Intermittent fasting queries
Hi guys I have read a fair amount on IF now and decided its the route I want to pursue.
I have spoken to Kruger about some of my ideas and he's given me good advice.
His log is a true inspiration.
I keep finding conflicting information regarding A.M training though and would like some input from the board.
I train in the morning every day as its easier for me and my schedule as I can go gym early whilst kids are in bed and girlfriend is at home.
Now here's where I need some light shedding on the subject.
30 minutes before training I will take 10g BCAA and fat burner then 10/15 minutes brisk walk on X-trainer to warm the body up.
Hit weights
10g bcaa after weights (or is during better?)
Then 30/45 minutes good cardio on treadmill.
As all of this will be early A.M and well before my breaking of fast at midday (3-4 hours before), do I have a simple whey isolate pwo shake or do I leave it and consume more BCAA?
I have read some state a pwo shake is acceptable and others say it isn't.
Is it not conflicting to what we already know if I didn't have pwo shake as the muscles will need a re-fuel?
I hope I have written this clearly enough to get back some good advice.
Thanks in advance