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Thread: Smaller frames

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Smaller frames

    Is there anyone on here that currently has a smaller frame or started out at this size? Throughout high school I weighed 135 all four years. I was a workout fiend as well as a 3 sport athlete. I tried everything to gain weight and just couldn't pack any on. I ate 5k calories per day, was on hospital grade weight gainer and couldn't add any weight. Now, 10 years later I have finally been able to put on quality weight with over the counter supplementation and diet. I have taken a hiatus from the gym for 4 months to try and pack on extra pounds. If I maintain my cardio and hit the gym I can barely hold 160 pounds. I am currently at 175ish eating fairly clean and would like to stay at this weight---but I just know it will melt off when I start the gym next week. Im 5'10 with an athletic frame, just not a lot of bulk. As soon as I get thru with this last vacation I am going to start with serotim. Does anyone with a similiar situation have any good stories or things they found that worked great for them. Diet/routine/hgh/other. Thanks dudes

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    deleted due to relevance (I misread op post)
    Last edited by dtob; 01-28-2013 at 11:50 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    dtob---you got me all excited that you had something for me!!! lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Synergy1
    dtob---you got me all excited that you had something for me!!! lol
    well i did but it didnt really answer your question
    i too was 145 5'10' out of high school and worked out for a year hard only to gain a few pounds i was then advised to eat more alot more so i basically did a great big dirty bulk and kept working out or another year and boom 194 10-12% its been hard going since though due to injuries

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I hear you. The past 4/5 months Ive kept in decent shape by playing pick up ball and rec league games, but have stayed off the running trail and out of the gym. I just wanted to see what my weight would do if I maintained my intake and backed down the burn. I have def lost muscle mass and have about "1 ab" left. I call it skinny fat guy syndrome. Just a little loose in the cage and def not the norm. But........I am steady b/t 173-178. Now If I could hover around 180 and hit the gym like I want---i would be a monster (for a non body builder). Can't believe you put on 50lbs in one year---did you use anything to enhance you diet/workout routine?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Synergy1
    Can't believe you put on 50lbs in one year---did you use anything to enhance you diet/workout routine?
    its actually not that huge of a gain if you consider i was not eating anywhere near my requirements before the gym so i was probably down 15 or so right there and then consider the years worth of hard training i did without proper diet had me totally primed for growth so when i figured out i need to way up my carb/protein intake my body got the missing piece of the puzzle so to speak
    but to answer your question no there was no performance enhancers for me at that time
    creatine monohydrate and dextrose was all the supps i used well along with mass builder shakes

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    Lots of guys think they eat enough but don't come anywhere close. If you keep at it you'll do just fine I have a friend in the similar situation but he's 125lb.. He seriously looks sick its nasty, he thinks he was eating enough then I looked at his daily meals and sure he had allot on his plate but ate maybe half of it. Eating tons will e the hardest part

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by dtob View Post
    its actually not that huge of a gain if you consider i was not eating anywhere near my requirements before the gym so i was probably down 15 or so right there and then consider the years worth of hard training i did without proper diet had me totally primed for growth so when i figured out i need to way up my carb/protein intake my body got the missing piece of the puzzle so to speak
    but to answer your question no there was no performance enhancers for me at that time
    creatine monohydrate and dextrose was all the supps i used well along with mass builder shakes
    Very nice dude. Thanks for taking the time to respond. I have noticed a slow down since I turned 30. Nothing crazy, but I don't have the same energy and drive I used to. I'm ready to get that back. Looking and feeling good is what its all about-----and achieving it in a way you know you are treating your body right. I'm in the healthcare field and work with athletes and injuries day in and day out. When it comes to supplementing and alternative measures---you can never learn enough or stop asking questions to see from all perspectives.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2001
    i wrestled 119-125 in college at 5'6, ive been over 200lbs too. I cant see how you are eating 5k calories and staying that weight, unless its junk food or 2k calorie shakes. Cause i can be over 200 on 3500 calories.
    And no gh isnt going to get you where you want to be. you will be wasting time and money,
    'Your best bet is to get to the nutrition section and post your diet. In the end diet will determine what you weigh no matter what you take
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Thanks gixxer---took this advice and posted my diet---which is pretty labor intensive--lots of weekly prep. I eat as clean as possible---i'm a decent drinker one night a week on a friday or saturday night, but ive cut out all the other garbage entirely. Sometimes it is frustrating but I know you can't cut corners. I'm just ready to commit to this program and feel good about the hard work im putting in.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    this is very simple and will always come down to this..

    You are a certian height a certain weight and a certain activity level and if you maintain your weight you are eating the same amount of calories that you use this is called " maintenance calories" or your TDEE

    TDEE= total daily energy expended

    when you eat 500 cals and below TDEE consecutively it will result in weight loss

    when you eat 500 cals and above TDD it will result in weight gain.

    From here on out your macros produce the type of weight gained or lost.

    yes there are 3 different body types and variances in between of which use those calories differently but the rule still applies and all that is adjust is the macros.

    Tdee is Tdee no matter what as long as you are human.

    If you eat 5K calories ( which i really doubt) but if you do all this means is you use 5000 calories.

    for example swimmer micheal phelps eats 12k calories a day.. and guess what he is a skinny twig, why? because he uses 12k calories due to his activity level which is relative to TDEE

    as a result just add 500 plus calories and you will grow, no way you can not unless you are an Alien Life Form....

    so what happens when you increase cardio? you need more calories to maintain your current weight..
    what happens if you stop cardio, you need less calories to maintain your current weight.

    no special drug or steroid will make you gain weight and keep it unless your body is feed in surplus of what it currently has
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-30-2013 at 10:32 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    You know, I going back over and trying to see where I may be overestimating some caloric value. I agree, the math adds up to be able to keep that weight on when in full training. My goal was 4k so I've already tried to err on the side of underestimation! We will see! I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the insight dude!

    Ps. What do you feel like hgh or aas would help me with?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Np man... the only way your going to make gains is write down what you eat and add it up.. if you need help hit us up.... i have tons of calcualtors for this.

    Not a drug on the planet will make you grow unless you eat up or down pertaining to your goal

    aas and gh are both great drugs and will do wonders but will do nothing unless you do what I stated. NOTHING. it is such a false impression this world has that steroids make you big, when people see jacked up ass dudes they say " steroids" I say. "holy shit that dude put in a lot of work what the heck does he eat?"

    over est is easy... i did it.. and had the same problem..... thought i was was gettn 4k i was gettn 2800.. did it when i was younger.. couldnt grow so i came to terms with it and realized what it was..........

  14. #14
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Np man... the only way your going to make gains is write down what you eat and add it up.. if you need help hit us up.... i have tons of calcualtors for this.

    Not a drug on the planet will make you grow unless you eat up or down pertaining to your goal

    aas and gh are both great drugs and will do wonders but will do nothing unless you do what I stated. NOTHING. it is such a false impression this world has that steroids make you big, when people see jacked up ass dudes they say " steroids" I say. "holy shit that dude put in a lot of work what the heck does he eat?"

    over est is easy... i did it.. and had the same problem..... thought i was was gettn 4k i was gettn 2800.. did it when i was younger.. couldnt grow so i came to terms with it and realized what it was..........
    Awesome: Thanks again---embrace the change!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    LOL sounds good man! get to it

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