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Thread: Starting my first cycle soon. It's oral only (H-Drol). Pre-Cycle Check...

  1. #1

    Starting my first cycle soon. It's oral only (H-Drol). Pre-Cycle Check...

    Hi Folks,

    I've been lurking for a bit and doing all sorts of research and getting my details together for my cycle soon. I wanted to run them past this community for comments before I begin...

    Background and Game Plan:
    This is my first PH cycle. I have been training for nearly 4 years naturally and seriously. I've read up on the use of PH's for about several months before agreeing with myself to use them. I've opted to use a SERM to be safe as this is going to be a 6 week cycle. During this cycle, I plan on lean bulking on 2,500 calories consisting with a P/C/F split of 40% Protein / 35% Carbs / 25% Fats.

    So here are the details for my first H-Drol cycle...

    - MrSupps Helladrol for 6 weeks: 75/75/75/100/100/125 (or 50/75/75/75/100/100 because I'm new?)
    - Orange Triad Multivitamin
    - 2g Fish Oil daily
    - Taurine 3g daily (for reported back pumps)
    - ZMA
    - Forged Liver Support ( There's only enough to dose this bottle for 4 weeks. What should I do?
    - Forma Stanzol, weeks 1-10 (
    - Whey and Casein Protein
    - 1.R.M. Preworkout

    - 1.R.M. Preworkout
    - Whey and Casein Protein
    - Multivitamin
    - 2g Fish Oil daily
    - ZMA
    - Forged Post Cycle, 4 weeks (
    - Forma Stanzol, weeks 1-10
    - Nolva 4weeks, 4 weeks (20/20/10/10)

    Questionable Supplementation During the Cycle? (If and When required? And dosages? I have all these supplements on hand.):
    - Creatine?
    - DAA?
    - HCGenerate?
    - Triazole?
    - Turmeric?
    - Milk Thistle?

    Training Routine:
    (5 mins treadmill warmup before each session)
    Day 1: Back
    Day 2: Rest
    Day 3: Legs
    Day 4: Rest
    Day 5: Shoulders
    Day 6: Chest
    Day 7: Repeat rotation

    Personal Stats
    22 years old
    5'11" and 190lbs, 13% BF
    Bench 225 x 2, Squat 315 x 10, Deadlift 320 x 11

    Quick question about the PCT: Does it start 24 hours after the last dosing of H-Drol, or when? I welcome any constructive comments, questions, suggestions, etc.Especially tell me if I have too much overlap of certain supplements.

    I think that's about it all. Thanks.

    If the links are not allowed, MODS, please feel free to delete the links. Please do not delete the thread. I thought the ingredients would be useful for members to see.

    Last edited by Harold Law; 12-05-2012 at 11:27 PM.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    You did "all sorts of research"? Not on this site, thats for

    But seriously, this is not a good idea at all my friend. PH cycles are garbage. And no cycle should ever be entertained without including testosterone. And the fact that youre only 21 is another reason not to consider this cycle, or any other, for a few more years.

    Take a quick read of this link and tell me what you think after youve read it.

    The Young and Steroids

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    ...then read this one..

    Cycles Gone Wrong for the Young*#.UL2db2fX_fs

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    East Coast: on the beach
    Chances are you will see more bad side effects then good effects from this... Don't do it...

  6. #6
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    grillin chicken
    Pro hormones are a disaster bro...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Pro hormones are a disaster bro...
    ^^^ agreed Oral only=Not good

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Hmmmmmm......I didn't think there was as much info on this site about PHs compared to AASs but I've been wrong before.

    Personally I wouldn't give PHs to my dog. I think they are largely a waste of money with little to no benefit.

    Just my humble opinion.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    ...then read this one..

    Cycles Gone Wrong for the Young
    I read all the threads in that thread. It seemed like no one in those thread were 21? Or had a PCT protocol in mind?

    I am over 21, and isn't my PCT sufficient?

    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    ^^^ agreed Oral only=Not good
    I really don't think I'll be able to inquire injectables. Plus I have read on other forums that oral-only cycles can be a good start for first-timers (no flame).

    With these quoted posts in mind, and me fully aware of the risks of what an oral-only cycle entails, can you guys offer feedback on my 1) on-cycle products, 2) PCT products, 3)additional products listed?
    Last edited by Harold Law; 12-06-2013 at 11:04 AM.

  10. #10
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Harold Law

    Actually, I'm 22 but truthfully 2 months from 23.

    I read all the threads in that thread. It seemed like no one in those thread were 21? Or had a PCT protocol in mind?

    I am over 21, and isn't my PCT sufficient?

    I really don't think I'll be able to inquire injectables. Plus I have read on other forums that oral-only cycles can be a good start for first-timers (no flame).

    With these quoted posts in mind, and me fully aware of the risks of what an oral-only cycle entails, can you guys offer feedback on my 1) on-cycle products, 2) PCT products, 3)additional products listed?
    Harold, you're being given solid advice in the interest of your current and future health. I understand its not what you want to hear but point of fact, you should reconsider due to your age, because PHs are largely garbage by many standards, AND can lead to significant problems.

    Still not convinced, then look what happened here to someone who didn't listen:

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harold Law View Post
    Actually, I'm 22 but truthfully 2 months from 23. I read all the threads in that thread. It seemed like no one in those thread were 21? Or had a PCT protocol in mind?

    I am over 21, and isn't my PCT sufficient? ...
    Wow, you really missed the boat on that thread, didn't you Harold? Do you think that because there's no specific thread dealing specifically with a 21 year old that you're immune to AAS and the potential issues effecting young AAS users? Surely you can see the big picture here, cant you? If not, then these links are as lost on you as you are. Not being rude, but you really need to sit back and think about what you just said.

    And if youre looking for an excuse to use AAS, then all the in formation and links in the world will not help you.

  12. #12
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    Oral only = no
    22 yo = no

    you're getting up on the wrong foot and in the wrong time.

  13. #13
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    Mickey has a link for this
    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    Oral only = no
    22 yo = no

    you're getting up on the wrong foot and in the wrong time.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by acidking View Post
    Oral only = no
    22 yo = no

    you're getting up on the wrong foot and in the wrong time.
    So essentially to make my first cycle work, the equation has to look something like this...?

    "Oral + Test = Yes"
    "25 and Older = Yes"

  15. #15
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    The Great White North
    Quote Originally Posted by Harold Law View Post
    So essentially to make my first cycle work, the equation has to look something like this...?

    "Oral + Test = Yes"
    "25 and Older = Yes"

    First cycle

    Test only = yes but only with proper diet, which you can get dialled in in the nutrition section, and proper support supps and PCT
    25 and older = yes, given a solid foundation is already established and 3 years of consistent training

    Sorry bud, it's just not a black and white world, but you're on the right track being here

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post

    First cycle

    Test only = yes but only with proper diet, which you can get dialled in in the nutrition section, and proper support supps and PCT
    25 and older = yes, given a solid foundation is already established and 3 years of consistent training

    Sorry bud, it's just not a black and white world, but you're on the right track being here

    Thanks for the reassurance, too.

  17. #17
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    Hi, I did h-drol as first cycle. I can tell, for first cycle IMO opinión, its a good idea.
    You don't have to search for a source, due you can buy it in a supplement store.
    there's no danger of fakes
    no injections, so no danger of PIP, infections and its perfect for someone who fears needles
    very easy everything, perfect for a first time run. there are many who use as PCT some PH AI, not even nolva...

    results?? normally 6 kg gains, so, the gains could be more than many beginners injectable cycles (gained more on h-drol than on test/tren).
    but the problem seems to be thats only wáter retention, I lost 5 kg after PCT.

    IMO h-drol is perfect for first run, makes it simple as posible, but at the same time, a hell of sides, that you can control thanks to the veery short half-life.
    I won't ever run a PH again, but I'm glad that it was my first approach

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    This is a ridiculous comment. A great cycle where you lose nearly 90% of your gains from a toxic oral. Really????!!!!!!

  19. #19
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    Feb 2012
    Just out of interest why u going for h drol ??
    My mate has run 2 ph cycles.

    And cynostane I believe it was n tbh results wasn't good. Leaned up abit etc muscle looked lil harder/ firmer but nothing I'd say u get from creatine...

    Might be just s cr@p ph he run but I looked in to ph's my self and p mag is what I'd of gone for but after reading and researching on the forum id say injectables is way forward mate

  20. #20
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    Nothing you can't GET from creatine I mean....

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteM View Post
    This is a ridiculous comment. A great cycle where you lose nearly 90% of your gains from a toxic oral. Really????!!!!!!
    yeah, you loose almost all of the gains, but you learn much of that. thats why I say I wont ever do PH again. for a fast-summer grow, Its ok

  22. #22
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    Andrea. Did u loose your gains u got from a ph also what was it u run ???

  23. #23
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    hi reiss! so, If I remember well, it was a 2 bottles run of competitive edge labs, 50-50-75-75-75-75. I made a full log, with daily videos. first 2 weeks, I felt nearby nothing, week 3 some more power and gains, but the best week was the 6th, where I got the best workouts, but the worst sides too. Really, there where days, where I went down to 50mg/day, because sides where too strong, my BP was very high, and my pumps where crazy, my bicepts where about to explode during workouts. but not only bicepts, my heart was beating out of control, after every series, I couldn't breathe for a couple of seconds...
    I lost libido towards the end. Before PCT, 6kg gains, from 74kg-80kg, then 1st 2 weeks PCT lost 2kg, then lost eveything in the next 2 months.
    then I ran test-tren, and had virtually no sides, only injection related sides like baaaad PIPs.
    I started cycle with 73,5kg, went up to 78kg, and before PCT 76kg. now, 4 months later, I went up to 82kg, dirty gains, but strenght is better nothing lost

  24. #24
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    Mar 2006
    So, the PH cycle that you recommend ultimately gave you ZERO gains, had breathing difficulties and lost your sex drive. And you are recommending this why???????????????

    Your diet, at least following cessation of the cycle, was clearly awful.

    Please don't recommend cycles like this to people.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    because sides where too strong, my BP was very high, and my pumps where crazy, my bicepts where about to explode during workouts. but not only bicepts, my heart was beating out of control, after every series, I couldn't breathe for a couple of seconds...
    I lost libido towards the end.
    Breathing issues and high BP all sound like high cholesterol symptoms, must've been your diet.

  26. #26
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    My diet wasn't in check, but anyways, I loved that cycle cause I got many sides, and after that, Test-tren, one of the harshest cycles, was like a joke. the good thing about h-drol, if you can't get it under control, you wont get hurt that much, you descontinue, and you're somehow safe... no aromatization, no shutdown (I lost libido, but I was able to get normal erections), no prolactine related issues. So, You learn how to control sides, without being screwed if you fail. You won't see big gains, and I was very disappointed with the results, but the experience was OK!

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by reiss c View Post
    Just out of interest why u going for h drol ??
    My mate has run 2 ph cycles.
    I picked it because I didn't/don't have access to Test... at least yet.

    So I researched orals and this one seemed to be the mildest in terms of sides for a beginner.

  28. #28
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Harold Law

    I picked it because I didn't/don't have access to Test... at least yet.

    So I researched orals and this one seemed to be the mildest in terms of sides for a beginner.
    You would be doing yourself a huge favor by waiting until you have the proper gear and a correct first cycle. This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. You gain nothing by rushing ahead until you're ready to do it right.

  29. #29
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    I'd wait mate and till your ready to do the real stuff . But that's up to you just seems people either gain then (no offence) loose there gains on a ph doesn't warrant the money

    Plus this is all ways been a big thing. In my eyes How is it u look at say ph's reviews/logs P mag h drol etc. yet u read it all way up to the 6th week of the cycle then boom they vanish of of forums etc :/ lol

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    [QUOTE="reiss c"]I'd wait mate and till your ready to do the real stuff . But that's up to you just seems people either gain then (no offence) loose there gains on a ph doesn't warrant the money

    Plus this is all ways been a big thing. In my eyes How is it u look at say ph's reviews/logs P mag h drol etc. yet u read it all way up to the 6th week of the cycle then boom they vanish of of forums etc :/ lol

    Is it coz they lost there gains don't wanna talk bout it or what all ways confused me lol.

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