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-Passed health care reform ( I think this country absolutely needs health care reform, but I opt for universal healthcare plan for everyone in the US, something like Australia has would be perfect in my opinion)
-Passed stimulus (Signed $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid greatest recession since the Great Depression- thanks BUSH)
- Passed Wall Street Reforme- Which is needed because I think wall street rapes the people of America daily
-Ended war in Iraq
-starting to get out of Afghanistan
-Eliminated Osama
-Turned US Auto industry around
-Recapitalized banks (In the midst of financial crisis, approved controversial Treasury Department plan to lure private capital into the country’s largest banks via “stress tests” of their balance sheets and a public-private fund to buy their “toxic” assets. Got banks back on their feet at essentially zero cost to the government.)
-Don't ask don't tell was repealed which is a huge step with social change in this country
-Toppled Moammar Gaddafi
-Told Mubarak to Go
-Reversed Bush Torture Policies
-Improved America’s Image Abroad (IMPORTANT)
-Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded Pell Grant Spending
-Created Race to the Top (With funds from stimulus, started $4.35 billion program of competitive grants to encourage and reward states for education reform.)
-Boosted fuel efficiency standards (I think that was smart considering one day our dependent asses will be out of oil)
- Passed mini stimulus
-He increased Department of Veteran Affairs budget, also signed new GI bill with billions of more dollars in tuition assistance to vets
- tightened sanctions on Iran
-Clean Energy!!! (began shutting down dirty power plants... this did cost jobs... and beside solar and wind energy, most ways of making energy are horribly dirty)
-Passed credit card reforms (makes credit card companies notify you before increasing rates/fees)
-Expanded National Service
-Expanded wilderness and watershed protection (I love that he did this, I am an avid outdoors person)
-Pushed federal agencies to be green leaders
-Is crafting next generation school tests because the way the US teached their kids is an absolute joke... Hence the reason why we are not even in the top 15 smartest countries
-cracked down on bad for-profit schools... A lot of thee online schools you see commercials for on TV are not even accredited by the states in which their schools are in
- Improved school nutrition
-hate crimes protection
-expanded healthcare coverage for children
-expanded stem cell research
-provided payment to wronged minority farmers
I think he is doing a lot of things right in this country, obviously within the last 3 decades there has been a large shift and a polarization of parties. People are split now more than ever, which I think is dangerous. Politics are getting crazy. I am happy he is taking a stand on social issues in America. I love that he supports the LGBT community and equal rights for all, I like that he is trying to fix our FVCKED up healthcare system... NO ONE should have to lose everything because of medical bills... I still think he could do better when it comes to the health care system, but at least he is trying to do something. It is nearly impossible for anything to get pushed through congress or the house.