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Thread: GHRP-2 inquiry

  1. #1
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    GHRP-2 inquiry

    Will running ghrp-2 alone show me the results i want ? small strength increase, fat loss smooth skin, enhanced sleep..ect. So long as my diet and training are solid ?
    i had to abort my last cycle and am in the middle of my pct. im planning on taking some time off and then starting back up a simple test enan 500mg/week 12-16 week cycle.
    will the peptide help me out while im off ? just want an extra kick. im also going to start using a creatine

  2. #2
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Antoinefan
    Will running ghrp-2 alone show me the results i want ? small strength increase, fat loss smooth skin, enhanced sleep..ect. So long as my diet and training are solid ?
    i had to abort my last cycle and am in the middle of my pct. im planning on taking some time off and then starting back up a simple test enan 500mg/week 12-16 week cycle.
    will the peptide help me out while im off ? just want an extra kick. im also going to start using a creatine
    It will create a small gH burst, but by adding mod(1-29) it will amplify that gH burst significantly. The lipolysis will be slightly increased, may receive a better nights sleep, but the anabolic gains take a longer time to take into effect.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    It will create a small gH burst, but by adding mod(1-29) it will amplify that gH burst significantly. The lipolysis will be slightly increased, may receive a better nights sleep, but the anabolic gains take a longer time to take into effect.
    in terms of keep gains while running the peptied during and after a cycle, also throughout my pct, how will that be ? sorry for the ense of cluelessness, im new to the ghrp/ghrh scene. dont have the $$ to put out for GH

  4. #4
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Antoinefan

    in terms of keep gains while running the peptied during and after a cycle, also throughout my pct, how will that be ? sorry for the ense of cluelessness, im new to the ghrp/ghrh scene. dont have the $$ to put out for GH
    I think it could only help, I can't guarantee anything, I'd have to look into it, I use it mainly for weight loss. But either way, I'd recommend using the mod with it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I think it could only help, I can't guarantee anything, I'd have to look into it, I use it mainly for weight loss. But either way, I'd recommend using the mod with it.
    thanks for the help !

  6. #6
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    Aug 2012
    mod grf1-29 (or cjc to a lesser extent) suppress the bodies release of somatostatin, which prevents the release of your homemade store of GH. it is impossible, for our intents and purposes, to know when somatostatin is quiet, so pinning any of the ghrp's without mod grf1-29 or cjc is basically useless.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by kmms View Post
    mod grf1-29 (or cjc to a lesser extent) suppress the bodies release of somatostatin, which prevents the release of your homemade store of GH. it is impossible, for our intents and purposes, to know when somatostatin is quiet, so pinning any of the ghrp's without mod grf1-29 or cjc is basically useless.
    Perfect ^^^

    and easy way to put it is, ghrp is a intensifier of your natural gh pulse. they cjc/mod is a "on switch" for the pulse. unless you flip the on switch to on you are only guessing if you are having a naturally occuring pulse to magnify so ghrp alone is a huge waste and always a hit or miss and very little chance youd hit it on a pulse.

    ps , read my log in this section and all your answers will be there. It helps a ton on keeping gains!
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-25-2013 at 08:34 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kmms View Post
    mod grf1-29 (or cjc to a lesser extent) suppress the bodies release of somatostatin, which prevents the release of your homemade store of GH. it is impossible, for our intents and purposes, to know when somatostatin is quiet, so pinning any of the ghrp's without mod grf1-29 or cjc is basically useless.
    EXACTLY the info i was looking for. thank you

    ill talk to my source and see if i can grab both.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Perfect ^^^

    and easy way to put it is, ghrp is a intensifier of your natural gh pulse. they cjc/mod is a "on switch" for the pulse. unless you flip the on switch to on you are only guessing if you are having a naturally occuring pulse to magnify so ghrp alone is a huge waste and always a hit or miss and very little chance youd hit it on a pulse.

    ps , read my log in this section and all your answers will be there. It helps a ton on keeping gains!
    thanks dude ill ceck it out !!

  10. #10
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    no prob, yep grab them both!

    make sure if you get cjc-1295 you order the W/O DAC version. just regular cjc-1295 will not do you much more good than running the ghrp alone...........

  11. #11
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    Jun 2009
    ^^ quick jump in i use cjc-1293 and since you are best at simplifying the answer can you explain the difference

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgt2jay View Post
    ^^ quick jump in i use cjc-1293 and since you are best at simplifying the answer can you explain the difference
    You use cjc-1293 with or without DAC? None-the-less you should be using cjc-1295 no DAC (mod GRF) as it has a longer half-life than cjc-1293 no DAC which in turn suppress the bodies release of somatostatin for longer so the GHRP is able to do it's thing and produce a strong pulse of GH. Either cjc with DAC will lead to GH bleed as DAC slows down the half-life for WAY to long in which you get a constant small trickle of GH that basically desensitizes the body...what we need and the body strives for is large pulses of GH that don't last longer than 3 hours. These large pulses are what takes place (naturally) during puberty when we grow the most. Here's a graph that represents what I'm talking about...notice the GRF/GHRP pulse is what we are after...the cjc-1295 (shown in green) is with DAC so as you can see the GH trickle effect which leads to GH bleed (very bad)!Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ghpulse.jpg 
Views:	2341 
Size:	172.9 KB 
ID:	132680

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    You use cjc-1293 with or without DAC? None-the-less you should be using cjc-1295 no DAC (mod GRF) as it has a longer half-life than cjc-1293 no DAC which in turn suppress the bodies release of somatostatin for longer so the GHRP is able to do it's thing and produce a strong pulse of GH. Either cjc with DAC will lead to GH bleed as DAC slows down the half-life for WAY to long in which you get a constant small trickle of GH that basically desensitizes the body...what we need and the body strives for is large pulses of GH that don't last longer than 3 hours. These large pulses are what takes place (naturally) during puberty when we grow the most. Here's a graph that represents what I'm talking about...notice the GRF/GHRP pulse is what we are after...the cjc-1295 (shown in green) is with DAC so as you can see the GH trickle effect which leads to GH bleed (very bad)!Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ghpulse.jpg 
Views:	2341 
Size:	172.9 KB 
ID:	132680
    Imola is perfect on what he says.

    on another note, id say most peptide retailers do not label their product as to what is correctly. 1293/1295/GRF with or without DAC, and tough to tell even what you have

    There is no real way for me to explain easily on what analog was derived from what as it would be severely confusing to the line of peptides and where they derived from. Any movement or modification to an analog or amino and we have a completely new name product, adding DAC/lysine or swapping an amino or what not will all still be a GHRH.

    The best no dought is MOD GRF AKA cjc1295 w/o dac

    i have a great write up on peps and what not but i have been struggling to put it in simple terms, sometimes i get a half a page written and i delete it all, like today! lol

    *yes SGT2Jay do you have the DAC version or non?
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-28-2013 at 01:33 PM.

  14. #14
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    i get it thanks. i am using 1293 no dac from the sponsor sadly the sponsor doesntseem to carrry 1295 no dac. honestly i knew what i wanted but i saw the no dac and ordered not really paying attention after that. I am assuming the protocol is still the same. 3x daily being ideal.

    lesson learned
    Last edited by sgt2jay; 01-28-2013 at 04:19 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgt2jay View Post
    i get it thanks. i am using 1293 no dac from the sponsor sadly the sponsor doesntseem to carrry 1295 no dac. honestly i knew what i wanted but i saw the no dac and ordered not really paying attention after that. I am assuming the protocol is still the same. 3x daily being ideal.

    lesson learned
    Yeah same worries bro, I screwed up and started w/ 1293 no DAC when I started peps as well. Like you said, lesson learned.

  16. #16
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    Imola , he is confused because ar labels their 1293 and specifies it its 1295 w/o dac... again this is what i meant on retailers not labeling correctly.

    i believe he could be using the correct stuff...

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Imola , he is confused because ar labels their 1293 and specifies it its 1295 w/o dac... again this is what i meant on retailers not labeling correctly.

    i believe he could be using the correct stuff...
    Oh I see! The peptide supplier I started off using had both cjc-1293 no DAC and cjc-1295 no DAC so that's why I was confused. Thanks for the heads up larger

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Oh I see! The peptide supplier I started off using had both cjc-1293 no DAC and cjc-1295 no DAC so that's why I was confused. Thanks for the heads up larger
    np bro!!

  19. #19
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    M302. As you may have read there has been some confusion with the discription on 1293 stating same as 1295 w/o Dac. Well I ordered based of that come to find out an honest mistake was made in the description. If I we to continue using 1293 would you say it is best to run that once a day and my ghrp three times a day

    My thoughts are with the slower release/longer I wouldn't need to dose three time with the ghrp

  20. #20
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by sgt2jay View Post
    M302. As you may have read there has been some confusion with the discription on 1293 stating same as 1295 w/o Dac. Well I ordered based of that come to find out an honest mistake was made in the description. If I we to continue using 1293 would you say it is best to run that once a day and my ghrp three times a day

    My thoughts are with the slower release/longer I wouldn't need to dose three time with the ghrp
    Ok now I'm're using cjc-1293 with DAC? If so, I've seen this same question over on Dat's forum and he recommended using it the same was you would use the no DAC analog which is 100mcg w/ every 100mcg GHRP dose. Does that make since?

  21. #21
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    yes his cjc has DAC, its because the 1293 has a poop half life... i know most people still shoot it 3x per day, i dont know if this is the correct way to do it. But thats how everyone does that i have seen

    From a DAC stand point id say maybe 1x per day 1293 along with 3x per day ghrp.. I am going to figure this our for ya SGT

    wondering to myself if even a 5 on 2 off protocol may come into play here
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 02-01-2013 at 01:33 PM.

  22. #22
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    M302 yes come to find out is is 1293 w/dac. the discription was in correct by supplier and just 2 days ago it was changed.

    Larger no need to do much on my part i am on my last vial now and will make the correct switch to 1295 w/o dac. I know Jimmy for outr thread is looking for a good anser as well so lets see what we can find.

    for me my plan is to take next week and find the correct 1295 w/o dac.

    thansk guys for all the info.

  23. #23
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    np, good luck buddy! ill get in touch with jimmy n let him know what my research has brought

  24. #24
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    I have not read your journal yet on peptide use.

    I have read it and PM'd

    But I read on other forums and different research sites on the Internet that GHRP 2 if taken at night before bed time and you reconstitute 2 mg with 1 mL of Bac water take .10 every day before bed and it will help loose weight and heal tissue damage ex. tentions rotator cuffs, hyper extented elbows and even knee and delt issues ? I am not disagreeing nor do I have the grounded knowledge to state what I justed typed as a fact I am just sharing what I have read and I am asking does anyone have knowledge as to GHRP 2 taken 1 x daily and .10 mL will help burn fat while sleeping and repair tissue ?

    PS. I am getting GHRP 2 for free right now when I spend $100.00 with my peptide friend he sends me 5 2mg vials

    I am already using TB-500 and it is the real deal but I am 53 and not on the best diet just eating good foods mainly high protein , target miniumial carbs and 2 gals of water a day, no fried foods, no dairy products other than 1 glass of milk a day and skilm with protein shakes, no white patatos, a few sweet patatos, tons of fish and chicken + nuts , Greek yougart, 250 grams of protein a day and almost a meals worth of good supplements DHEA, D3, fish oil, omega 3, saw palmetto grass, magnesium, zinc , Injectable B12. Only 3 mths of TRT went from (78) to 468 in 59 days total test and free test .1 above normal. In the past mth I and others have seen a body transformation . I am just shooting for a trim lean body and really I am getting bigger tha I want to I would rather be lean than gain the size I am gaining ! In my 20's we said "grow or die" and "excess is best" To add at 53 and ran over by a truck in 02 i am please with the past 5 mths 3 on TRT ! I am loosing fat I am getting vascular from the hands and it seems to be working it's way up my arms to my bicepts and my face has lost considerable amount of that puffy look ! lol For the life of me I am having the hardest time loosing my not obese just not tight double chin I have a beard and would like to shave it but the puffy chin would be obvious ! I am pinning some days 2 times a day now with great peptides like 176-191, MT-II , Cialis fr vascularity, TB=500 is a mirical pep for tissue repair and the 176-191 melts fat. I just can't for the life of me figure out how to workout my chin . . . . . lol ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-05-2013 at 08:31 PM.

  25. #25
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    responded to your PM bro.........

    ghrp-2 will do nothing for ya...... yes its best to take it before bed because we are guessing were going to have a GH pulse. Why guess when we can be sure.

    consider GHRH to add to this.

    any questions feel free to ask.

    also if dosing one a day that 5mg bottle will last 48 days, your BAC water only lasts 28. id do it 3x per day along side mod grf(1-29) also 3x per day..

    1x per day will yield little to no results. and even less alone by itself.

    as for the chin it will diminish when your bf% drops. Unless youve always had it. 53 i dont think is old where it just be hanging off your neck. I would guess youd have to be close to 20% bf.

    as for your diet, over all foods look great. but again it takes more than that. high protein and low carbs may not be the best macro split for ya. its best to write down what you eat and add it up. eat in the same macro split weeks on end. see how you react then re adjust the macros.

    For your age id recommend 50/30/20 to start of at, your tdee is probably around 2500 calories. In order to drop fat wed have to be about 500 or so below that in the macro split i am talking about.

    Hit me up in the nutrition section if you need help .
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 02-06-2013 at 12:59 PM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    responded to your PM bro.........

    ghrp-2 will do nothing for ya...... yes its best to take it before bed because we are guessing were going to have a GH pulse. Why guess when we can be sure.

    consider GHRH to add to this.

    any questions feel free to ask.

    also if dosing one a day that 5mg bottle will last 48 days, your BAC water only lasts 28. id do it 3x per day along side mod grf(1-29) also 3x per day..

    1x per day will yield little to no results. and even less alone by itself.

    as for the chin it will diminish when your bf% drops. Unless youve always had it. 53 i dont think is old where it just be hanging off your neck. I would guess youd have to be close to 20% bf.

    as for your diet, over all foods look great. but again it takes more than that. high protein and low carbs may not be the best macro split for ya. its best to write down what you eat and add it up. eat in the same macro split weeks on end. see how you react then re adjust the macros.

    For your age id recommend 50/30/20 to start of at, your tdee is probably around 2500 calories. In order to drop fat wed have to be about 500 or so below that in the macro split i am talking about.

    Hit me up in the nutrition section if you need help .

    lol ! Right no Turkey gobbler yet just not tight to my chin like 20 years ago . . . . lol

    headed to dietary info ! I am lost to formulas and I just kind of came up with that diet on my own being on TRT and no blast until I get it nalanced and then will go atomic for 12 weeks and then back to balance TRT I abused juice in my 20 and I miss the easy gains even with the TRT help it is still not the same ! For 12 weeks in about 14 more mths it will be Grow or die ! Gona blast masteron anavar Winstrol and do a blast of pure lean muscle !

  27. #27
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    Yep until you get the "formulas'' down those easy gains will never anymore, age is a factor.

    good foods in the wrong split can yeild no gains or losses at that, or unwanted weight.

    the formulas are simple as you will see.

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