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Thread: Switching test well into cycle. Viable?

  1. #1

    Switching test well into cycle. Viable?

    Hello all.

    Running my third cycle using 750mg test E per week. Im using enanthate 250 and i feel like I'm going through it like its going out of style.

    My question is would switching to test 400 be better? I'm thinking money wise of course but I'm curious of switching compounds would be a bad idea?

    I don't mind shelling out the extra money if it's not viable to switch but if I'm flushing it down the tube with the 250 I'll switch hands down.

    Like always feedback is much appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    There is nothing wrong with switching...keep in mind that it will change your mg per week a bit because of the fiff ester wights in T400! Not too mention that in order to take FULL advantage of the prop in T400 it should be injected EOD!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Only your 3rd cycle and you are doing 750mg test.Why is that? You could still be making great gains off 500mg and saving money.Grow into your dose!

  4. #4
    Originally I had read that test 400 was made up of different types of test but my friend (who is cycling with me) is running it and I looked at his vial and it says test 400 enanthate?

    Kind of confusing

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