Ive been taking my clen for two weeks as of today. I started at 20mcg and incresed by 2omcgs per day till i hit 120mcgs and i have been there since..The first week i lost only three lbs and thats it after two weeks... My diet has been very good since i started and ive be doing cardio and lifting 5-7 days a week.. I havent been able to do as much cardio as i would like.. but atleast a half hour to some days an hour.. It differs the pain in my shins and legs are pretty bad in the first half hour or so but are definetley getting better... Aand yes im taking the taurine and eating 2-3 bannanas a day.. bout to start the keto tommorow evening.. I heard to start at 1 mcg? is that correct?
Any ideas on why im not dropping the weight and why the pain could be disturbing my work out? i guess some days are better then others....its not horrible...