im doing my first cycle. test e for 16 weeks 500 a week 2 shots of 250.
ive decided to pin my quads. im fairly lean, especially my legs (olympic lifting background).
can i use a 5/8" 25g needle ??
im doing my first cycle. test e for 16 weeks 500 a week 2 shots of 250.
ive decided to pin my quads. im fairly lean, especially my legs (olympic lifting background).
can i use a 5/8" 25g needle ??
Ur 20 yrs old bro, Max out ur natural potential right now and run a cycle a few yrs down the road. It will greatly benefit you to consider waiting till ur at least 25yrs old.
Before you jump into this, please consider the risks. At 20 years of age, you aren't immune to the potential down sides:Originally Posted by Antoinefan
you should really reconsider, cos the risk of doing some permanent damage to yourself is rather high.
after waiting a couple more years for your hormonal system to mature, when you're ready to cycle, i think you should stick to 1inch pins.
I agree with the above Bro.
I think a little more reading and research would benefit you, particularly for someone your age. Your natural testosterone levels are sky high right now. I would concentrate on taking advantage of that as you can make tremendous gains in following few short years.
It’s best to know the complications and associated health risks that could affect you should you decide to embark on this journey sooner than later. A few more years to allow your developing endocrine system to finish growing, and then perhaps look at using AAS.
Otherwise you could be setting yourself up for a host of unwanted side affects including premature closure of your growth plates, Erectile Dysfunction, Gynecomastia (b*tch t*ts), and more..
Take a look at this link and please read it. I think you will agree that it is both informative and educational.
Cheers and good luck.
The Young and Steroids
first time 16weeks? I personally thinks that's far to long for your first cycle, I'd suggest you start off around 6-8 if your using test e, you can go long but there isn't much point, you want to see how your body reacts if its your first time. I did my first cycle at age 17 silly mistake and I regret it. But each to there own.
And yes you can use 25g I use it for every shot.
thanks. ive done an anavar only cycle before and had a noticably harder physique and maybe some strength but im looking for something a little better. i have the gear now so im still gonna run it.
i wasnt planning on skipping PCT. i have enough gear for 16 weeks. but i may only run 12.
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