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Which defeats the purpose of injecting SQ, you can obtain the same result by not injecting testosterone at all. If you absorbing less test, that means you have to inject more to get the same effect which would probably have the same effect on estrogen.
In my case I was absorbing almost no test.
You should try again without HCG or AI. Your experiment is flawed since HCG and AI can raise your test levels. Thats why I went with testosterone alone. When I did HCG mono therapy in the past my test levels went up to 700 ish @250 iu a day. AIs are also known to increase testosterone levels.
Its possible you are absorbing very little to no testosterone. You wont know for sure unless you redo your bw only using testosterone.
@kelkel, have you tested just SQ alone? If not, its also possible your SQ injections are going to waste.
Im not here to tell people how to inject, but if they think they are getting the same absorption rates using SQ, its clearly not the case for me and others may have similar absorption rates. Introducing ancillaries in your protocol only cloud your results.
Baseline (no testosterone injections) 284 ng/dL
100mg Test-Cyp 1x a week Sub-Q 366 ng/dL (increase of 82 ng/DL) - basically within the standard deviation.
100mg Test-Cyp 1x a week IM 792 ng/dL (May 11, 2012) - increase of 512 ng/dL
This is a HUGE difference in absorption rates. Thats like 16% absorption rate if you consider IM as 100% (and I dont know what the absorption rate for IM is)
SQ is 16% (82/512) as effective as IM. 84% is metabolized.