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Thread: any signs that the clomid is working?

  1. #1

    any signs that the clomid is working?

    i am just beginning my clomid therapy and was wondering if there are signs or symptoms of recovery? it would cheer me up to know that it was working because i feel like sh*t right now. so far my nuts have dropped and are producing a lot of semen just from one 50mg tab. is this normal? also, how long (days) after they drop and start producing semen will i be normal again? and will this girlish and emotionally unstable feeling i have go away as i return to normal or will i have to wait until clomid therapy is over? thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    it should subside, slowly, but you should have that PMS feeling. Your balls should get back to regular size in time, and bloodwork will tell you if it completely worked or not.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    it should subside, slowly, but you should have that PMS feeling. Your balls should get back to regular size in time, and bloodwork will tell you if it completely worked or not.
    Agreed....... blood work is the only way to tell if HPTA functions have recover fully.

    I don't get emotional on clomid. Can't help you there bro.

  4. #4
    thanks guys
    can you FEEL a difference though by the end of therapy? can you feel like you have test running through you again (regain libido, feel like a man again, etc.)? thanks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I didn't on my last PCT. I'm having to do another 2 weeks of clomid to get back to normal. Everyone is different.

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