Does anyone have any experience with b12 and lipo-c injections. I am being told that if I add lipo-c it will really help trigger additional weight loss and provide benefit to my liver. If so, how long should I stay on it?
Does anyone have any experience with b12 and lipo-c injections. I am being told that if I add lipo-c it will really help trigger additional weight loss and provide benefit to my liver. If so, how long should I stay on it?
I've read, and now I will ask you. What exactly is Lipo C? I know what the marketing says it does. But what is it? Do you know? Any data or clinical trials to suggest this stuff is safe?
From what I've been told, it's a group of Amino Acids that help the liver turn fat, cholesterol and triglycerides into energy instead of storing it so you burn this first when you exercise. I can only find a few things on the net which points to it being new and I can't find much negative.. I guess my only question is does it work or is it just another fad. Seems like we are both in the same place with this.Originally Posted by Times Roman
I ask these questions from time to time for a reason.
Right now, Sensa weight loss program is being heavily marketed, spending millions on an ad campaign on a product that is pure BS. borderline fraud in fact.
so before you go sticking anything into your body that is new, reallly check it out. if you don't know what it is, and what it does, then don't put it into your body.
I had friends 20 years ago that were into the phen/phen diet craze. lost alot of weight. then the doctors came out and said uh~OH! come to find out, phen/phen causes serious damage to youur internal organs, and some died from it.
here is a site you can go to if you want to read:
and here is a site that will explain how to make an oral version that is supposed to be 95% as effective as the injectible version.
I'm really not seeing it out there for fat loss. maybe a little more diggging........................?
Just saw this thread. Here's some interesting info on it guys from a trusted source:
What is Lipo – C?
Lipo – C is the latest in fat loss injections that combines the fat burning attributes of the latest discoveries in medical weight control. Lipo – C, the next generation of fat loss injections, takes the ingredients of Lipo – B and adds powerful additional ingredients to break down fat into fatty-acids that are then utilized for metabolic energy, further ridding the body of unwanted fat while supplying the cofactors needed to support the body’s ability to burn fat for energy.
What can Lipo – C do for me?
Studies show that the compounds in Lipo - C reduce fat mass, increase muscle mass, and reduce fatigue.
In addition, they can help prevent osteoporosis, strengthen the muscles of the heart, control or reverse diabetes, and act as powerful antioxidants. They can improve liver function and protect against liver damage, correct mitochondrial dysfunction, increase the production of bile, and improve energy without stimulants.
What is different with Lipo – C versus Lipo – B, Lipo – Den, or previous generation Lipo’s?
Lipo – C has included compounds that not only kill fat cells, but help release fat cells so that they are utilized preferentially for energy in the body. So, it is a multi-faceted approach to fat loss that utilizes more than one physiologic mechanism for getting rid of fat in the body.
How quickly will Lipo – C begin to work?
Lipo – C begins to work within minutes after it is injected and is not limited by a minimum dose or contraindicated with other weight loss products.
Can I get Lipo - C anywhere else?
No, Lipo – C was invented by Dr. Rand McClain and is available only at our centers in XXXXXXXXXXX. Lipo-C is prescribed and compounded at a pharmacy which specializes in compounding lipotropic medications
Lipo-C ingredients:
Lipo-C contains a specific formula of:
Lipotropics- Lipotropic nutrients are a class of natural ingredients that play important role in the body’s usage of fat. These compounds enhance the liver and gallbladders role by decreasing fat deposits and speeding up metabolism of fat and its removal. Compounding pharmacies which specialize in injectable lipotropics create a specific formula, also known as M.I.C. Combo, which has proven to be an effective aid in total fat loss. This lipotropic formula forms the foundational ingredients in Lipo-A, Lipo-B, and our Lipo-C injections.
Super B Complex- Super B complex contains a specific blend of injectable B-Vitamins which act as a potentiater for fat loss. 8 specific nutrients from the B family form the B-Complex, each individual nutrient serving a specific function. These functions include: assisting the body in the handling of stress; increasing energy; optimizing cardiovascular health; increased brain function; boost anti-oxidant protection from free radicals (through replenishing L-Glutathione); and maintaining an optimal metabolism.
Lipocarn- L-Carnitine is an amino acid which is required for the transport and breakdown of body fat for the generation of metabolic energy. Studies show that oral L-Carnitine supplementation can decrease fat mass, increase muscle mass, and reduce fatigue (University of Maryland Medical Centre, 2002). Like most nutritional supplements, a high dose is needed when taken orally to produce any efficacy since so little is absorbed during digestion. When administered via injection, nutrients like L-Carnitine are absorbed almost 100%. By following the pharmacies 10-1 ratio of absorption in oral versus injected L-Carntine, our Lipo-C provides the equivalent of 2000mg of Carnitine per injection.
Methylcobalamin- Methylcobalamin is a cobalamin used in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. Methylcobalamin has been advocated to protect the cognitive function of patients suffering from depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, stroke, and ALS. Supplementing with mehtylcobalamin while following a low calorie diet can increase alertness and energy, as well as supply the body with what it needs for healthy cellular growth and function. Vegetarians especially benefit from methylcobalamin since this compound tends to be prevalent in meat proteins. Also known as vitamin B12, Methylcobalamin is the most bio-available form which means it is readily absorbed and used by the body once injected. Many over the counter B12 supplements consist of Cyanocobalamin, also a cobalamin, which must first convert to methylcobalamin within the liver for the body to have any use for it.
How supplied:
Lipo-C is an injectable nutraceutical compounded at XXXXXXXXX
· Single injection of 1 ml subq every day. Prescribing info:
· : Lipo C, 30mL multi-dosed vial, as directed
When is Lipo-C best administered:
Lipo-C is best taken daily, upon waking up on an empty stomach. Lipo-C can also be administered prior to exercise during the day. If daily injections are not possible, Lipo-C can be taken twice per week in higher volume.
Side effects:
Side effects associated with Lipo-C pertain to the injection itself. Due to the Ph level of Lipo-C, patients may experience mild to moderate “burning” and irritation at the injection site. This can be minimized by injecting Lipo-C slowly, up to 30 seconds, and also by using a ½” insulin needle for a deeper injection. Although very rare, patients may experience a rash at the site of injection.
Supplies Needed:
30 Gauge 1ml “insulin” syringes
Alcohol swabs
Sharps container
From Dr McClain: “For Lipo-C, studies have shown that a combination of choline, L-carnitine and caffeine have improved body composition (reduced fat and increased muscle glycogen) in those that do not exercise and increased VO2 max (along with improving body composition even more so) in those that exercise. Choline (in various forms, bitartrate, chloride, and phosphatidyl) has long been used to reverse and prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver ("fatty liver") and to lower ALT (liver enzyme) in athletes. L-methionine prevents the formation of VLDL and keeps fat from accumulating in the arteries.”
Hope it clears it up a bit.
Great info.. Thanks for sharing.. Just yesterday I switched to a longer needle because I was having the exact problem illustrated in your response.. Seems to be making a difference on the last two injections. Am only a few weeks trying this out so will let you know if I see any progress.
Basically sounds like injectable L-Carn. Do they mention how the l-Carn is to be shuttled to the muscles for saturation?
dawg I'm working on getting more technical info on it as I'm interested in it's LBM potential myself. I will post it up if/when I obtain it. Sounds like an interesting product....
I used for a while and ended up stopping after 45 days. I had to change to a longer needle 1/2" because I had lumps everywhere on my stomach and it was taking forever to dissolve fully. Never really got to see if it worked or not.Originally Posted by rdent95
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