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Thread: Comparing Oral Vs Injection

  1. #41
    It may not be their intention to disrespect me but thats whats happening; (calling me stupid when im just looking to increase my muscle growth for athletic reasons and obviously to enhance my look) i for one am not stupid i may make mistakes in my life, infact this may be one and i realise that non the less i am going to be using them. and the peice of shit is a kid himself and thats the reason i come to a forum with what i assumed to be educated users of steroids for they can educate me on what an appropraite dosage for me would be. ( i have dieted and worked hard going to the gym 5 days a week which is the reason i quit smoking thank you very much)

  2. #42
    Now your just making shit up haha i never claimed to know more then you i just utilize google :P and have fun in vegas

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Then keep it up bro. Progress is a slow process but it pays in the end. You're way too young man you're not even done growing yet, you just hit puberty like 2-3 years ago. Give yourself a chance to naturally accomplish goals. I started at 22 and now I realize that's even a little too young. Don't be a stubborn ass and not take advice from people who actually know about the topic just because you have personal performance or body issues. This isn't the answer and like i said its no quick fix.

  4. #44
    your statistic is bul1shit and second ignorant isnt the word for it haha

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbs
    Now your just making shit up haha i never claimed to know more then you i just utilize google :P and have fun in vegas
    That's my point. You use the Internet and google as a credible resource. Anyone who knows how to use word press and an HTML engine can post anything on the Internet. You have no way of knowing if the published information is credible, reliable, or has any medical integrity behind it. For all you know, some of that stuff could be posted by someone who has very little knowledge or experience with anabolic substances and you embrace it like its gospel. That's incredibly naive.

  6. #46
    thank you,finally an insightful reply ill take what you said into consideration and further more study and look into steroid use but i am pretty sure i want to take the risk

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Spend some time reading about the developmental stages of the endocrine system, what functions are controlled by the various hormones in your body, the dangers of prematurely shunting the HTPA development with interventional endocrinology/anabolic abuse and then perhaps you'll have a very partial understanding of why we are trying to advise you to pursue other strategies to maximize your current growth which has yet to mature to its fullest potential.

    Anyway, that's my final comment. If you believe you know better than those on this board that have been cycling anabolics longer than you've been alive, the only further advice I will offer you is not to get yourself killed.

    Best of luck.

  8. #48
    Well for all i know your a 12 year old boy at home who knows nothing of steroids, point?. And the facts are sited on the webpages i look at.

  9. #49
    Again a key word u used was abuse which i have no intention of doing, and thank you i will read into those things

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbs View Post
    Again a key word u used was abuse which i have no intention of doing, and thank you i will read into those things
    Any of us (including me) that add any amount of steroids to our body other than those prescribed by a Doctor, are ABUSING steroids! The fact that you refuse to listen to grown men old enough to be your father, with years of real life experience, goes to show that you are not ready to handle AAS even on a mental level!

  11. #51
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbs
    Haha and again the only thing you people criticise me on is my age. And me stating fact and wanting to take a drug each and everyone of you are considering or taking isnt ignorance. at least thats not what i think to be ignorance. I think people assuming that because of my age i think stupid irrational things is ignorance.
    Ok Hobbs I took AAS at 20 years old, I'm currently 31 years old and been on Testosterone replacément therapy since I was 26-27 years old..

    Yea I got bigger, faster, stronger, but at what cost now I have to do 2 injections a week for the rest of my life just to feel normal..

    Listen to these guys, how did you even sign up don't you need to be 18? Any how go to the nutrition side and learn how to eat.. If I could go back I would, the fücked up part I wasn't a small dude before I started. I was 225lbs 15% bf and was already in the gym for 2 years..

    Just wait and eat, eat, eat..

    God bless

  12. #52
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbs
    thank you,finally an insightful reply ill take what you said into consideration and further more study and look into steroid use but i am pretty sure i want to take the risk
    There are a lot of us here that took the risk ( and are now paying for it ) and at that time no one to tell me No, just someone wanting to sell me stuff!!

  13. #53
    Join Date
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    East coast USA
    Quote Originally Posted by the titan99 View Post
    i know. Unbelievable isn't it. Some might call it bravery when it's actually adolescent stupidity. If they were the least little bit educated they'd realize what your risking is the future of you balls, dick, sex life for ever. Most of these knuckleheads won't even be training 6 months from now. They will be disappointing chics left right and center and being laughed out of bed for many, many years to come though...

    For all you 140-150 pound, 15 year olds out there, your not risking a broken leg, or even ripped off arm, it's your balls your messing with boys!! It's definitely better to be skinny and have trouble getting puzzy than it is to be huge and unable to fvck it once you have it!! Think about that!!

    Can't make it any clearer.
    could not have been put any better

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    "Said the 15 year old right before he chemically neutered himself..."
    I know this is from a year ago but I haven't laughed so hard in awhile

  15. #55
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    I think this is hobnob, I believe he was banned now back as Hobbs.

    And he op of his thread is only 20 a many continue to give cycle advice besides the hijacks!???

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