy after the first couple of months. They are quite a hand full! My oldest boy is now 6'5" tall and wears a size 15 shoe, if I could only get him serious about working out he could be a monster, and he hates Basketball? It is hard dating; I think they still have visions of me and their mom getting back together, so they will really critique any women that I date, pointing out every flaw.
    Bigen...let me give you props! I have a guy at work who is close with the situation... they're still together, but she had 4 kids and he was young when he married and adopted them. I take my hat off to you!

    Now Partyboy, I totally respect your decision! I went through a time when I was in Cali where 2 out of every 5 girls I was with had a kid. And it just ended up that way. Now after my divorce my bro hooked me up with his sister who has a daughter. Usually I would have been like no, I already have some, but this time it just worked and well we got hitched! Even though I had said never, it happened and with my wife I never regretted it! I'm just lucky!
    I have bro's who if they found out the girl had a kid he'd straight up and say look it's about the romp and don't expect me to be a dad. They were straight up.. and the girl would either play or not...


  30. #30
    Join Date
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    South Jersey and HATING I
    Buy I hope we're not hijacking your thread bro...
    Here's 2 pics of my girls from the wedding...
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  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    heres my boy!!!!!

    heres my boy....
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  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Cute kids guys!!!!! I will have to find a pic of my son, here is my daughter...She is amazing!!!
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  33. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    Quote Originally Posted by bigol'legs
    I always bring my kids up... but not the wife
    BOL, that is classic! I'm not married, but that is something to remember!

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