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Good thread. I got somestuff to add, feel free to correct me. I feel like creatine should be one ofthe simplest things out there, yet there's still so much confusion on it thanksto the media. I had an ex who thought I was gonna die from it, so I had to do abunch of research about it to convince her it was safe. CSI once did an episodewhere they said a bodybuilder died from 'acute creative overdose'. Idiots.
I think a lot of the bad press comes from the factthat it became popular in the news when it got discovered along withandrostenedione in Mark McGuire's locker, so everyone confuses them and thinksit messes with your hormones. It doesn't. But, that doesn't mean it's new. It's been taken for years and anyone who saysthere isn't long term studies done is just wrong.
Another thing that people claim is that it upsetsyour stomach. This isn't an effect of creatine, it's a problem of digestion. That's why people recommend'micronized' creatine. All that means is that it's been ground into smallerpieces, so it digests and gets absorbed better. I think back in the day therewhere poorly manufactured products with large particles that wouldn't getdigested well, which is why it gets a such a bad rap. That isn't really anissue anymore and I've never had stomach cramps or digestion issues with it.
Another issue is that it breaks down in water overtime. I think they say you have about 8 hours or so, so you're probably okmixing it and going to the gym and then drinking it, but I prefer to drink itas soon as I mix it. So, don't premix your drink and store it overnight. But,of most concern is don't buy creatine serums or liquids. They used to marketthese as 'bloat-free' creatine that wouldn't dehydrate you. Yes, they don'tbloat you because they don't have creatine in them, it's been broken down.
The other thing is to understand how it work, soit's not scary anymore. They say it gives you more endurance. Here's how. Yourbody makes energy by the chemical reaction of releasing a phosphate atom fromthe molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which leaves ADP (adenosinediphosphate). Your body then steals a phosphate atom from creatine to reattachit to the ADP, making ATP again. This is how everyone's body works whether yousupplement or not. Creatine is in food. However when you weight train, you runout of your creatine stores and "get tired" because you can't recycleyour ADP into ATP. Make sense?