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Thread: did 2ccs of testoviron 4 dats ago,how long shoul i wait until another dose,

  1. #1

    did 2ccs of testoviron 4 dats ago,how long shoul i wait until another dose,

    hey people, how long should 2ccs last just did it 4 days ago, wanting to lose fat, build muscle, im 5/7 220, testoviron, is it a well used test..

  2. #2
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I am a little worried that you have put powerful drugs in your system with no plan beyond the first injection. I am not being critical of you so much as I am concerned for your health.

    Personally, I would not do another injection. I would do some research so you can learn the complicated process behind getting bigger and losing fat.

    Here are the problems I see:

    1. Unless you are already very muscular, your height/weight suggests high body fat. That is not recommended for steroid use.

    2. Testoviron has short and long esters in it, but I don't know how much of each. If you want to avoid testosterone level peaks and valleys, you would need to inject every ether day.

    3. What dose is this stuff? On the label it should say something like "200mg/ml". If we know that, we will know how much you took in the 2cc you injected a few days ago.

  3. #3
    thanks for the concern, my vile says 250, 10ml

  4. #4
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    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by juststartingnow View Post
    hey people, how long should 2ccs last just did it 4 days ago, wanting to lose fat, build muscle, im 5/7 220, testoviron, is it a well used test..
    What is your status.. how long you been training, how much fat are you carrying... If you want to loose fat , then diet is the key.
    Bro If you are asking a simple question, on how long 2cc shoulod last in your system, then its obvious you are not ready to use any gear yet, i would recommend, stopping everything, and learn about steroid use....
    I agree with JohnnyVegas on everything....other then, testoviron, only has one ester and thats test E, not several esters like Johnny suggested.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by juststartingnow View Post
    thanks for the concern, my vile says 250, 10ml
    IF thats the only vial you have, then you dont have you need to set up your PCT, and have some AI ready also.
    Please do your self a favor and read, and learn everything you can on this website, there is a lot of good information on here.

  6. #6
    thanks guys, but testoviron on this site sais it has long and short esters.

  7. #7
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juststartingnow View Post
    thanks for the concern, my vile says 250, 10ml
    So, if you want to take 500mg a week, you would inject 1ml twice a week. Every 3.5 days. Sunday morning and Wednesday evening, for example. If you want to continue to inject 2ml, you would do it once a week but you will then be injecting a larger amount of short ester Test that will peak quickly and then drop off. It could be a bit of a roller coaster for you. You will notice most guys inject long esters twice a week to maintain more even blood levels.

    How many vials do you have? You will use one vial every 5 weeks at this pace (a little faster, actually, because of waste). You would need three vials to do a "normal" 12 week cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by juststartingnow View Post
    thanks guys, but testoviron on this site sais it has long and short esters.
    I mentioned that earlier. Personally, I don't understand these mixes but it seems like if you want to take advantage of the short esters you would need to inject on a short ester schedule to maintain steady blood levels.

    Hopefully you are using an AI and have PCT ready to go. It could be a disaster if you don't.

  8. #8
    i know i should get more informed and i will, but no im just doing test, what is AI and PCT, and why would it be a disaster.thanks

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by juststartingnow View Post
    thanks guys, but testoviron on this site sais it has long and short esters.
    The one i got is like this one, and its from POrtugal
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	p1040219.jpg 
Views:	15726 
Size:	117.8 KB 
ID:	129657

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by juststartingnow View Post
    i know i should get more informed and i will, but no im just doing test, what is AI and PCT, and why would it be a disaster.thanks
    PCT= post cycle up, on what you need to take, after you are done your clomid, nolvadex, hcg...This is something you need to take in order, to keep your gains ,and for your body to return to normal
    AI, is what you need to take during your cycle to keep estrogen in control and water retention down...example, letro, arimadex, aromasing.
    Hope that helps, there is a lot of information on here, about everything you need to do.

  11. #11
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by juststartingnow View Post
    i know i should get more informed and i will, but no im just doing test, what is AI and PCT, and why would it be a disaster.thanks
    I know this has been answered by snowman, but here is my quick two cents.

    An AI (aromatase inhibitor) keeps the high levels of injected testosterone from converting to estrogen. You should take it throughout your cycle. You can get Liquidex from AR-R (banner at top of page) and take .25mg every other day. If you don't, your estrogen can climb causing high blood pressure, water retention, acne, emotional instability, etc. The high blood pressure would be the "disaster" part of not taking an AI.

    PCT (post cycle therapy) is insanely important to get your body's natural testosterone production back in gear after stopping your cycle. Without it you can lose all the gains you made and experience long-term low testosterone levels, depression and other ungodly things. I cannot stress enough that you read up on PCT and get some immediately. The things you need are also available at AR-R. It is always important to have it on you in case you need to make an unplanned stop to a cycle due to an injury, family emergency or other reason.

  12. #12
    my doc says that 250 mg per month for test levels to stay normal

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