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Thread: Comparing Oral Vs Injection

  1. #1

    Comparing Oral Vs Injection

    Hey I was trying to compare Oral steroids and injections and i was wondering which steroid takes more of a toll on your body and which has more side effects ....I've taken A50 by itself and i know you're really not supposed to do that so i'm looking into taking an injectable as long as the side effects aren't worse or anything because i had very little side affects from A50 (some anger and some acne)

    thanks for your time

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    before you get any qualified info your going to wanna give the members your stats...this mean
    and any other information that may become vital in assisting you.

    Right now im going to tell you they are going to want to know how much a50, for how long, and did you pct after it.

    As a general rule a starter cycle should be a run of 12 weeks of Test E @ 500mg/wk. Oral steroids tend to be more taxing on your body (liver etc) and youll be hard pressed to find any steroid more harsh than a50. Sides are similar to gains in that they typically are dose dependant. But youre not going to go wrong with a 12 wk run of test and a good pct.

  3. #3
    age: 20
    Weight : 182
    BF%: 11%
    Exp: 1 year

    I did A50 for about 5 or 6 weeks and did Nolv 20 mg a day for 6 weeks as a PCT
    I gained about 20 lbs on that and kept about 15 of it

    The reason i preferred oral vs injection is because it seemed more convenient and from what ive heard injections can be painful and a hassle if you have to do it a few times a day...also heard they are more expensive and being a college student im short on cash lol

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by poptarts1125 View Post
    age: 20
    Weight : 182
    BF%: 11%
    Exp: 1 year

    I did A50 for about 5 or 6 weeks and did Nolv 20 mg a day for 6 weeks as a PCT
    I gained about 20 lbs on that and kept about 15 of it

    The reason i preferred oral vs injection is because it seemed more convenient and from what ive heard injections can be painful and a hassle if you have to do it a few times a day...also heard they are more expensive and being a college student im short on cash lol
    If what you say is true and you gained 20lbs on anadrol and maintained 15 lbs....then im shocked to no end. Im no AAS veteran by any stretch of the word but injections were never painful for me (ive only used test as an injectable, which is what you would be using too). The only AAS you would be injecting mutiple times a day would be test susp or something similiar (no ester)

    With a long ester test like enth you are looking at an injection once every 4 days (e4d) which I look forward to, personally, they really motivate me for some reason. Forget the a50.

    U said your experience is 1 year? Is that one years exp. in weight lifting? Or 1 year of messing around with a50?
    Last edited by MMArmour; 01-06-2009 at 03:14 PM. Reason: clarified a point

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by poptarts1125 View Post
    age: 20
    Weight : 182
    BF%: 11%
    Exp: 1 year

    I did A50 for about 5 or 6 weeks and did Nolv 20 mg a day for 6 weeks as a PCT
    I gained about 20 lbs on that and kept about 15 of it

    The reason i preferred oral vs injection is because it seemed more convenient and from what ive heard injections can be painful and a hassle if you have to do it a few times a day...also heard they are more expensive and being a college student im short on cash lol
    we need your height also

  6. #6
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    wow taking a50 when youre 20!! youre a brave soul......i dont think ill ever touch that stuff unless im VERY desperate for gains....and inj are better than orals because 1.) you get better gains and keep them better than orals 2.) dont take a toll on the liver and kidneys like SOME orals do 3.) you only have to pin every 3.5 days (except test prop or test suspension) like MMArmour said, it also motivates me and gets me a high when injection day arrives its a good motivator

  7. #7
    im 6ft tall.....thanks for the help...yeah i did some reading on test susp and it said it was painful and you do it like 3 times a day or something so i was like **** thats a lot ...but yeah once every 4 days sounds a lot easier and safer ...i know A50 was probably not the smartest thing but i needed something and it was available from someone i knew and i didn't want to **** up injections since its a little more complicated then popping in a pill but ill have to do some reading up on test which one do you suggest?

  8. #8
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    Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate. each will give the same result.

  9. #9
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    I would suggest sticking to Estered versions of any AAS until you've done a few cycles, get the concept and are more confortable injecting yourself on a daily basis multiple times.

    Test E or C...whichever is available and cheaper. No difference

  10. #10
    thanks for a PCT should i stick with Nolv at 20mg and should i start when im done with the test or like a week before? also how much do i need to get a hold of to last the 8 or 12 weeks since i saw how much a 10cc bottle dosed at 250mg is but i dont know how long that lasts

  11. #11
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Nolva is fine for a PCT of a Test only Cycle. Take in a 60/40/20 schedule though starting about 2 weeks after the last injection. An AI could also be helpful during the PCT

    The average dose of Test E/C for beginners is 500mgs/wkly. This would be 2ml @ 250mg/ml a week. 1 - 10ml vial will only last 5 weeks at this rate

  12. #12
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    first cycle

    Am 18 years old started lifting at 15 year old wighted around 140 now am up to 190 BF 11% 5'10 am thinking of doing a first cycle
    take in around 4,000 cals everday
    12 weeks of enth i
    any opinions would help

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by srebrenica View Post
    Am 18 years old started lifting at 15 year old wighted around 140 now am up to 190 BF 11% 5'10 am thinking of doing a first cycle
    take in around 4,000 cals everday
    12 weeks of enth i
    any opinions would help
    In the future make your own thread don't hijack someone else's. You are too young at 18 imo just spend a few more years training naturally and research here.

  14. #14
    would it be weird to do a 10 week cycle? since 2 10 ml bottles will last me exactly that long

  15. #15
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poptarts1125 View Post
    would it be weird to do a 10 week cycle? since 2 10 ml bottles will last me exactly that long
    Not wierd, I would think that would be the minimum amount of weeks to do a proper cycle though. 12wk being average for Test E/C and 14+ being considered the longer

  16. #16
    awesome thanks for everyones help

  17. #17
    i got 22 gauge x 1" syringes and was wondering if 1" is enough for injecting your butt? also i read that you are supposed to pull back on the plunger to see if blood comes in? is this true or not since ive seen some people do it and some dont
    thanks for the help

  18. #18
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    You should always get more than you need, and make sure you have everything including pct meds. Do a search on how to inject, there are a few threads on it, and few cool vids on youtube.

  19. #19
    yeah i got all the pct and stuff down but i was just wondering if i should do thigh injections since i only have 1" syringes or if 1" will be fine for the butt

  20. #20
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    you can probably get away with 1".. i use 1" for everything but glutes..glutes i use 1 1/2"

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by vishus View Post
    wow taking a50 when youre 20!! youre a brave soul......i dont think ill ever touch that stuff unless im VERY desperate for gains....and inj are better than orals because 1.) you get better gains and keep them better than orals 2.) dont take a toll on the liver and kidneys like SOME orals do 3.) you only have to pin every 3.5 days (except test prop or test suspension) like MMArmour said, it also motivates me and gets me a high when injection day arrives its a good motivator
    thats not true at all.. tons of short esters out there, tren a, winstrol, npp, etc.

    but the rest is pretty true. definitely an uneducated move to go with anadrol but its too late now

  22. #22
    Age 15
    weight 155
    height 5"11-6foot
    BF dont know
    Exp none
    please dont hate i dont need someone telling me what im going to do is bad so save it.
    Im wondering how much an appropriate dose for someone of my body type should take.- im going to be taking them anyways so if you actually are concerned about teens safety you would tell me how much to take to be safe about it. thanks

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbs
    Age 15
    weight 155
    height 5"11-6foot
    BF dont know
    Exp none
    please dont hate i dont need someone telling me what im going to do is bad so save it.
    Im wondering how much an appropriate dose for someone of my body type should take.- im going to be taking them anyways so if you actually are concerned about teens safety you would tell me how much to take to be safe about it. thanks
    You're 15. You're not even supposed to be here. See ya.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbs View Post
    Age 15
    weight 155
    height 5"11-6foot
    BF dont know
    Exp none
    please dont hate i dont need someone telling me what im going to do is bad so save it.
    Im wondering how much an appropriate dose for someone of my body type should take.- im going to be taking them anyways so if you actually are concerned about teens safety you would tell me how much to take to be safe about it. thanks
    Are you nuts? Your a child. Nobody on this board is going to give you advice about AAS. Not to mention you sem to already have a little bit of an attitude. You need to do extensive studying on nutrition and diet and come back in ten years

  25. #25
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    I agree. Injection day is a motivator. I now look forward to it and it does not hurt, its just phsychologicaly intimidating at first because the pins are so big. but after you do it a couple of times you realize it doesnt hurt. I use 23g 1 1/2in, but my bf is a little high. At only 11%, you could probably get away with only one inch, exept for the glutes

  26. #26
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    East Coast: on the beach
    15! You would have to be the dumbest person ever if you went through with a cycle... Quit being stupid! You aren't brave enough to do this after all the advice you have gotten! This will end badly!!! The rest of your life will be much much worse because of this 1 decision!!!! Liftime depression, body deformation, destroyed ligaments. Are you serious!!!

  27. #27
    Its really mind baffling to see the number of replies i was given and not one person sited their facts. Steroids are a miracle drug and i have never heard of anyone dying of steroid use (yes people have died from steroid ABUSE) i am aware that with taking them a number of dangers occur and i have weighed the pros and cons and decided i want and will use the substance i am just curious to what dosage i should take. Fun Fact Arnold Schwarzenegger started taking steroids when he was 15-16 years old. And he is 65. Arnold took steroids for a long time, and was even born with a heart deformity (bicuspid aortic valve) but is still alive and healthy.
    Last edited by Hobbs; 11-23-2012 at 10:33 PM.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    what a thread, 20, 18, and 15 year olds wanna inject stuff that they know NOTHING about, lol. good luck to you all.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    what a thread, 20, 18, and 15 year olds wanna inject stuff that they know NOTHING about, lol. good luck to you all.
    I know. Unbelievable isn't it. Some might call it bravery when it's actually adolescent stupidity. If they were the least little bit educated they'd realize what your risking is the future of you balls, dick, sex life for ever. Most of these knuckleheads won't even be training 6 months from now. They will be disappointing chics left right and center and being laughed out of bed for many, many years to come though...

    For all you 140-150 pound, 15 year olds out there, your not risking a broken leg, or even ripped off arm, IT'S YOUR BALLS YOUR MESSING WITH BOYS!! It's definitely better to be skinny and have trouble getting puzzy than it is to be huge and unable to fvck it once you have it!! Think about that!!

    Can't make it any clearer.

  30. #30
    What attitude? i just didnt want a bunch of people telling me steroid use is bad; which is exactly what happend. i know that already for peet sake im not retarded

  31. #31

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbs View Post
    What attitude? i just didnt want a bunch of people telling me steroid use is bad; which is exactly what happend. i know that already for peet sake im not retarded
    we have a doctor here that will testify otherwise...

    hmm wheres ink? lol

  33. #33
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420

    we have a doctor here that will testify otherwise...

    hmm wheres ink? lol
    I'm still laughing at his comment that steroids are a "miracle drug".

    Yes they are! They cure cancer and Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Polio, Small Pox, Ebola virus....and all sorts of horrible things. We the medical community have just decided it pays more to keep people sick.

    Where do I even begin with this kid!?!?

  34. #34
    I didnt go into depth on how it was a miracle drug Im not saying it cures cancer although its been known to help people with aids by increasing the T cell count and it turns females into "men".(id call that a miracle) next time try not to be so ignorant

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbs View Post
    I didnt go into depth on how it was a miracle drug Im not saying it cures cancer although its been known to help people with aids by increasing the T cell count and it turns females into "men".(id call that a miracle) next time try not to be so ignorant
    "Said the 15 year old right before he chemically neutered himself..."

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    I'm still laughing at his comment that steroids are a "miracle drug".

    Yes they are! They cure cancer and Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Polio, Small Pox, Ebola virus....and all sorts of horrible things. We the medical community have just decided it pays more to keep people sick.
    I'm going to quote this for future advice if you don't mind. Afterall, you're a doctor

  37. #37
    Haha and again the only thing you people criticise me on is my age. And me stating fact and wanting to take a drug each and everyone of you are considering or taking isnt ignorance. at least thats not what i think to be ignorance. I think people assuming that because of my age i think stupid irrational things is ignorance.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbs View Post
    Haha and again the only thing you people criticise me on is my age. And me stating fact and wanting to take a drug each and everyone of you are considering or taking isnt ignorance. at least thats not what i think to be ignorance. I think people assuming that because of my age i think stupid irrational things is ignorance.
    If you weren't ignorant you'd know that taking AAS at 15 is almost a 100% chance of fvcking yourself up sexually for the rest of your life. What a thing to risk at 15. There's only one word for it....

    BTW, I'm 47 and my endocrine system is pretty well finished developing...

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Wow just read into the thread. This is ridiculous. No one here is trying to disrespect you kid, it's for your own good. You're going to end up doing permanent damage to yourself because you're too lazy to things the hard way (diet and training dedication). Aas is no shortcut and it won't do what you think it will. You need to grow up. Even more importantly, I can't believe there is a piece of shit big enough to get a kid steroids.

    Take into consideration what people told you here. In a few years you'll realize it's for your own good.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by red_hulk

    I'm going to quote this for future advice if you don't mind. Afterall, you're a doctor
    Absolutely! Quote away.

    I'll be busy getting wrecked in Vegas because my feelings have been hurt by the 15 year old who claims to know more than me.

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