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Thread: What some of you don't realize...

  1. #1

    What some of you don't realize...

    my mother pointed this out to me last night cause she was scared for me (how sweet, eh?). what some of us don't realize is our age. we are draft eligible for a war if there was ever one to break out of this chaos. now i doubt that a war will last very long with modern technology and warfare tactics, but still - something to think about....

  2. #2
    Mike Guest
    I have realized this - and as much as I value my life and convictions - I value what this nation stands for far above that. And if asked to go to war for things that I truly believe in, freedom, democracy, capitalism and humanity.....I would gladly accept this responsibility.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'd go I think. Though I'd probably have to pass the psych tests and shit and for me that's easier said than done. It won't come to that though. Wars don't even need to be fought that way anymore, though sometimes anger causes people to make bonehead decisions.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I would go no questions asked. In fact I would beg to go to the middle east just to see them run in terror just like they did to us. Im still waiting on if my cousin is alright ... fuck I have 2 brothers who work there (Morgan Stanley) one was at a meeting and the other was on his way down the third floor he works on the 80th floor when the second plane hit. Thats a miracle ...

    Fast R

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i volunteer. my dad fought, my uncle fought, both my grandfathers fought. this country needs me, i'm going. i'm VERY proud to see most of you guys would too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Southern California
    Let me tell ya,

    I'm 36 years old and I'm a former US Marine. I spent 8 years in defense of this great land and only had the priveledge of running the Cubans out of Grenada in 1983 as a young machine gunner. I have a great career going and just got married a few months ago. I have also contacted my local recruiting office and have asked about re-enlisting if I'm needed. The recruiter said he could not talk to me and would call back. I'm waiting for that call. I'll go back in a fucking heartbeat just for the chance to gut the sonofabitches responsible with my K-Bar.

    If you are of age to enter the US Military, dont have a criminal record, are in decent shape, you should damn well be ready to go when your country calls. I highly doubt you'll be needed, but I want you to know that it's young men your age that are responsible for keeping this great country from falling into the hands of piles of human defecation like Osama Bin Testicle.

    Dont take this responsibility lightly. Yes, some more young Americans and the youth of our allies will most likely die to right this wrong, but unfortunately, that is the price we pay as a free country. If you do happen to go to heaven early because you are defending this great country and our way of life, children will be singing songs in our schools about your bravery for years to come.

    "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" - Thomas Jefferson

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Count me in! I'll fucking risk my ass for this country. If the men before us wouldn't have done it, we wouldn't have the great things and all the oppurtunities we have now. I would go. I would be fucking proud. I love America and the chances it has given me. I know all you would go if you were needed also. Roid up baybe and kick some ass! Wonder how they feel about roids in the military.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Strange you would bring this up today. I just got in to a fight over it with my wife. Im 29 have 2 young children who I would hate to think of growing up with out me around. However I would gladly go to defend this great nation if it needed me. My wife said we would move to Canada...... Oh god just like a woman. I wouldn't enlist just because the are so many younger men without children and my family does need me. I would proudly be the first man in line after being drafted though.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    becareful what you say!! The Germans were on roids during WWII. But I think Americans on roids ... 10,000 of them geez Middle East better run.

    Fast R

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    southern california
    dude,if need be,I'll be the first in cousin,who was only 23 years old,was a single mother of 2 twin boys,age 3,who got out of an abusive relationship,went to college,got her degree,and then got a great job in the world trade center.she's not been heard from in 2 days,and we're assuming she's dead.she most likely wont even be able to have a proper burial.her 2 sons are going to suffer the fate of never having a normal childhood like most of us had.that fucking flat out is a shame.she didnt deserve this .nobody did.those fucking ****** got a serious problem on thier hands now.we will not put up with this shit.we will win this.think about this:if we dont solve this problem right now,other nations are going to think of the u.s as a target in terrorist attacks which has never happenned until soon as war is officially waged,I'll be 1st in line to serve my great nation,as you should do as well brothers,be it that you have the age shape and mind.I have a 5 year old son,but if I die in war,I and he will know it was for his freedom and all of ours.....think about that bros...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'll be there with you man. Sorry to here about your cousin. My prayers to her and her family. Something has to be done!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    I've always thought about joining a special tactics force or something like that, if my education and career plans do not fall through. My uncle was in the army, and I have always wanted to join something like that, were i could strap on a load of ammo, and go blow some heads off. Just thninking about it makes my veins surge! I'd join in a sec.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    No question, look at Pearl Habor. American's were lining up to join. I think this action will cause that type of reaction. And I also think that the persons who are in the military now, are wanting some payback just as bad as most of the American people are right now, if not worse. I would gladly go, in fact, I would hole heartidly go. I would love the opportunity to go and give some payback. As far as drafting, I don't think they will draft an old man like myself, 30 years old and decreped. I think our military is very strong, and look at the Sadam Crisis, Bush didn't draft at all, we didn't need to. With the way the military has changed, there are less and less hand to hand combat, it will be mostly bombin and air assaults. It takes years to become a pilot.. They wouldn't want me to fly one of them damn things, they would have bombs falling all over the place. Hell I would even take out Sadam while I was over there.. heee..

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I'm in my mid forties and was just a tad young for Vietnam!

    I would go now to fight these wackjobs in a heart beat! But I am the father of a boy who is very close to draft age! It bothers me to think this could happen to him. I would rather go in his place. I think most parents would feel the same!!


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i would hit up the juice and be that guy carrying that big machine gun like rambo, veins busting and being a savage.

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