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Thread: questions before I start my first cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    questions before I start my first cycle

    doing all kinds of homework on aas before I commit to starting my 1st cycle. Have a couple questions that i couldn't find answers to through the many threads.

    1) before I start what should i focus on more; strength or cutting
    2) how pin point does my diet need to be
    3) how much cardio should i have in my week

    and if there's anything else you can recommend please do.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    1. Diet.

    2. Very pin point, depending on your goals.

    3. Depends on your goals.

    What are you goals, and what are your complete stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    30 yrs old 165 lbs
    low body fat
    10 hours per week in the gym
    what else do you want to know?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Your height.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Wat are your stats Bro hy wt how long you been training.

  6. #6
    I recommend you do A LOT more reading. Start with the stickied threads

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    5'9" training hard for little over a year. Goals are more mass and strength. Ideally 10 -20 lbs. No plans for competition, just need more size and strength for my job. Do not get me wrong my job is not my main motivator, to be all that I can be and continuing to push myself is my main motivation.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012
    North east England
    I think a years training is not enough to strengthen your tendons and ligaments. You greatly increase the risk of damage and injury if you jump straight on cycle.

    Also say 3 years solid training will give you a good base and give you chance to get your diet right. Experimenting with foods over tone is the only way to do this and the key for gaining good 'keepable' muscle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I agree. You need to train more/longer and build more muscle.

    If you do a cycle now, you likely will not keep any of it because you have not built a foundation for any new muscle to grow on. You first need to build some solid dense muscle in order to maintain any new muscle. Then, you need to eat more to maintain your new muscle. You see, it’s all about eating. Figure out your TDEE and up your cals at least 500 each day to gain some weight. Workout regularly and eat a high calorie clean balanced diet. There's no magic pill. The magic is EATING.

    You also need to learn to eat properly before you learn to use AAS.

    Post your intended diet here including macros and the pros in there will assist you in tweaking your diet to fit your intended goals.

    Nutritional Forum

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by chefjmo View Post
    doing all kinds of homework on aas before I commit to starting my 1st cycle. Have a couple questions that i couldn't find answers to through the many threads.

    1) before I start what should i focus on more; strength or cutting
    2) how pin point does my diet need to be
    3) how much cardio should i have in my week

    and if there's anything else you can recommend please do.
    1) cutting. You leaner you are, the better your grow
    2) depends what you use and what your genetics allow you to get away with. Some steroids won't really keep you from gaining fat, others will.
    3) at least once a week assuming you will be bulking, just for health and endurance reasons

  11. #11
    5'9 165lbs and lean are good stats to start, since we have no pics to judge you on. I disagree with the rest of you

  12. #12
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    North east England
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg
    5'9 165lbs and lean are good stats to start, since we have no pics to judge you on. I disagree with the rest of you
    Wasn't his height or weight Alpha it was the fact he had only been training for a year. Jumping on AAS lifting more than his body can handle will surely cause an injury and/or damage. But that's just my opinion wether you agree or not is just your opinion.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsiv View Post
    Wasn't his height or weight Alpha it was the fact he had only been training for a year. Jumping on AAS lifting more than his body can handle will surely cause an injury and/or damage. But that's just my opinion wether you agree or not is just your opinion.
    True I understand, a year isn't long enough. I didn't even see that post until you brought it up. Honestly I hate just looking at stats. I really think a pic is necessary. height/weight looks different on everyone

  14. #14
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    North east England
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg

    True I understand, a year isn't long enough. I didn't even see that post until you brought it up. Honestly I hate just looking at stats. I really think a pic is necessary. height/weight looks different on everyone
    I agree with this as well a picture paints a thousand words. And his body fat being 'low' tells us nothing

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsiv View Post
    I agree with this as well a picture paints a thousand words. And his body fat being 'low' tells us nothing
    yup, I thought I was low bodyfat when I was 5'10 210lbs natural. Then I cut and lost 40lbs of fat before realizing how delusional I was

  16. #16
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    North east England
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg

    yup, I thought I was low bodyfat when I was 5'10 210lbs natural. Then I cut and lost 40lbs of fat before realizing how delusional I was
    My god man awesome! You will have to give me some tips Alpha I'm trying to get a physique like yours you have done well at 25 years old

  17. #17
    Thanks man. We are hijacking this thread now but I actually just turned 27. A lot of my opinions would be controversial on this forum, so I need to bite my tongue a little

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    North east England
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg
    Thanks man. We are hijacking this thread now but I actually just turned 27. A lot of my opinions would be controversial on this forum, so I need to bite my tongue a little
    Ok I will send ya a pm tomorrow if that ok?

  19. #19

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    The problem I have with my diet is I don't eat enough. I'm aware of that. And i am currently working on getting one started. I am following the guide lines I got off one of the nutrition stickies. As for aas I am in mm hurry. I want to do this rite. And I've also read enough threads to see guys not listening to the good advice given. I am going to continue my insane workouts and really pin point this diet before I start any cycle.

  21. #21
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    North east England
    Quote Originally Posted by chefjmo
    The problem I have with my diet is I don't eat enough. I'm aware of that. And i am currently working on getting one started. I am following the guide lines I got off one of the nutrition stickies. As for aas I am in mm hurry. I want to do this rite. And I've also read enough threads to see guys not listening to the good advice given. I am going to continue my insane workouts and really pin point this diet before I start any cycle.
    That's the best sentence you have said. Nail the training and diet first.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    thanks for all the help and advice.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    ok it took a while and a lot of searching but i finally found an idea of my body fat %. i put my info and some measurements in this website and they calculated 15%. i don't think it's that high and i talked to a few guys at the gym and they think i'm around 10% or lower. i don't think i could lose more then 5 lbs. and still be healthy. i also found 2 great threads for diets. one for cutting and the other for mass. the differance is about 800 calories. which one do you suggest i go for? and i'm sad to say that i can't post any pics till i got like 40 days in.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2012
    North east England
    It's up to you what yours goals should be. Do ya want to cut or bulk? At your weight I would have said BULK and for me it's more fun. Don't let people estimate your body-fat percentage get some callipers or even better find out where your nearest bod pod is.

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