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Thread: Intermittent fasting queries

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Intermittent fasting queries

    Intermittent fasting queries

    Hi guys I have read a fair amount on IF now and decided its the route I want to pursue.
    I have spoken to Kruger about some of my ideas and he's given me good advice.
    His log is a true inspiration.

    I keep finding conflicting information regarding A.M training though and would like some input from the board.

    I train in the morning every day as its easier for me and my schedule as I can go gym early whilst kids are in bed and girlfriend is at home.

    Now here's where I need some light shedding on the subject.
    30 minutes before training I will take 10g BCAA and fat burner then 10/15 minutes brisk walk on X-trainer to warm the body up.
    Hit weights
    10g bcaa after weights (or is during better?)
    Then 30/45 minutes good cardio on treadmill.

    As all of this will be early A.M and well before my breaking of fast at midday (3-4 hours before), do I have a simple whey isolate pwo shake or do I leave it and consume more BCAA?
    I have read some state a pwo shake is acceptable and others say it isn't.
    Is it not conflicting to what we already know if I didn't have pwo shake as the muscles will need a re-fuel?

    I hope I have written this clearly enough to get back some good advice.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    UK (Nr London)
    Heya buddy! Thanks for the kind words about my log

    I would say that its fine to consume the BCAA whilst training, but there isnt a lot of difference if you take it after, as you've already had some before workout.

    You've already heard my opinion on the fasted training and food, I always wait until midday, even if it means finishing my AM training and waiting 2 hours. Im not sure if this is the most efficient way or not, its just what I started doing and I have stuck with this. You could always adjust your fasted times to suit your training. If for example you're always going to finished training by 9AM, then have your first meal then and your last meal by 5PM. Just a thought

    Hope to get some other feedback though, I'll be interested to see what the vets think on this one, maybe I got it wrong and I could be benefiting from that PWO shake!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    i don't think you need all those BCAA's

    what is your ultimate goal? cutting or bulking?

    if cutting, i would try without the BCAA's and see how your body feels. most use the BCAA's to try and preserve muscle tissue from being burned when fasting.

    there is an ongoing thread about this in this section somewheres.

    i did IF for a while and liked it, and still implement it on some cardio days.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    Intermittent fasting queries

    Hi guys I have read a fair amount on IF now and decided its the route I want to pursue.
    I have spoken to Kruger about some of my ideas and he's given me good advice.
    His log is a true inspiration.

    I keep finding conflicting information regarding A.M training though and would like some input from the board.

    I train in the morning every day as its easier for me and my schedule as I can go gym early whilst kids are in bed and girlfriend is at home.
    Same here

    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    Now here's where I need some light shedding on the subject.
    30 minutes before training I will take 10g BCAA and fat burner then 10/15 minutes brisk walk on X-trainer to warm the body up.
    Hit weights
    10g bcaa after weights (or is during better?)
    Then 30/45 minutes good cardio on treadmill.

    As all of this will be early A.M and well before my breaking of fast at midday (3-4 hours before), do I have a simple whey isolate pwo shake or do I leave it and consume more BCAA?
    I definitely wouldn't do the shake, and probably wouldn't have the PWO BCAA's either. The shake is undoubtedly a fast breaker. While BCAA's technically break the fast as well, they hardly have a big enough impact to cause any concern. I'd stick with them preworkout only. It's what I did, and like you, I didn't have my PWO meal (fast breaker) until several hours PWO.

    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    I have read some state a pwo shake is acceptable and others say it isn't.
    I guess if you don't mind completely breaking your fast, it's acceptable. Personally, i'd rather reap the benefits of training in and staying in the fasted state.

    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    Is it not conflicting to what we already know if I didn't have pwo shake as the muscles will need a re-fuel?
    The muscles will be refueled when you eat. The idea that you MUST eat immediately following a workout or you'll somehow miss the 'window of opportunity' is complete broscience BS. Recent studies show protein synthesis is actually higher several hours PWO than immediately PWO.

    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    I hope I have written this clearly enough to get back some good advice.

    Thanks in advance
    Hope the above helps. Also, below are links to 2 IF threads I started a while back. You may find the useful:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Thanks a lot that has cleared up the issues I had with the pwo shake.

    The only reason I mention the use of bcaa before and after training is on livestrong he recommends it to help with the strain of training.

    You guys really are the best thank you
    I really have my mind set on getting my old body back now

    Thanks again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    if want some studies to read, check out lean gains dot com. plenty of reading there for ya!

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