The learning curve is sharp and swift
Shooting cyp is baby poop compared to prop. 1.5mL of prop will probably be comparative to what you have done. As you progress, this will subside. You have virgin muscle and it's not used to the pockets of oil and hormone you are feeding it. Prop is painful by nature, and cyp tends to be more smooth. I would recommend shooting delts because avoiding use is more comfortable than avoiding use of your legs. In my first cycle, I would also split up small shots and do 2 per shot day just to alleviate the stress I'm putting on the site. Here's a good pattern;
Left delt, right glute. Next shot day; right delt, left glute. Next shot day; left delt, right quad and so on. Smaller shots won't kick AS BAD, but still can kick... Just not mule kick lol. I should also mention that I would do the majority of the shots in the delts for a couple weeks and lesser amounts in the quads or glutes at first to introduce the substance slowly.
Good luck peg-leg